Updated: 14 February 2025
Next update: 14 March 2025
GWh | 12-months change | Percentages | |
January 2025 | January 2025 - January 2024 | January 2025 | |
Total electricity generation | 17 367.7 | 11.1 | 100.0 |
Hydro power generation | 15 778.9 | 15.0 | 90.9 |
Wind power generation | 1 414.5 | -16.9 | 8.1 |
Solar power generation | 0.8 | 56.1 | 0.0 |
Thermal power generation | 173.6 | -16.8 | 1.0 |
Net electricity consumption | 13 803.7 | -4.5 | 100.0 |
Consumption in primary industries | 260.8 | -2.8 | 1.9 |
Consumption in secondary industries | 5 497.9 | -0.1 | 39.8 |
Consumption in tertiary industries | 2 829.2 | -5.7 | 20.5 |
Consumption in households | 5 215.8 | -8.1 | 37.8 |
More figures from this statistics
About the statistics
The statistics include production, power exchange and consumption. The monthly electricity statistics should be used when the latest data is needed. The annual figures have more detailed information and also include information on the county/municipal level.
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 28 May 2024.
Electricity monthly
Total production of electricity
Electricity generation contains net production. Net production is defined as gross production minus cunsumtpion of electricity in the power plant. Pump storage and industrial processes is included in the net production.
Thermal electricity generation
The largest share of thermal power is produced by natural gas. Other energy sources that are used for the generation of thermal power are biofuel, waste, landfill gas, blast-furnace gas and waste heat.
Solar power
In the data from Elhub only the electricity that is transmitted to the power grid is measured for producers of solar electricity. This will typically occur in sunny periods when the generation exceeds own consumption. Since the production values are based on a net measurement, this leads to an underestimation of the total solar electricity generation. This is due to the fact that electricity generation which is used to cover own consumption is not included in the statistics.
Exports of electric power
Exports of electric power is power produced in Norway that crosses the Norwegian border.
Imports of electric power
Imports of electric power is power produced abroad that crosses the Norwegian border.
Gross consumption of electricity
Gross consumption of electricity is the sum of gross production of electricity and imports less exports of power.
Pump consumption
Pump consumption is power used to run pump stations that elevate water from a lower to higher level.
Grid loss and statiscal difference
Grid loss and statistical difference is calculated in the following way:
Gross consumption of electricity – Pump storage – Net consumption of electricity
Net consumption of electric power
Net consumption of electricity is defined as the sum of all measured electricity consumption for primary industries, secondary industries, tertiary industries and households.
Electricity consumption is divided into consumer groups based on the standard for sector classification 2007. See below for information on which codes that are related to each group:
Primary industries (01-03)
Secondary industries contain the following consumer groups:
- Extraction of crude oil and natural gas (06+09.1)
Electricity consumption in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas consists of all land-based electricity consumption and consumption on offshore installations connected to land by power cable. In addition, services related to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas are included.
- Mining (05+07-09, excluding 09.1)
- Power-intensive manufacturing:
Pulp and paper production (17.1)
Production of chemical commodities (20.1)
Production of iron, steel and ferroalloys (24.1)
Production of aluminium and other metals (24.4)
- Manufacturing excluding power intensive manufacturing (10-33, excluding 17.1, 20.1, 24.1 and 24.4)
- Electricity supply, water and waste supply and construction (35-44)
Tertiary industries (45-99)
Electricity annual
Total production of electricity
Electricity generation refers to the net production of electricity. Net production is defined as gross production minus consumtpion of electricity in the power plant. Pump storage and industrial processes is included in the net production.
Thermal electricity generation
The largest share of thermal power is produced by natural gas. Other energy sources that are used for the generation of thermal power are biofuel, waste, landfill gas, blast-furnace gas and waste heat.
