Banking and financial markets

Financial corporations, balance sheetJuly 2015

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


Banks. Deposits by depositor sector and type of deposit . NOK million1
March 2015February 2015January 2015December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014June 2014May 2014April 2014March 2014
1Statistics Norway is implementing a change to the classification of type of deposits. This entails a postponement in publications of table including deposits by type of deposit from the next statistical release.
Total deposits3 114 7493 073 4623 065 7693 087 4422 935 0522 952 0232 865 3122 920 2162 914 4812 936 7692 892 0562 945 9212 832 265
Transaction deposits1 230 4981 224 7121 226 8301 199 1351 200 3241 181 3041 157 8821 165 9791 182 0781 220 2051 150 5781 145 0501 121 681
Non-financial corporations425 526408 162430 375426 456415 511420 318400 634405 813407 273401 693396 703394 108398 929
Financial corporations117 262122 255118 379111 382111 047107 687101 767108 906109 914115 328109 035108 064105 166
General government90 44681 46779 12967 92181 99085 37086 75881 91489 864100 453102 41394 16582 927
Non-profit institutions serving households31 98732 27932 37432 16430 24830 36931 07930 88731 19031 11630 82031 14630 367
Households272 060281 881274 887270 735272 740267 874270 820278 990278 876297 149255 594258 256249 582
Of which employees etc.250 804259 262254 044250 080251 385246 636249 635257 396258 482276 515235 878237 743229 050
Rest of the world293 218298 669291 685290 478288 788269 685266 824259 469264 961274 467256 012259 311254 709
Pension premium funds18191919191920212121212121
Non-financial corporations11111011101011111111111111
Financial corporations7888888999999
General government..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households0000000000000
Of which employees etc.0000001111111
Rest of the world..000000000000
Tax deduction accounts26 15343 12623 73337 66621 58942 47122 93639 98822 00330 99722 20541 63022 844
Non-financial corporations15 61525 37013 82023 10411 60424 96412 98722 80312 24519 04512 56724 88913 283
Financial corporations2 2313 1931 7912 1221 6412 8211 7262 8121 7122 5261 6443 1951 958
General government6 99812 5436 84610 6207 17512 6996 99312 5196 9067 9296 88511 7096 429
Non-profit institutions serving households7851 3687831 2077381 3457731 2446979417051 241718
Of which employees etc.15617915016312715813714611311692125136
Rest of the world1021229812599151104148981189213094
Individual pension saving576576579582571574587605612615617634636
Non-financial corporations..........................
Financial corporations..........................
General government..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Of which employees etc.539539542545535538551568575577579596597
Rest of the world3333333344444
Deposit based pension for employees329325318316307301298294290287284279276
Non-financial corporations12121111121111111112111111
Financial corporations00....0........0......
General government0000000000000
Non-profit institutions serving households0000000000000
Of which employees etc.287284280278268265262258254250248244242
Rest of the world2222222222211
Deposits with yield based on stock exchange yield160163157173172196185180181224190210227
Non-financial corporations24281722192023202136181730
Financial corporations10101012899991591110
General government5224332215738
Non-profit institutions serving households15151522343940383842395752
Of which employees etc.100103105107102106101100101113105111115
Rest of the world556555810910101010
Home savings scheme for young people38 45038 33538 13636 83934 16533 97533 84333 69233 52933 36633 14433 10233 028
Non-financial corporations..........................
Financial corporations..........................
General government..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Households38 20238 09137 89936 61133 95033 76333 63133 48433 31933 15232 92832 88532 811
Of which employees etc.37 92337 81137 61936 33633 69333 50733 37433 22733 06332 89732 67432 63132 555
Rest of the world248244238228215212212209210214216216218
Other deposits1 818 1611 765 7851 775 5331 812 2711 677 4661 692 7341 649 1511 679 0371 675 3211 650 6151 684 6041 724 5771 653 128
Non-financial corporations194 750177 871191 168185 113179 292170 394173 773173 756164 825159 494159 497165 717172 720
Financial corporations71 08382 13472 98070 37379 37181 12770 68679 58481 71779 39196 19192 14869 978
General government18 07217 53716 11416 97017 57117 28017 69117 34017 39817 31916 51216 42615 342
Non-profit institutions serving households31 82632 20431 10030 37129 99030 74930 98231 31430 87130 04229 53429 59530 090
Households716 775720 720718 720717 495698 398698 529697 278697 837692 684683 704669 507669 667674 442
Of which employees etc.694 939698 575697 172695 978677 467677 439676 080676 637671 779662 959649 036648 927653 697
Rest of the world785 655735 318745 451791 950672 844694 657658 741679 206687 826680 664713 363751 024690 556
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value404422464440439448410421447440413417423