Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
The statistics show annual figures on active, new and defunct businesses, as well as survival of new enterprises and enterprise growth. In addition, the statistics show employment in the enterprises. It also shows quarterly figures on new enterprises.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Total enterprisesDownload table as ...Total enterprises
4th quarter 2024 3rd quarter 2024 -4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 -4th quarter 2024 New enterprises (total and per cent) 15 748 0.4 -2.7 Private limited company 6 731 1.7 -1.7 Sole Proprietorship 8 612 0.5 -4.6 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - New enterprises, by quarter and legal formDownload table as ...New enterprises, by quarter and legal form
2nd quarter 2023 3rd quarter 2023 4th quarter 2023 1st quarter 2024 2nd quarter 2024 3rd quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 Total 15 277 17 062 16 192 15 690 15 258 15 692 15 748 General Partnership 17 22 20 26 23 21 21 Private limited company 6 152 6 982 6 844 7 102 6 319 6 697 6 731 Public limited company 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 General Partnership with shared liability 79 102 73 100 75 89 83 Sole Proprietorship 8 816 9 645 9 027 8 200 8 559 8 471 8 612 Norwegian division of foreign enterprise 112 160 130 167 177 156 140 Other legal forms 101 151 98 94 104 258 160 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Active enterprises and employed persons, by industrial section.Download table as ...Active enterprises and employed persons, by industrial section.
2023 Percentage change from the previous year Number of enterprises Employed persons Number of enterprises Employed persons All industries 337 623 1 667 876 3.8 1.1 Mining, quarrying and manufacturing 19 379 295 816 0.7 2.5 Water supply 1 312 10 654 1.0 2.1 Construction 59 996 268 330 0.5 0.3 Wholesale and retail trade 48 344 388 649 -1.6 0.8 Transportation and storage 22 160 149 876 2.3 4.7 Accommodation and food service activities 13 375 127 107 2.0 10.2 Information and communication 22 024 111 699 2.9 2.2 Real estate activities 57 010 32 662 2.8 1.5 Professional, scientific and technical activities 57 891 159 490 1.8 3.5 Administrative and support service activities 23 036 146 525 0.1 2.8 Unknown 4 988 1 851 14.2 44.7 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Active enterprises and employed persons, by size.Download table as ...Active enterprises and employed persons, by size.
2022 2022 Percentage change from the previous year Number of enterprises Employed persons Number of enterprises Employed persons Total 325 251 1 650 034 1.1 4.9 0 employed persons, or not reported 140 602 0 0.8 . 1-4 employed persons 134 328 215 634 1.0 -0.3 5-9 employed persons 24 265 159 431 -0.8 -1.3 At least 10 employed persons 26 056 1 274 969 5.2 6.6 Total 325 251 1 650 034 1.1 4.9 No turnover or not reported 4 641 28 968 -50.9 -24.5 NOK 1,000 - 4,999,000 in turnover 251 986 215 983 2.1 -3.0 NOK 5,000,000 - 9,999,000 in turnover 23 384 102 045 2.7 1.8 At least NOK 10 000 000 in turnover 45 240 1 303 038 5.9 7.5 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Enterprise births and survivals, by birth year and age.Download table as ...Enterprise births and survivals, by birth year and age.
Number of enterprise births 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 2018 29 495 24 172 20 557 17 725 15 739 12 456 2019 32 548 26 194 22 628 19 877 14 598 . 2020 33 401 27 313 23 896 16 853 . . 2021 46 809 32 659 21 323 . . . 2022 37 301 22 363 . . . . 2023 43 891 . . . . . Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Enterprise births and survival rates, by industrial section and age.Download table as ...Enterprise births and survival rates, by industrial section and age.
Number of births Survival rates (per cent) 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 2023 All industries 43 891 60.0 45.6 50.5 44.9 42.2 Mining, quarrying and manufacturing 2 206 58.0 54.0 59.1 51.4 50.8 Water supply 80 72.6 69.6 58.8 65.4 62.7 Construction 6 687 69.8 61.9 54.4 47.4 42.4 Wholesale and retail trade 4 681 66.7 57.7 57.0 49.1 46.1 Transportation and storage 2 764 78.3 67.3 52.9 47.5 43.1 Accommodation and food service activities 1 580 78.3 69.6 61.6 50.1 45.1 Information and communication 3 660 51.8 45.8 46.4 41.5 42.7 Real estate activities 5 687 47.5 46.7 41.2 45.0 40.1 Professional, scientific and technical activities 9 477 54.0 48.5 48.9 41.2 41.6 Administrative and support service activities 3 301 55.7 52.5 51.6 42.8 44.3 Unknown 1 864 38.9 6.3 29.4 39.1 11.5 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Enterprise births and survivals, by legal form and age.Download table as ...Enterprise births and survivals, by legal form and age.