Solar power
In the data from Elhub only the electricity that is transmitted to the power grid is measured for producers of solar electricity. This will typically occur in sunny periods when the generation exceeds own consumption. Since the production values are based on a net measurement, this leads to an underestimation of the total solar electricity generation. This is due to the fact that electricity generation which is used to cover own consumption is not included in the statistics.
Exports of electric power is power produced in Norway that crosses the Norwegian border.
Imports of electric power is power produced abroad that crosses the Norwegian border.
Gross consumption of electricity is the sum of gross production of electricity and imports less exports of power.
Pump consumption is power used to run pump stations that elevate water from a lower to higher level.
Other own consumption contains light and heating in the power stations in addition to engines, compressors and other production equipment.
Ordinary consumption and flexible consumption: The contracts for ordinary and flexible power are different. Flexible power can be stopped in the event of limited net capacity.
The consumer groups in the table with information on electricity consumption in Norwegian municipalities have the following content.
Mining and manufacturing etc: Mining and extraction, power intensive manufacturing, manufacturing excluding power intensive manufacturing and various supply and remidiation activities.
Services etc: Transportation and storage and construction and other services.
Households and agriculture etc: Agriculture, forestry and fishing, hot-houses, private households and cottages and holiday houses
Electricity monthly
Production and consumption of electricity is measured in Gigawatt-hours (GWh) in tables. In StatBank, Megawatt-hours (MWh) is used as a measure. The classification is based on the standard industrial classification 2007 (SIC 2007).
Electricity annual
The classification is based on the standard for sector classification 2007 (SN2007). There is a description of which industries the statistics comprise in section 3.1.
Name: Electricity
Topic: Energy and manufacturing
Division for Business Cycle Statistics.
Electricity monthly
Figures for production and consumption are on a national level.
Electricity annual
Municipality and county.
Electricity monthly
Monthly publication. The monthly electricity statistics are published about 3 1/2 weeks after the reference month.
Electricity annual
Annual. The statistics are published 5-6 months after the reference year.
Electricity monthly and Electricity annual
Data from both statistics are reported to Eurostat and the International Energy Agency (IEA).
The annual electricity statistics are reported to Eurostat and the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Electricity monthly and Electricity annual
Collected and revised data are stored securely by Statistics Norway in compliance with applicable legislation on data processing.
Statistics Norway can grant access to the source data (de-identified or anonymised microdata) on which the statistics are based, for researchers and public authorities for the purposes of preparing statistical results and analyses. Access can be granted upon application and subject to conditions. Refer to the details about this at Access to data from Statistics Norway.
Electricity monthly
The purpose of the statistics is to map the production and consumption of electricity. The monthly electricity statistics also serve as a basis for analysis and reports. The current statistics date back to 1979.
Electricity annual
The purpose of the statistics is to follow the development in supply and use of electricity on national level and on county level. The statistics go back to 1937, but have been changed several times since then.
Electricity monthly
External users are the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, IEA and Eurostat.
Internal users of the statistics: the Division for energy and environmental statistics, which uses the data in the energy balance and the energy account; the Division for manufacturing, which uses some of the data in the monthly Index of production. The statistics are also used by the Division for national accounts.
Electricity annual
External users are the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, the Ministry of Finance, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, Enova, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and Eurostat. The Annual electricity statistics are important input to the Energy balance and energy account. The data material is also used by the Divison for National Accounts (930) in Statistics Norway.
Electricity monthly and electricity annual
No external users have access to statistics before they are released at 8 a.m. on ssb.no after at least three months advance notice in the release calendar. This is one of the most important principles in Statistics Norway for ensuring the equal treatment of users.
Electricity monthly
The monthly statistics are used in the revision of the annual electricity statistics. The two statistics correspond well.
Electricity annual
Monthly and annual electricity statistics correspond well.
Electricity monthly and Electricity annual
The statistics are developed, produced and disseminated pursuant to Act no. 32 of 21 June 2019 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act).
Electricity monthly and electricity annual
Data are reported to Eurostat according to Regulation 1099/2008.
