From the first quarter of 2025 onwards, this statistic will only publish an aggregate price for all types of fixed-price contracts. This means that the appendix tables for end-users will show one aggregate price for fixed-price agreements per end-user category, with no further breakdown. In Statbank, new tables will be created that take into account the new classification of fixed-price contracts, and the old tables will no longer be filled with data from the first quarter of 2025 onwards. Apart from the aforementioned change in fixed-price contracts, the new tables will be similar to the old ones.
Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Electricity prices
The quarterly electricity price statistics include information about average electricity prices for households, services and manufacturing in addition to the wholesale market. They also provide information about different types of price contracts by consumer group.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Electricity prices in the end-user market, quarterly. Øre/kWhDownload table as ...Electricity prices in the end-user market, quarterly. Øre/kWh
4th quarter 2024 Change in per cent Øre/KwH Last 3 mos. Last 12 mos. Households. Total price of electricity, grid rent and taxes 134.7 19.8 -17.3 Electricity price 54.5 54.4 -35.6 Grid rent 38.7 -3.5 20.2 Taxes 41.5 12.2 -10.0 Electricity support deducted1 10.3 5 050.0 -61.3 Households. Total price of electricity, grid rent and taxes. Electricity support deducted 124.4 10.8 -8.7 Households. Electricity price by type of contract. Exclusive taxes New fixed-price contracts-1 year or less2 28.4 -7.8 -43.0 New fixed-price contracts-1 year or more2 41.7 -15.8 -8.4 All other fixed-price contracts 52.6 4.6 -0.8 Contracts tied to spot price 53.8 59.6 -36.7 Variable price (not tied to spot price) 89.7 0.0 -11.9 Business activity. Electricity price. Exclusive taxes Services 54.5 64.7 -32.5 Manufacturing excl. energy-intensive manufacturing 51.7 51.2 -34.6 ManufacturiEnergy-intensive manufacturing 39.4 -0.5 -15.3 1The Norwegian government launched a temporary electricity support package for households lasting from December 2021 until the end of March 2022. The electricity support shown in the table is the weighted average electricity support for the whole country. For more information on how the electricity support is calculated, please see the “about statistics”-section on the web page of the electricity price statistics. 2New fixed-price contracts are entered during the measuring period, and older fixed-price contracts are entered earlier. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Electricity prices in the end-user market, quarterly. Exclusive taxes. Øre/kWhDownload table as ...Electricity prices in the end-user market, quarterly. Exclusive taxes. Øre/kWh
4th quarter 2024 Change in per cent 3rd quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 Breakdown of electricity sales by volume. Per cent Last 3 mos. Last 12 mos. HOUSEHOLDS 54.5 54.4 -35.6 35.3 84.6 100.0 New fixed-price contracts, 1-year or less, households1 28.4 -7.8 -43.0 30.8 49.8 0.4 New fixed-price contracts, more than 1-year, households1 41.7 -15.8 -8.4 49.5 45.5 0.1 Older fixed-price contracts, households 52.6 4.6 -0.8 50.3 53.0 2.6 Contracts tied to spot price, households 53.8 59.6 -36.7 33.7 85.0 94.7 Variable price contracts, households 89.7 0.0 -11.9 89.7 101.8 2.3 SERVICES 54.5 64.7 -32.5 33.1 80.7 100.0 New fixed-price contracts, services1 37.8 46.5 -33.0 25.8 56.4 0.6 Older fixed-price contracts, services1 51.1 4.7 -8.1 48.8 55.6 6.0 Contracts tied to spot price, services 54.5 71.9 -33.3 31.7 81.7 91.6 Variable price contracts, services 70.8 34.6 -25.6 52.6 95.2 1.8 MANUFACTURING EXCL. ENERGY-INTENSIVE MANUFACTURING 51.7 51.2 -34.6 34.2 79.1 100.0 New fixed-price contracts, manufacturing excl. energy-intensive manufacturing1 38.1 5.2 -6.8 36.2 40.9 1.6 Older fixed-price contracts, manufacturing excl. energy-intensive manufacturing1 54.1 10.2 -1.6 49.1 55.0 8.2 Contracts tied to spot price, manufacturing excl. energy-intensive manufacturing 51.7 62.1 -36.3 31.9 81.2 89.5 Variable price contracts, manufacturing excl. energy-intensive manufacturing 58.0 20.3 -26.9 48.2 79.3 0.7 ENERGY-INTENSIVE MANUFACTURING2 39.4 -0.5 -15.3 39.6 46.5 100.0 Fixed-price contracts and contracts not entered in the market, energy-intensive manufacturing : : : : : : Contracts tied to spot price, energy-intensive manufacturing 36.9 35.2 -41.8 27.3 63.4 : 1New fixed-price contracts are entered during the measuring period, and older fixed-price contracts are entered earlier. 2Average for all types of contracts, incl. new fixed-price contracts and variable price (not tied to spot price). Pulp and paper industry is included in energy-intensive manufacturing. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Electricity prices and grid rent for households, quarterly. Øre/kWhDownload table as ...Electricity prices and grid rent for households, quarterly. Øre/kWh
4th quarter 2024 Change in per cent 3rd quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 Last 3 mos. Last 12 mos. Electricity price excl. VAT (øre/kWh) 54.5 54.4 -35.6 35.3 84.6 Electricity price incl. VAT (øre/kWh) 66.5 54.7 -35.6 43.0 103.3 Grid rent, excl. taxes (øre/kWh) 38.7 -3.5 20.2 40.1 32.2 Grid rent, incl. taxes (øre/kWh) 68.2 -1.7 14.4 69.4 59.6 Total price of electricity and grid rent excl. taxes (øre/kWh) 93.2 23.6 -20.2 75.4 116.8 Total price of electricity and grid rent incl. taxes (øre/kWh) 134.7 19.8 -17.3 112.4 162.9 Total price of electr., grid rent incl. taxes, electr. support deducted(øre/kWh)1 124.4 10.8 -8.7 112.3 136.2 1The Norwegian government launched a temporary electricity support package for households lasting from December 2021 until the end of March 2022. The electricity support shown in the table is the weighted average electricity support for the whole country. For more information on how the electricity support is calculated, please see the “about statistics”-section on the web page of the electricity price statistics. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Electricity prices in the wholesale market, quarterly. Øre/kWhDownload table as ...Electricity prices in the wholesale market, quarterly. Øre/kWh1