Number of births Survival rate (per cent) 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years All organisational structures 2018 29 496 82.9 70.5 60.9 54.0 42.8 2019 32 548 80.5 69.6 61.1 44.7 2020 33 402 82.2 72.0 51.0 2021 46 809 70.2 46.4 2022 37 301 60.2 2023 43 891 Limited company and public limited company 2018 18 041 84.8 75.6 67.5 60.9 49.2 2019 17 401 85.5 77.5 69.4 55.6 2020 18 794 87.1 78.6 60.0 2021 27 403 64.6 48.9 2022 18 988 69.0 2023 23 252 Sole proprietorship 2018 10 922 80.3 62.8 50.9 43.4 33.5 2019 14 673 74.8 60.7 51.6 33.3 2020 13 541 76.6 63.8 41.8 2021 18 875 78.2 42.8 2022 17 862 51.1 2023 16 043 Other organisational structures 2018 533 72.2 56.1 43.5 36.6 25.3 2019 474 75.5 57.6 46.4 33.3 2020 1 067 68.6 59.8 19.0 2021 531 74.4 42.7 2022 451 52.5 2023 2 675 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Enterprises, employed persons at start of period and employed persons at end of period, by growth in the number of employees. Enterprises that had 10 or more employees at start of period, being at least 4 years old.Download table as ...Enterprises, employed persons at start of period and employed persons at end of period, by growth in the number of employees. Enterprises that had 10 or more employees at start of period, being at least 4 years old.
Total Very high growth in employees (20 per cent or higher) High growth in employees (10 to 19 per cent) Stable number of employees (-9 to 9 per cent) Large decline in employees (-19 to -10 per cent) Very large decline in employees (-20 per cent or lower) 2023 Number of enterprises Total 116 087 11 117 10 153 52 810 5 961 18 230 1-4 employees 69 938 8 376 4 797 26 611 2 220 15 176 5-9 employees 22 283 1 551 3 001 11 330 1 835 1 978 At least 10 employees 23 867 1 346 3 083 14 863 1 321 1 158 Employed persons at the beginning of the growth period Total 1 462 323 74 490 115 340 949 530 80 884 98 096 1-4 employees 149 006 15 687 13 639 54 092 6 979 32 451 5-9 employees 147 379 10 101 19 891 75 766 11 934 12 693 At least 10 employees 1 165 893 44 418 74 032 819 125 59 548 52 792 Employed persons at the end of the growth period Total 1 427 476 184 511 169 056 982 961 51 138 23 580 1-4 employees 128 609 40 010 19 723 53 801 4 714 9 437 5-9 employees 134 533 24 012 29 164 76 500 7 675 3 005 At least 10 employees 1 171 858 110 464 112 110 852 542 37 298 11 307 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Young enterprises, employed perso at start of period and employed persons at end of period, by growth in the number of employees. Enterprises that had 10 or more employees at start of period, being 4 or 5 years old.Download table as ...Young enterprises, employed perso at start of period and employed persons at end of period, by growth in the number of employees. Enterprises that had 10 or more employees at start of period, being 4 or 5 years old.
Total Very high growth in employees (20 per cent or higher) High growth in employees (10 to 19 per cent) Stable number of employees (-9 to 9 per cent) Large decline in employees (-19 to -10 per cent) Very large decline in employees (-20 per cent or lower) 2023 Number of enterprises Total 16 679 2 606 1 334 5 601 502 2 746 1-4 employees 12 590 2 056 766 4 056 227 2 386 5-9 employees 2 538 322 387 851 150 246 At least 10 employees 1 549 181 181 697 37 134 Employed persons at the beginning of the growth period Total 81 404 10 137 9 074 32 603 3 371 10 178 1-4 employees 24 656 3 844 2 191 6 992 715 4 675 5-9 employees 16 485 2 054 2 522 5 612 920 1 594 At least 10 employees 40 173 4 359 4 360 20 245 1 854 3 802 Employed persons at the end of the growth period Total 80 405 28 795 13 427 33 636 2 132 2 358 1-4 employees 22 488 10 755 3 238 7 011 474 1 121 5-9 employees 16 048 5 545 3 775 5 781 586 387 At least 10 employees 41 919 12 071 6 459 21 045 1 157 931 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 14 January 2025.