Electricity monthly
The datasource is Elhub.
Electricity annual
The datasource is Elhub.
Electricity consumption is divided into consumer groups based on the standard for sector classification 2007
Electricity monthly
Statistics Norway receives a dataset from Elhub about six days after the reference month containing data on production and consumption of electricity from all metering points in Norway. Elhub is an electricity data hub which is a centralized information exchange system for the electricity retail market and contains data on consumption and production of electricity and different market processes from all remotely (and traditional) readable electricity metering points in Norway. From the dataset Statistics Norway calculate electricity production, pump storage, and consumption in different groups which is used in the monthly electricity statistics.
Data on import and export of electricity is collected from Statnett and electricity production on Svalbard is collected by Statistics Norway in an own survey.
Electricity annual
In january each year Statistics Norway receives twelve updated monthly data sets from Elhub containing data on production and consumption of electricity from all metering points in Norway from the previous year. Elhub is an electricity data hub which is a centralized information exchange system for the electricity retail market and contains data on consumption and production of electricity and different market processes from all remotely (and traditional) readable electricity metering points in Norway. From the dataset Statistics Norway calculate data on electricity production and consumption. Data on imports and exports of elctricity is collected fra Statnett. Production and consumption from Svalbard is collected directly by Statistics Norway using an own servey.
Electricity monthly
Statistics Norway receives a dataset from Elhub with measured values for production and consumption of electricity for all metering points in Norway. Since Svalbard is not included in the Elhub data, electricity data from Svalbard is collected in an own survey. Electricity import and export are reported by Statnett once per month.
Data from the Elhub system is used by electricity producers and suppliers and distribution network companies serving electricity consumers and balancing electricity production, hence the metering values is thoroughly checked before Statistics Norway receives the data. Still, we do some checks on production and consumption codes, aggregated values for production and consumption and duplicates in the data. Data are also compared with the yearly electricity statistics.
Electricity annual
Statistics Norway receives a dataset from Elhub with measured values for production and consumption of electricity for all metering points in Norway. Since Svalbard is not included in the Elhub data, electricity data from Svalbard is collected in an own survey. Electricity import and export are reported by Statnett once per month.
Data from the Elhub system is used by electricity producers and suppliers and distribution network companies serving electricity consumers and balancing electricity production, hence the metering values is thoroughly checked before Statistics Norway receives the data. Still, we do some checks on production and consumption codes, municipality codes aggregated values for production and consumption and duplicates in the data. Data from Elhub is also compared other data sources in Statistics Norway.
Electricity monthly and Electricity annual
Employees of Statistics Norway have a duty of confidentiality.
Statistics Norway does not publish figures if there is a risk of the respondent’s contribution being identified. This means that, as a general rule, figures are not published if fewer than three units form the basis of a cell in a table or if the contribution of one or two respondents constitutes a very large part of the cell total.
Statistics Norway can make exceptions to the general rule if deemed necessary to meet the requirements of the EEA agreement, if the respondent is a public authority, if the respondent has consented to this, or when the information disclosed is openly accessible to the public.
More information can be found on Statistics Norway’s website under Methods in official statistics, in the ‘Confidentiality’ section.
Electricity monthly
With the release of figures for 2023 the following changes have been implemented in the annual electricity statistics:
- Solar electricity was introduced as a separate production type and is no longer included in the thermal power category.
- The time series in the new statbank tables (10431, 08307 and 08308) are produced for as many years back in time as possible.
The statistics are comparable back to 1979. However, prior to 1993 the information is less detailed than in later releases.
Until December 2010, pulp and paper production and extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas were included in consumption without power-intensive manufacturing. As from the release in January 2011 these groups are separated into their own consumption groups. Only total consumption in power-intensive manufacturing , non-priority and priority consumption in power-intensive manufacturing and consumption without power-intensive manufacturing and extraction are affected by the changes. The rest of the groups are not influenced by the change.
