
Updated: 16 January 2025

Next update: 12 January 2026

Number of establishments
Number of establishments
657 993
Number of establishments, by size
Number of establishments, by size
20252024 - 2025
Number of establishmentsPer centChange in per cent
All size groups657 993100.00.2
No one employeed450 55968.50.6
1-4 employees102 88215.6-0.5
5-9 employees40 3366.1-1.6
10-19 employees30 8844.7-0.6
20-49 employees22 2903.41.1
50-99 employees6 9811.10.8
100 - 249 employees3 0940.50.6
250 employees and more9670.11.5
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Establishments, by size and economic activity
    Establishments, by size and economic activity
    Total number of establishmentsNo one employeed1-4 employees5-9 employees10-19 employees20-49 employees50-99 employees100 - 249 employees250 employees and more
    All industries657 993450 559102 88240 33630 88422 2906 9813 094967
    Agriculture, forestry and fishing65 62458 5385 55473941829563170
    Mining and quarrying1 62493122410311688535554
    Manufacture22 30212 8663 7471 7491 5951 345571316113
    Electricity, gas and steam2 1901 29334517817112740306
    Water supply, sewerage, waste2 3581 19437324425621749223
    Construction70 76145 10814 8634 6163 2652 09255521646
    Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles72 32032 18514 87913 0188 5263 03651512041
    Transportation and storage28 51119 1535 2551 6381 05386330816675
    Accommodation and food service activities19 1178 1314 0232 7922 4711 341264878
    Information and communication29 35720 2185 7461 27297471725512154
    Financial and insurance activities4 8132 6411 051408302234875931
    Real estate activities66 97758 6026 8309564211372191
    Professional, scientific and technical activities74 14953 07814 8322 9281 8411 03824613452
    Administrative and support service activities29 99320 9704 7361 5301 08097638224376
    Public administration and defence: compulsory social security4 711448911740866953415274104
    Education22 59215 4352 1428809301 6601 14832275
    Human health and social work activities60 65534 2688 3383 9285 1196 2351 755802210
    Arts, entertainment and recreation35 63530 4412 7098677466271666613
    Personal service activities24 95416 6725 3921 72773030588355
    Households as employers activities972000000
    Extraterritorial organisations and bodies1214421000
    Unspecified19 32918 3799261923000
    Explanation of symbols
  • Establishments, by size and county. 1st January.
    Establishments, by size and county. 1st January.
    All size groupsNo one employeed1-4 employees5-9 employees10-19 employees20-49 employees50-99 employees100 - 249 employees250 employees and more
    The whole country657 993450 559102 88240 33630 88422 2906 9813 094967
    Østfold33 66023 1685 4201 9901 5431 02633514830
    Akershus78 93255 36812 5844 2563 1182 363789336118
    Oslo105 63276 17114 9635 2934 0823 0301 152648293
    Innlandet48 96233 9617 3643 1552 2541 59144215837
    Buskerud33 36022 9245 3892 0101 4761 08130813933
    Vestfold29 89220 3315 1441 7491 25495930911630
    Telemark21 15314 4763 2471 3451 0607361928215
    Agder38 28126 2005 9402 4331 8311 27641015536
    Rogaland52 77935 5118 1843 3782 5672 073640324102
    Vestland73 10649 65611 1674 6753 6642 654811368111
    Møre og Romsdal30 49820 0064 7132 2491 7351 25437513630
    Trøndelag55 12937 7978 1803 4752 7891 93760826578
    Nordland27 34516 9605 0202 0631 7741 10629310029
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa18 59911 3873 4911 4641 1287832388919
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku10 6656 6432 07680160942179306
    Explanation of symbols
  • Establishments, by county and the enterprises' sector
    Establishments, by county and the enterprises' sector
    Sum all sectorsGeneral governmentFinancial corporationsNon-financial corporationsHouseholds and non-profit institutionsUnspecified sector/others
    The whole country657 99328 5584 814347 014170 12871
    Østfold33 6601 24214016 94315 3314
    Akershus78 9322 36860841 19234 75014
    Oslo105 6321 9801 44758 38343 78537
    Innlandet48 9622 71722921 43824 5753
    Buskerud33 3601 37019817 25214 5382
    Vestfold29 8921 02916416 12512 5722
    Telemark21 1531 2059710 5239 3253
    Agder38 2811 77421021 03915 2526
    Rogaland52 7792 18438729 44320 7569
    Vestland73 1063 54950638 92130 1255
    Møre og Romsdal30 4981 81421616 73711 7301
    Trøndelag55 1292 85035927 62224 2944
    Nordland27 3452 16412915 3899 6612
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa18 5991 3558910 2606 8941
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku10 665957355 7473 9251
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics show active companies as of January 1, broken down by region, industry and sector. It provides a good and up-to-date picture of where value is created in the Norwegian society, and all industries and sectors are included.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 24 January 2025.