4th quarter 2024 Average price, excl. taxes Change in average price (per cent) Average price, excl. taxes Last 3 mos. Last 12 mos. 3rd quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 WHOLESALES OF ELECTRICITY 48.7 60.2 -37.0 30.4 77.3 Fixed-price contracts, full time 47.0 4.9 5.9 44.8 44.4 Fixed-price contracts, free time : : : : : Contracts not entered in the market 14.2 -1.4 -7.8 14.4 15.4 Spot price and regulation electricity 51.2 64.6 -37.8 31.1 82.3 Electricity supplier in own enterprise or concern 48.2 87.5 -38.9 25.7 78.9 1VAT and tax on consumtion are not included. The fixed prices are based on market conditions. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 14 November 2024.
Prices of electric energy exclusive of public taxes (user tax on electricity, value added tax and subsidies to Enova) and electricity support and exclusive of grid rent . This is explained in more detail in the annotations in the tables. The statistics then only covers the part of the electricity supply exposed for competition.
Grid rent: The customer is charged for transmission of the electricity by the local grid company. The average country-wide grid rent is fetched from the NVE webpage on grid rents. Monthly country-wide grid rent from NVE is then aggregated up to quarterly data using household electricity consumption per month as weights. The source for monthly electricity consumption for households is the monthly electricity statistics in Statistics Norway. Note that the average grid rent for a specific period may change because of revisions made by one or more of the grid companies delivering grid rent data to NVE.
Taxes for households consists of tax on consumption of electricity, value added tax (VAT) and subsidies to Enova. All counties in Norway have the same tax rate for the consumption of electricity, apart from some parts of Troms and the whole of Finnmark, which are exempt. The Enova tax was 1 øre/kWh in 2021 and is the same for all households throughout the country. VAT is added after electricity price, grid rent and other taxes have been added. Nordland, Troms and Finnmark are exempt from VAT.
Electricity support: The Norwegian government launched a temporary electricity support package for households from December 2021 . The electricity support shown in the tables is the weighted average electricity support for the whole country. Quarterly electricity support is calculated by taking the weighted average of the hourly electricity support. To calculate the wieghts, Statistics Norway collect hourly household electricity consumption per spot price area from Elhub. Information about the hourly electricity support is collected from NVE (the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate).
Spot price: Nord Pool Spot is the marketplace for physical power contracts. On Nord Pool Spot the electricity spot price is set for Norway.
Wholesale market: Electricity producers, electricity suppliers and some industrial enterprises buy and sell power in large quantity primarily for re-sale to end users.
End-user market: Customers that buy electricity for their own consumption directly from an electricity supplier.
Type of contracts in the end-user market
Fixed price contracts. All contracts where the price is fixed or where the price is linked to a fixed price path are regarded as fixed price contracts. Contracts tied to a price index are also included in the fixed price category.
Contracts tied to the spot price: Includes all contracts derived from the elspot price. This category also includes contracts tied to spot price with an overhead charge or price ceiling. Markups and price ceilings are included in the average price.
Variable price contracts: A type of contract where the price varies during the year, mostly depending on market conditions. For a standard variable contract, the supplier may freely choose the price and its duration provided that any price change is announced to its customers at least 14 days in advance.
Contracts not entered in the market: Price contracts that are not determined by the market. For instance, contracts sold at cost-price or contracts where the state or a municipality sets a price that is higher or lower than the market price.
Type of contracts in the wholesale market
Fixed price contracts. All contracts where the price is fixed or where the price is linked to a fixed price path are regarded as fixed price contracts. Contracts tied to a price index are also included in the fixed price category. Fixed price contracts are divided into full time and free time. Costumers with free-time fixed price contracts can choose electricity consumption freely during the contract period, while customers with full-time contracts have to distribute the consumption evenly.
Spot prices and regulating power prices: Volumes traded in the elspot and balancing power market.
Contracts not entered in the market: Price contracts that are not determined by the market. For instance, contracts sold at cost-price or contracts where the state or a municipality sets a price that is higher or lower than the market price.
The standard for sector classification (NACE) is used when dividing prices between the electricity consumer groups. It is also split between different types of contracts for buying and selling electricity.
This division is found in the tables of the statistics.