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Statistics about
Business statistics for the electricity industry
The statistics cover economic figures for the electricity industry, as well as power prices and grid rent.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Selected main economic figures and prices for householdsDownload table as ...Selected main economic figures and prices for households1
2022 2023 Per cent change compared to last year Price for households national level. Øre/kWh Total price on electricity, grid rent and taxes 248.3 165.6 -33.3 Price on electricity 156.0 85.8 -45.0 Grid rent 33.9 35.6 5.0 Taxes 58.4 44.2 -24.3 Electricity support deducted 91.2 25.1 -72.5 Total price of electricity, grid rent and taxes. Electricity support deducted 157.1 140.5 -10.6 Economic main figures. NOK million Compensations of employees 10 739 11 927 11.1 Production value 200 790 144 358 -28.1 Cost of goods and services consumed 31 378 31 202 -0.6 Value added 169 412 113 156 -33.2 Gross fixed capital formation 22 135 25 358 14.6 Acquisition of fixed assets 23 052 25 652 11.3 Sale of fixed assets 917 294 -67.9 1The Norwegian government launched a temporary electricity support package for households in December 2021. The electricity support shown in the table is the weighted average electricity support for the whole country. Annual electricity support is calculated as the weighted average of the monthly electricity support. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Prices on electricity and grid rent excluding taxes, by consumer group. Øre/kWhDownload table as ...Prices on electricity and grid rent excluding taxes, by consumer group. Øre/kWh
2023 Total average price excluding taxes Price on electricity Grid rent, weighted average ALL CONSUMER GROUPS 94.2 72.5 21.7 POWER INTENSIVE MANUFACTURING 44.3 42.1 2.2 Manufacture of pulp, papir and paperboard 73.8 71.6 2.2 Industrial chemicals 76.4 70.1 6.3 Iron, steel and ferroalloys 47.9 46.3 1.6 Non-ferrous metals 33.7 32.2 1.5 MINING AND EXTRACTION 78.5 75.0 3.5 Mining 86.9 67.0 19.9 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas together with support activities for this sector 93.0 90.2 2.8 MANUFACTURING EXCLUDING POWER INTENSIVE MANUFACTURING 84.5 66.8 17.7 Food products, beverages and tobacco 90.0 69.2 20.8 Other manufacturing 81.8 65.8 16.0 VARIOUS SUPPLY AND REMIDIATION ACTIVITIES 95.2 76.0 19.2 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution together with distribution of gas thorugh mains 97.6 75.0 22.6 Steam and air conditioning supply 88.7 73.7 15.0 Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remidiation activities 112.8 88.5 24.3 TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE 95.1 73.6 21.5 Passenger rail transport, freight rail transport, other urban and suburban transport 108.6 93.6 15.0 Other transport and storage 95.9 73.2 22.7 Postal and courier activities 112.9 87.9 25.0 CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER SERVICES 106.9 81.0 25.9 Construction 118.2 88.8 29.4 Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 107.4 81.4 26.0 Accomodation, food and beverage service activities 108.3 83.0 25.3 Information and communication 68.6 54.1 14.5 Financial and insurance activities 118.3 92.4 25.9 Real estate activities 114.4 87.4 27.0 Professional, scientific and technical activities 114.1 87.6 26.5 Administrative and support service activities 110.1 83.6 26.5 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security 98.7 71.9 26.8 Streets and road lighting 110.6 77.6 33.0 Education 102.7 77.5 25.2 Human health and social work activities 118.6 95.7 22.9 Arts, entertainment and recreation 119.9 90.2 29.7 Activities of membership organisations 122.3 90.0 32.3 Other service activities 122.8 90.4 32.4 PRIVATE HOUSEHOLDS AND AGRICULTURE 121.0 84.9 36.1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 90.4 67.5 22.9 Hot-houses 102.7 84.2 18.5 Private households 121.4 85.8 35.6 Cottages and holiday houses 145.4 88.3 57.1 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Price on electricity, grid rent and taxes of households, by county. Øre/kWhDownload table as ...Price on electricity, grid rent and taxes of households, by county. Øre/kWh1