An establishment is defined as a local kind-of-activity unit (production unit) which mainly operates within a particular industry group, in accordance with the Norwegian Standard Industry Classification (SN2007).

Employees / Wage earners

An employee/employee is a person who works in the service of another for wages or other remuneration.


The industrial activity is grouped according to the Standard Industrial Classification SN2007 in Statistics Norway, which is based on the EU standard NACE Rev.1.


The establishment's sector affiliation follows the enterprise's sector, and is grouped according to the Standard Classification of Institutional Sector.

Number of establishments

Name: Establishments
Topic: Establishments, enterprises and accounts

12 January 2026

Division for Technology, R&D and Business Dynamics Statistics

National, county and municipality

Frequency: Annual

Timeliness: Normally within 1 month of the end of the year

Not relevant

Collected and revised data are stored securely by Statistics Norway in compliance with applicable legislation on data processing.

Statistics Norway can grant access to the source data (de-identified or anonymised microdata) on which the statistics are based, for researchers and public authorities for the purposes of preparing statistical results and analyses. Access can be granted upon application and subject to conditions. Refer to the details about this at Access to data from Statistics Norway.

The basic data is quality assured in the ongoing management of Statistics Norway's business register and the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities (CCR), as well as in the preparation of the primary statistics they are included in (register-based labor market statistics, accounting statistics, etc.).


The purpose of the statistics is to provide an updated picture of where production in Norway takes place. It shows which regions, industries, sectors and size groups the establishments - i.e. the local production units - are located in, and follows the development over time.


The statistics were first published on 1 July 2002, with figures for the second quarter of the same year. Until the fourth quarter of 2008, the statistics were published quarterly. Since 2009, they have been published annually, with figures corresponding to the first quarter for the years up to 2008.

In 2009, the industry standard was changed, and in 2014 the sector standard was changed. At the same time, old time series were closed and new ones were started.

Users of the statistics include public administration, educational institutions, research groups, business and the media.

No external users have access to statistics before they are released at 8 a.m. on after at least three months’ advance notice in the release calendar. This is one of the most important principles in Statistics Norway for ensuring the equal treatment of users.

The figures in the establishment statistics are similar to figures for subunits in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities (CCR) and establishments in the Structural Business Statistics (SBS), but there are also important differences. They are also to some extent related to the figures in the Business demography.

Establishments in Statistics Norway's establishment statistics correspond to subunits in CCR, and both are comprehensive within their purposes. The deviation from CCR is mainly due to the fact that CCR includes all subunits, including those that do not conduct business activities. In addition, CCR includes subunits that do not have economic activity, but that have not been deleted from the register.

The deviation from SBS is due to the fact that the establishment statistics include newly registered establishments that have not yet reported to Statistics Norway's statistics, and not all of these become active and are included in SBS. Furthermore, the establishment statistics include all industries and sectors, while SBS lacks establishments that do not conduct market-oriented business activities (including public administration) and the primary industries. Until 2020, education, human health and social services, arts, entertainment and recreation, as well as activities in member organizations were also not included in SBS. In addition, the establishment statistics measure the population as of 1 January, while SBS has the entire year as the measurement period.

In the business demography (enterprise statistics), it is the enterprise, i.e. the main unit, that is counted. There may be several establishments, i.e. subunits, per enterprise. At the same time, there are certain types of enterprises that do not have establishments. Overall, this means that the number of establishments is somewhat higher than the number of enterprises, but it can vary between industries. However, in business demography, certain industries and sectors are excluded, similar to SBS. See "About the statistics" in the business demography for a more detailed description of, among other things, permanently and temporarily excluded industries.