From January 2016, the basis for calculating net loss was changed from utilising loss shares of the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate to loss shares calculated from net loss reported in the annual electricity statistics. This affects the series net loss, net consumption of electric power and consumption without power-intensive manufacturing and extraction somewhat. The new way of calculating net loss ensures a closer correspondence between the monthly and the annual electricity statistics. All series in Statbank are updated dating back to January 2010
In May 2019 the name of the variable “Pump storage use and other own consumption” was changed to “Pump storage use” since “other own consumption” no longer is included in this variable. Because of this change, the old variable “Pump storage use and other own consumption” and new variable “Pump storage use” cannot be compared directly.
As from the release of the monthly electricity statistics of May 2019 Elhub has been utilised as datasource for electricity generation and pump storage consumption. The change does not have an impact on the time series of production and pump storage.
As from the release of the monthly electricity statistics of October 2019 Elhub has been utilised as datasource for consumption in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas. The change does not have an impact on the time series of extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas.
As from the release of the monthly electricity statistics of January 2020 Elhub has been utilised as datasource for consumption in power intensive manufacturing. The change does not have an impact on the time series of pulp and paper production, production of chemical commodity etc., production of iron, steel and ferroalloy and production of aluminium and other metals.
With the release of the monthly electricity statistics for January 2024 the statistics was expanded along several dimensions:
- Solar electricity was introduced as a separate production type and is no longer included in the thermal power category.
- Grid loss and statistical difference is calculated in the following way:
Gross consumption of electricity – Pump storage – Net consumption of electricity
- Net consumption of electricity is defined as the sum of all measured electricity consumption for primary industries, secondary industries, tertiary industries and households. The new calculation method implies that this variable can not be compared with information in the closed time series.
- New national electricity balance table that contains a higher number of consumer groups than the previous table. Primary industries, secondary industries, tertiary industries and households are examples of new consumption groups.
- New table with electricity generation by type of power and price area.
- New table with electricity consumption by consumer group and price area.
The time series in the new statbank tables (14091, 14092 and 14093) are produced for as many months back in time as possible.
Electricity annual
From the reference year 2020 and onwards Elhub is used as data source for the Electricity statistics. Earlier the data source was Erapp, an administrative register owned by The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE). Changing the data source from Erapp to Elhub does not influence the comparability over time, and only leads to minor deviations in the main variables in the statistics.
In the electricity statistics of 2008 the sale to different end users is based on a new version of Norwegian industry classification (SIC2007) . The most important changes are:
- The numbers of end users increase from 27 to 36 categories.
- Power intensive manufacturing now also includes industry 17.1.
The enterprise is the statistical unit. Prior to 1993 the establishment was the unit, defined as all energy activities located in one distribution area. This change concerns only utilities with activities in several distribution areas and it only affects the total count of electricity utilities.
Electricity monthly
The results of a statistical survey normally contain certain collection and processing errors. Collection errors can occur due to a respondent giving incorrect information because they misunderstand a question, or they may forget to answer a question. Processing errors can also occur during revisions of the sample.
Despite various data controls, errors can still occur. These can include errors that were not possible to detect during the control routines or incorrect evaluations by executive officers in Statistics Norway.
The statistics are based on a full count, and thus there are no sampling errors.
Electricity annual
The results of a statistical survey normally contain certain collection and processing errors. Collection errors can occur due to a respondent giving incorrect information because they misunderstand a question, or they may forget to answer a question. Processing errors can also occur in the data during revisions of the sample.
Despite various data controls, errors can still occur. These can include errors that were not possible to detect during the control routines or incorrect evaluations by executive officers in Statistics Norway.
Electricity monthly and Electricity annual
A revision is a planned change to figures that have already been published, for example when releasing final figures as a follow-up to published preliminary figures. See also Statistics Norway’s principles for revisions.
The figures of the electricity statistics are not revised after the release of the statistics.