Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Persons with refugee background
The statistics show the number of resident immigrants with refugee background as of 1 January every year.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Persons with refugee background. 1 JanuaryDownload table as ...Persons with refugee background. 1 January
2024 2023 - 2024 2024 Change in per cent Proportion of persons with refugee background of all immigrants. Per cent Proportion of persons with refugee background of the whole population. Per cent Total 315 182 12.6 33.9 5.7 Principal applicants 244 966 15.7 26.3 4.4 Asylum seekers 116 117 1.1 12.5 2.1 Resettlement refugees 50 342 4.0 5.4 0.9 Other refugees 70 648 74.5 7.6 1.3 Unspecified 7 859 -0.9 0.8 0.1 By family connection to refugee 70 216 2.7 7.5 1.3 Family enlargement 19 608 4.4 2.1 0.4 Family reunification 50 562 2.1 5.4 0.9 Family unspecified 46 0.0 0.0 0.0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Persons with refugee background, by years of residence and country backgroundDownload table as ...Persons with refugee background, by years of residence and country background
2024 0-4 years of residence 5-9 years of residence 10-19 years of residence 20 years and more of residence Western Europe 286 223 244 349 Europe except EU/EFTA/UK and new EU countries after 2004 60 715 993 6 267 24 310 Africa 10 373 19 865 33 317 16 230 Asia 17 718 37 343 30 257 50 970 North-America and Oceania 26 17 36 98 Latin America and the Caribbean 221 43 282 4 999 Unknown and other 0 0 0 0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Persons with refugee background by sex and citizenship.Download table as ...Persons with refugee background by sex and citizenship.
2024 Total Males Females Refugees with Norwegian citizenship, total 184 706 99 739 84 967 Western Europe 502 246 256 Europe except EU/EFTA/UK and new EU countries after 2004 27 190 13 362 13 828 Africa 56 913 31 011 25 902 Asia 95 575 52 866 42 709 North-America and Oceania 70 39 31 Latin America and the Caribbean 4 456 2 215 2 241 Refugees with foreign citizenship, total 130 476 62 047 68 429 Western Europe 600 302 298 Europe except EU/EFTA/UK and new EU countries after 2004 65 095 27 300 37 795 Africa 22 872 11 441 11 431 Asia 40 713 22 351 18 362 North-America and Oceania 107 49 58 Latin America and the Caribbean 1 089 604 485 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 3 June 2021.
Who is regarded as a resident of Norway and where in Norway a person shall be counted as a resident, is stipulated in the Population Registration Act of 16 January 1970. The regulations to the act were last amended effective 1 October 1998.
Duration of residence
Shows residence period in whole years as of the date of the file.
National background
Own, or mother's, or father's foreign country of birth. Immigrant category A has only 000 (Norway) as a national background.
Current age.
Current citizenship.
Persons with refugee background
Refers to people with refugee as reason for immigration, as well as immigrants with family as reason for immigration who are reunited with a person with reason refugee.
Type of family unification
The variable specifies all family immigrations, distinguishing between reunification, accompanying person and formation/extension data. The classification is mainly based on assessments of dates of immigration and marriage (when relevant) of both the immigrant and the reference person, and on registrations of that variable in the UDB data.
Asylum seekers
Asylum cases or residence on humanitarian grounds.
Resettlement refugees
Refugees who are permitted to come to Norway following an organised selection, normally in conjuction with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In accordance with a proposal from the government, the parliament sets an annual quota for the number of resettlement refugees to be received by Norway.
"Other refugees"
Eefugees with families from mainly Bosnia and Herzegovina who have been granted a collective assesment.
Simplified reason for immigration
Variable based on data from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, in which escape has been given as a reason for the application for asylum.
Statistics Norway's use of terms in immigrant-related statistics are from the statistical standard for classification of persons by immigration background.
Country groupings: The standard for classification of countries and citizenships in population statistics.