The statistics are developed, produced and disseminated pursuant to Act no. 32 of 21 June 2019 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act).

Not relevant

Annual series from 2009 onwards.

Closed quarterly series from 2nd quarter 2002 to 4th quarter 2008.

The statistics include all active establishments in Norway. Completely new establishments are also considered active, until we have sources that say whether they are active or not.

Special units, a type of "artificial" establishments in Statistics Norway's Business Register (BR), are excluded. These units do not meet all requirements to be regarded establishments in the industrial standard SN2007 and they have no reported employees, as any employees are reported on real establishments representing their working place. They are created in BR to improve distribution by region or to count other units than establishments in certain statistics.

A small group of establishments belonging to enterprises with a legal form that indicates that they are not engaged in production is also excluded.

Statistics Norway's Business Register (BR) is the main source. Situation files from the beginning of January in the reference year are used. These files include figures for employees from "A-ordningen", the main register on employment data in Norway used in among others the register-based employment statistics, for October of the previous year.

Data from the Structural Business Statistics (SBS) and administrative registers for value added tax, accounting data and tax returns for self-employed persons are used to exclude actually closed establishments from the population.

The establishment statistics are based exclusively on the reuse of edited data from other statistics and administrative registers. Editing is defined here as checking, examining and amending data.

BR is a comprehensive and edited register with regard to scope and basic data. There is an ongoing data exchange between CCR and BR, and direct contact is made with businesses if incorrect information is suspected.

The information is also edited during data collection for SBS and other Statistics Norway statistics, and by linking with administrative registers in the monitoring system for establishments in BR.

Not relevant

Employees of Statistics Norway have a duty of confidentiality.

Statistics Norway does not publish figures if there is a risk of the respondent’s contribution being identified. This means that, as a general rule, figures are not published if fewer than three units form the basis of a cell in a table or if the contribution of one or two respondents constitutes a very large part of the cell total.

Statistics Norway can make exceptions to the general rule if deemed necessary to meet the requirements of the EEA agreement, if the respondent is a public authority, if the respondent has consented to this, or when the information disclosed is openly accessible to the public.

More information can be found on Statistics Norway’s website under Methods in official statistics, in the ‘Confidentiality’ section.

From the start in the second quarter of 2002 to the fourth quarter of 2008, the statistics were published quarterly at the beginning of the quarter, with figures for employees as of the first month of the previous quarter.

In the quarterly publications up to 2008, changes (new establishments and deleted establishments) were registered in relation to the previous quarter. The changes between quarters were uncertain, since these often referred to changes that occurred earlier, while changes that actually occurred in the quarter were only registered later.

Starting in January 2009, the statistics are published once a year, at the beginning of the first quarter. These annual figures can therefore be compared with the quarterly figures for the first quarter up to 2008.

From the same year, the statistics are published according to a new industry standard (SN2007). New tables with 2009 as the starting year were established, and the old series based on SN2002 were closed.

From 2012, the statistics are published by sector. A new table with 2012 as the starting year was established, based on the new sector division that was established that same year.

In 2016, there were changes in the data base for employees. In the new data source "A-ordningen", the number of employees is reported every month, not only when there are changes as in the previous "AA-register". This means that employers who have not reported are now left with zero employees. It is therefore unclear whether the decrease in the number of companies with employees from 2015 to 2016 is real or due to changes in the data base.

All sectors


Closed timeseries (2002-2008): Quarter

The establishment statistics are based on statistical and administrative registers. This may cause register errors.

A possible register error is outdated information as a result of a lag in registrations, i.e. changes are registered some time after they have occurred. The industry code is a typical example, as in some cases this is registered or corrected retrospectively based on feedback in connection with data collection or by linking to administrative registers. The extent of establishments with unknown industry provides an indication of the lag, and since 2020 this extent has increased.

Some enterprises are incompletely divided into establishments by location and industry (establishments that actually operate physically separate activities may be registered with only one establishment).

Not relevant