Enterprise: An enterprise is defined as the smallest combination of legal entities that produce goods or services, and which to a certain extent have independent decision-making authority (autonomous). Legal entities that are not autonomous (e.g. auxiliary entities) are merged with the autonomous legal entity to which they provide services, so that they together form an enterprise.
Establishment: An establishment is defined as a locally delimited functional unit that mainly carries out activities within a specific industrial activity. An enterprise is a subunit of the enterprise. In Eurostat, this corresponds to "local kind-of-activity unit" (LKAU).
Activity: Activity is a measure of whether the enterprise was in operation or not, and to what extent. In the versions "enterprises with activity" and "registered enterprises", activity is characterized by employment or turnover during the year, and in the version "enterprises with employees", activity is characterized by the fact that the enterprise had employees during the year. In the "registered enterprises" version, the registration of the enterprise is also counted as activity.
New enterprise: New enterprises include all real establishing of enterprises, including first-time births, reactivations and other creations. Ownership changes are not considered new enterprises, since they are simply continuation of existing activity, whereas all other creations are.
Birth: Births include all new enterprises, except creations due to (change of ownership and) other creations.
First-time birth: An enterprise is considered as first-time born in the version "enterprise with activity", "enterprise with employees" and "enterprise with activity (excluding contract workers) " in the first year it had activity, and in version "registered enterprise" in the validity year of the first information about the enterprise in Statistics Norway’s Business register (VoF) or the year of foundation (applies to AS only) if this was earlier. Ownership changes are never regarded as first-time births, but other creations might be.
Reactivation: Reactivations are enterprises that become active again after at least 2 years of inactivity. Ownership changes are excluded.
Ownership change: A change of ownership takes place in the year an enterprise starts or resumes activity, if the following three additional criteria are met: 1) The enterprise takes over in the same year, or the year before, all its activities from only one other enterprise. 2) The other enterprise transfers all its activities to the first. 3) The other enterprise is closed down at the same time or becomes inactive for at least 2 years. A change of ownership is in practice a mere continuation of an existing activity, and is therefore not considered a new enterprise.
Other creations: Other creations (i.e. except ownership changes) take place in the year an enterprise is new, if at least one of the following three additional criteria is met: 1) The enterprise takes over businesses from several enterprises in the same year, or the year before. 2) The enterprise that transfers activity, transfers it to several enterprises. 3) The transferring enterprise continues to be active. Other creations involve the creation of a new organizational unit which, to a varying degree, continues an existing activity. These other creations are therefore considered new enterprises, but not births. The acquisition of establishments from other enterprises in years other than the founding year is not considered a new enterprise. For other creations in connection with the termination of an enterprise, see death.
Survival: An enterprise born in year t has survived in year t+n (n>=1) if it had activity in t+n and continuous inactivity for a maximum of 1 year in the period between t and t+n. Survivals can be divided into two categories: 1. Direct survival occurs when it is the same enterprise that holds the activity in year t+n. 2. Survival by change of ownership occurs when another enterprise has taken over the activity in line with the definition of ownership change. The original enterprise's industrial code, size group, legal form and regional affiliation are retained.
Dormant enterprises: Dormant enterprises are characterized by the fact that they are inactive for one whole calendar year, and then become active again. Enterprises that are dormant in the last year with final figures or in the year with preliminary figures are temporarily classified as not surviving in these years, as there is a lack of reliable information about activity in the following year at the time the statistics are published. At the next publication, when there is reliable information about activity in the wake-up year, the enterprises are transferred to the category of dormant enterprises in the year in which they were inactive. From the year of awakening, they are again counted as survivors.
Awakened enterprises: Awakened enterprises are enterprises that have become active again, after previously being dormant.
