Banking and financial markets
Statistics on growth in housing loans.

Financial corporations, balance sheetSeptember 2015

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


Banks. Balance sheet. NOK million
September 2015August 2015July 2015June 2015
Notes and divisionary coin44 897165 97192 46381 069
Loans to and claims on financial institutions983 366970 802998 330908 347
Loans to and claims on customers2 624 8052 610 2052 586 2992 565 010
Certificates and bonds579 086577 620567 173563 172
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.177 930177 938176 940174 454
Financial derivatives354 974359 266337 069303 386
Intangible assets9 4259 4979 5369 552
Durable operating equipment10 84710 87510 83810 922
Other assets99 105119 316117 59196 327
Total assets4 884 4345 001 4904 896 2404 712 240
Deposits from financial institutions1 111 7781 198 9751 121 6241 005 096
Deposits from customers2 188 2982 185 9422 207 7502 188 586
Certificate and bond debt626 654628 562644 688608 373
Other loans49 59947 05837 30749 481
Financial derivatives350 973360 106320 771305 330
Other liabilities128 429153 889141 365140 669
Subordinated loan capital71 38570 90469 26668 108
Total liabilities4 527 1154 645 4364 542 7714 365 643
Share and owner share capital63 98963 99063 98959 649
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)42 46142 31142 26142 162
Earned equity capital224 698225 091225 068225 803
Undistributed profit26 17124 66222 15118 984
Total equity357 319356 055353 468346 597
Total liabilities and equity4 884 4345 001 4904 896 2404 712 240