Banking and financial markets
Statistics on growth in housing loans.

Financial corporations, balance sheetSeptember 2015

As from 2016 the statistics is published with Banks and mortgage companies.


Banks. Deposits by depositor sector. NOK million
September 2015August 2015July 2015June 2015
Total deposits3 300 0753 384 9173 329 3743 193 682
Non-financial corporations623 154624 331636 877616 321
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government43 07239 80550 23746 046
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government1 8701 9051 8891 939
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government20 08521 08621 50120 490
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises532 288535 528536 608522 327
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises16 89316 79217 24516 093
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises8 9209 1739 3779 399
Financial corporations182 954199 303177 799200 821
Norges Bank728352233
Banks26 44331 02224 31138 435
Mortgage companies23 67031 56620 91624 095
Finance companies3 0472 9733 9813 215
State lending institutions etc.5 2486 8797 1936 683
Financial holding companies6 8916 1186 3055 893
Mutual funds40 58640 85140 07540 549
Investment trusts and private equity funds3 2203 4553 5054 736
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds47 52043 35142 49346 904
Life insurance companies and pension funds21 75127 58524 05825 593
Non-life insurance companies4 5075 4204 9094 485
General government114 471111 257132 469125 656
Central government26 24828 43836 57925 299
Local government88 22482 81995 891100 358
Non-profit institutions serving households64 97566 24964 89265 214
Non-profit institutions serving households64 97566 24964 89265 214
Households1 070 6661 076 6561 077 2491 086 860
Unincorporated enterprises within households33 52534 15133 78533 587
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.11 56911 34010 75010 617
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.1 025 4441 031 0361 032 5891 042 530
Unspecified sector127129124126
Rest of the world1 243 4761 306 7621 239 7341 098 474
General government, abroad3 22915 17114 33312 090
Banks and financial institutions, abroad1 060 4021 134 2771 073 384939 023
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad179 845157 314152 017147 361
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value379358354336