Closure: An enterprise closure occurs in the last year in which the enterprise had activity, or in the last year of activity before a period of at least two years without activity. If the criteria for change of ownership are met, the cessation of an enterprise is not regarded as closure, since the entire activity has in practice been continued. Other terminations are considered closures.
Death: An enterprise death is a closure where none of the activity is transferred to another enterprise. Enterprises where activity was taken over by other enterprises in connection with the termination, in line with the definition of other creations, are considered as closures but not deaths.
Growth: Growth is defined as an increase in turnover or the number of employed persons from the previous year.
High-growth enterprises: High-growth enterprises are defined as all enterprises in the business demography that over a period of three years have an average annual growth of at least 10 per cent. Growth is measured both in turnover, employment and the number of employees. The enterprises must have at least 10 employees in the start year of the growth period, and be established no later than the year before the start year of the period, i.e. be at least 4 years old.
High-growth micro-enterprises: High-growth micro-enterprises are high-growth enterprises with 1-9 employees in the start year of the growth period. High growth is defined in two different ways: 1) As for normal high growth enterprises. 2) Growth of at least 3.31 employed persons or employees – in practice at least 4 due to rounding of micro data – during the three-year period. So far, only high-growth micro-enterprises according to definition 1) have been published.
Potential high-growth enterprises: Potential high-growth enterprises are all enterprises with at least 10 employees in the start year of the period, which were established no later than the year before the start year of the period, i.e. are at least 4 years old. Similarly for potential high-growth micro-enterprises.
Gazelles: Gazelles are 4 or 5-year-old high-growth enterprises.
Micro-gazelles: Micro-gazelles are 4 or 5-year-old high-growth micro-enterprises.
Potential gazelles: Potential gazelles are 4 or 5-year-old potential high-growth enterprises. Similarly for potential micro-gazelles.
Employed persons: The employment figures show an average of the number of employed persons in the reference week of five selected months of the year. Employed persons are defined as persons with income-generating work of at least one hour's duration in the reference week, as well as persons with temporary absence from such work, and include employees and self-employed persons (i.e. employed owners). A person may be employed in several enterprises.
Employees: Employees are defined as anyone who receives compensation in the form of salary etc. for work of at least one hour's duration in the reference week, including contract workers. Self-employed persons are not included.
Contract workers: Contract workers include freelancers and people who receive a fee for work of at least one hour's duration in the reference week.
Employed persons (adjusted): Employed persons less contract workers og employees in very minor positions (< 4 hours per week). Corresponds to "Employed persons (excl. contract workers)" in categories of size and type of growth.
Turnover: Turnover is defined as the sum of remuneration for sales to customers, advances from the sale of merchandise and gross income from other commercial activities. Turnover includes rental income and commission income, but not public grants, value added tax or gains from the sale of fixed assets. In some industries, the concept of turnover is not clearly defined. This applies to financial activities and insurance (industry K), education (industry P), health and social services (industry Q) and activities of membership organization (part of industry S). In order to determine whether enterprises in these industries are active, if they lack employees, alternative sizes are used as a supplement, such as e.g. operating income.
Legal form: Equivalent to legal form in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities (CCR). Here, a distinction is made between between sole proprietorships (ENK), limited liability enterprises (AS and ASA) and other legal forms such as NUF and general partnerships (ANS and DA). Tables based on founding year show the legal form in the year of foundation, while tables based on year of survival show the legal form in the year of survival.
Region: The enterprise is located in the county and municipality based on the enterprise’s business address. In enterprises with activity in several locations, the region will be where the head office is located. Tables based on founding year show the location in the year of foundation, while tables based on year of survival show the location in the year of survival.
Standard Industrial Classification (SN2007)
The standard is based on the EU standard NACE Rev.2, and is valid from 2008 onwards. The standard industrial classification can be found here.
Industrial classification in the business demography (joint standard)
The classification is based on the current and previous Standard Industrial Classification (SN2007 and SN2002), as well as the legal forms Limited liability, Sole proprietorship and other legal form. The classification is valid from 2002. This industrial classification and the correspondence to the current and previous standard industrial classifications can be found here.
Classification by size group
The enterprises' size is grouped according to Classification of enterprises by size group or aggregates thereof.
Classification by legal form
The enterprises' legal form is grouped according to Classification of organization form or aggregates thereof.
Enterprises, employed persons and employees