The Impact of Access to Sustainable Energy Survey (IASES) 2021/22 was implemented in Mozambique and Tanzania in a three-partite collaboration between Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) in Mozambique, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in Tanzania and Statistics Norway (SSB) with consultations with the energy authorities in Mozambique and Tanzania. In each country a survey was jointly funded by the partner governments of Mozambique and Tanzania and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation through Statistics Norway.

The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) is a global knowledge and technical assistance program administered by the World Bank. Jointly with other global initiatives, the goals and targets for Sustainable Energy for All are presented in a Multi-Tier Framework (MTF). The MTF is presenting how to measure energy access in 5 tiers in the ESMAP 2015 report Beyond Connections: Energy Access Redefined. This framework measures seven dimensions of the access to energy: capacity, duration, reliability, quality, affordability, legality, and health and safety, each in five tiers. Likewise, it measures six dimensions on access to modern cooking solutions: cooking emission exposure, cooking efficiency, convenience, safety, affordability and fuel availability in five tiers. 

The three partners SSB, INE and NBS has extended this framework to cover the impact of energy access and energy efficient cooking solutions.

The framework on access to energy and modern cooking solutions building upon the survey instruments in Mozambique and Tanzania is presented in this document.

The survey results are presented in several reports available from the knowledge base for Development Cooperation in Statistics Norway  Statistics Norway’s development cooperation – SSB.

The main results from the IASES survey in Mozambique are published by INE in Portuguese in August 2023 and available from their Website: RELATÓRIO DE ENERGIA _ AGOSTO 2023 - INE.

The main results from the survey in Tanzania are published by NBS in English in November 2023 and available from their website: