
Business statistics
Provides information on the activity in the Norwegian business sector
Business statistics for the electricity industry
The statistics cover economic figures for the electricity industry, as well as power prices and grid rent
District heating and district cooling
Includes figures on production and consumption of district heating and district cooling
The statistics about production, import and export and consumption of electricity.
Electricity prices
The electricity price statistics include information about average electricity
Energy consumption in households
The purpose of the statistics is to present figures for average energy consumption per household for different household types and house types, and to study the development over time. The statistics also comprise combinations of heating equipment in dwellings.
Energy use in the manufacturing sector
The purpose of this statistics is to highlight the energy consumption in the manufacturing and mining industry in Norway.
Index of industrial production
Monitors the development of added value in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity
Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
The survey monitors the development in estimated and final investments within oil and gas activities, manufacturing, mining & quarrying and electricity supply.
Producer price index
Measures the price of domestic produced goods sold both to the Norwegian and foreign market
Production and consumption of energy, energy balance and energy account
Shows total production, transformation and use of all energy products on Norwegian territory
Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
Monitors the turnover within oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply
Commodity price index for the industrial sector
The statistics has been discontinued
Energy consumption in service industries
The statistics has been discontinued
Energy use - StatRes
The statistics has been discontinued

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 10 of 18
  1. The household electricity price in 2024 was 6,6 percent lower than in 2023. This is the lowest level registered since 2020.

  2. The household electricity price in third quarter was about 12 per cent lower compared to the previous quarter. The electricity price has now decreased for two consecutive quarters.

  3. This document presents the technical approach for how to collect, process and publish data on the multi-tier household access to electricity and cooking solutions based upon the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), a global knowledge and technical assistance program administered by the World Bank.

  4. The report presents key findings from the survey on households' access to (sustainable) energy for electricity and cooking, as well as the quality of the access.

  5. Access to electricity and improved cooking solutions is dependent upon policy and available resources at the national level, the community level and the household level.

  6. This is a translation of a report by the National Statistics Institute (INE) in Mozambique on the impact of sustainable energy from 2023, “Inquérito sobre o Impacto do Acesso à Energia Sustentável – IAES 2022 Relatório Final”. INE is the legal entity responsible for producing the country's official statistics based on universally accepted methodologies.

  7. The household electricity price was 7,2 percent lower in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter of this year.

  8. The household electricity price was 1,0 percent higher in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the last quarter of 2023, but 4,4 percent lower than in the first quarter of 2023.

  9. The household electricity price in 2023 was about 5,1 per cent lower compared to 2022. Still the average electricity price of 2023 was the second highest value recorded in these statistics.

  10. The household electricity price in July, August and September was about 20 per cent lower compared both to the last quarter and the third quarter in 2022. Last time the price was that low was in the fourth quarter of 2020.

Older analyses, articles and publications
for subtopic energy.