Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetOctober 2013

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


Banks. Stock of bonds and sertificates, by sector. NOK million
October 2013September 2013August 2013July 2013June 2013May 2013April 2013March 2013February 2013January 2013December 2012November 2012October 2012
Total stock664 918659 933648 631634 369637 937640 843655 004650 624638 621623 915644 245623 885621 516
Non-financial corporations16 94218 43518 50717 10517 42619 58720 23419 18820 03818 89018 73921 75421 241
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........1493..014914814880
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government5 1914 9074 8604 0774 2094 5755 4875 6435 9494 9965 0916 9067 230
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government3818301515151515..265247519466
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government3 8354 1564 6764 1404 0874 8895 4774 4714 0094 9234 0074 3564 825
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises7 8789 3538 9408 8729 1149 9579 2519 05810 0798 5569 2429 8258 628
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises1111111111411
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises........................10
Financial corporations298 651299 832298 553294 308295 751297 585289 848291 396288 985286 763285 390285 832280 145
Norges Bank..........................
Banks34 75537 71935 61133 76435 97435 77334 16535 37635 33734 63834 81733 27232 886
Mortgage companies259 782258 223259 229256 877255 691257 236250 613251 101248 513246 658244 556246 777242 247
Finance companies1 6121 2791 2161 2061 5681 3981 8781 6141 6281 9152 1551 8771 106
State lending institutions etc...........................
Financial holding companies1 5311 6541 6031 6041 6542 2422 2402 2142 2732 2922 2202 4672 496
Mutual funds..........................
Investment trusts and private equity funds148145143135134144144170306350748544351
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds726673623623623625634740738736724725870
Life insurance companies and pension funds9413612796106166175181191174170170190
Non-life insurance companies22222................
General government114 768112 518108 784105 294103 876108 025127 878126 002119 990115 220119 039107 109114 300
Central government95 76292 70088 80286 13487 12388 816106 458105 38199 49897 368100 37486 93594 538
Local government19 00619 81819 98219 15916 75319 20921 42020 62120 49217 85218 66520 17419 762
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Unincorporated enterprises within households..........................
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusice housing cooperatives etc...........................
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........................
Unspecified sector..........................
Rest of the world230 261225 382219 831214 148217 553211 957212 962210 738206 475200 641217 652206 132202 960
General government, abroad40 79939 83539 22338 18638 54543 07745 96245 48144 32643 03843 32643 32843 258
Banks and financial institutions, abroad174 138172 181167 738162 872165 388156 431154 131152 451150 086146 182162 890150 841148 316
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad15 32413 36612 87013 08913 61912 45012 87012 80712 06311 42111 43611 96411 386
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value3 3002 7701 9592 5182 3363 6894 0823 3003 1322 4013 4253 0572 871