2023 Total price of electricity, grid rent and taxes. Electricity support deducted Price on electricity Grid rent Taxes Electricity support The whole country 140.5 85.8 35.6 44.2 25.1 Viken (2020-2023) 147.6 96.6 33.1 50.8 32.9 Oslo 152.2 101.1 32.2 51.8 32.9 Innlandet 144.4 93.4 32.6 49.9 31.5 Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023) 159.4 103.4 36.3 53.3 33.6 Agder 158.7 103.1 36.0 53.2 33.6 Rogaland 166.7 101.9 43.6 54.8 33.6 Vestland 154.1 88.7 42.4 51.3 28.3 Møre og Romsdal 130.1 58.3 35.7 41.9 5.8 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 127.3 62.6 29.5 41.4 6.2 Nordland - Nordlánnda 98.4 47.1 40.2 14.7 3.6 Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023) 87.6 47.6 34.6 9.0 3.6 1The Norwegian government launched a temporary electricity support package for households in December 2021. The electricity support rate is calculated from the monthly electricity price in the Elspot area that households belong to. A county can be in one or more Elspot areas. The average electricity support rate per county is calculated as a weighted average of the relevant electricity support rates using the household consumption in the Elspot areas as weights. Annual electricity support is calculated as the weighted average of the monthly electricity support. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Prices on electricity traded in the wholesale market and concession power. Øre/kWhDownload table as ...Prices on electricity traded in the wholesale market and concession power. Øre/kWh
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 A. Bilateral contracts, total 31.4 28.1 32.7 28.2 21.2 24.0 23.3 19.8 24.5 26.4 33.5 31.7 18.5 39.7 65.3 43.4 A.1 Contracts up to 1 year duration 33.9 30.0 42.4 35.0 23.7 29.2 24.1 19.5 24.2 26.9 40.5 38.0 13.8 56.7 102.4 57.7 A.2 Contracts up to 1-5 year duration 37.8 31.6 39.8 34.4 24.2 28.6 24.5 24.1 24.7 28.7 33.1 32.6 23.3 44.2 83.7 43.1 A.3 Contracts with more than 5 year duration 20.0 25.1 26.4 23.6 19.4 21.3 22.7 19.0 24.7 25.6 22.8 21.7 20.4 27.1 33.6 33.4 B. Market power trade, total 40.1 32.5 45.6 37.4 24.2 30.6 24.7 19.5 25.2 27.6 41.6 38.8 12.8 64.3 131.9 69.1 B.1 Elspot market 40.1 32.5 45.9 37.4 24.3 30.5 24.6 19.4 25.2 27.6 41.6 38.7 13.0 64.5 130.3 68.5 B.2 The regulation market 36.2 30.2 43.1 38.5 23.8 30.6 25.2 20.0 25.1 27.6 41.7 39.6 11.4 62.9 143.5 73.6 C. Concession power 9.6 9.3 10.3 11.1 10.6 10.9 11.9 11.5 11.4 11.8 12.7 12.2 12.2 13.0 13.8 14.3 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Economic main figures of the electricity industry. NOK millionDownload table as ...Economic main figures of the electricity industry. NOK million1
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Compensations of employees 7 005 7 942 8 599 8 678 8 758 8 447 9 059 9 935 10 739 11 927 Production value 58 391 57 754 67 969 68 656 87 829 79 856 70 520 122 447 200 790 144 358 Cost of goods and services consumed 17 067 17 185 18 292 18 621 22 289 20 618 20 509 24 163 31 378 31 202 Value added 41 324 40 569 49 677 50 035 65 540 59 238 50 011 98 284 169 412 113 156 Gross fixed capital formation 19 234 20 708 24 756 27 588 33 282 34 017 35 483 29 356 22 135 25 358 Acquisition of fixed assets 20 315 22 235 25 836 29 806 36 927 36 932 36 312 29 805 23 052 25 652 Sale of fixed assets 1 081 1 527 1 080 2 218 3 645 2 915 829 449 917 294 1Gross fixed capital formation = acquisition - sale of fixed assets Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Income statement for enterprises in the electricity industry, by ownership group. NOK millionDownload table as ...Income statement for enterprises in the electricity industry, by ownership group. NOK million
2023 Total Central government County/municipality ...County municipal ...Joint municipal ...Municipal Private Operating income, total 278 001 64 629 135 453 3 794 110 036 21 623 77 920 Sales of energy 222 939 49 204 102 124 3 655 80 188 18 281 71 611 Sales of transmission 40 040 12 565 25 900 0 23 890 2 010 1 575 Other operating income 15 022 2 859 7 429 139 5 958 1 332 4 734 Operating expenses, total 189 929 36 875 83 005 2 759 72 041 8 204 70 049 Purchase of energy 114 773 11 136 46 598 2 176 40 240 4 183 57 039 Purchase of grid services 12 135 4 396 7 134 12 6 443 679 606 Compensation of employees 11 927 3 724 5 821 42 4 705 1 074 2 382 Depreciation 15 173 5 277 7 151 164 6 350 637 2 745 Other operating expenses 35 920 12 343 16 301 366 14 303 1 632 7 277 Operating profit 88 072 27 753 52 448 1 034 37 995 13 419 7 871 Financial income, total 14 429 4 557 7 237 517 3 952 2 767 2 635 Financial expenses total 15 962 3 451 6 480 196 4 860 1 424 6 031 Financial items, net -1 534 1 106 757 322 -908 1 343 -3 397 Profit before taxes 86 539 28 859 53 205 1 356 37 087 14 762 4 474 Taxes 48 492 17 786 27 543 747 19 557 7 239 3 163 Profit after taxes 38 047 11 073 25 662 609 17 530 7 524 1 311 Annual profit 38 047 11 073 25 662 609 17 530 7 524 1 311 Dividends 14 251 3 456 9 849 3 7 027 2 819 946 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Income statement for enterprises in the electricity industry, by classification. NOK millionDownload table as ...Income statement for enterprises in the electricity industry, by classification. NOK million
2023 35.1 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 35.111 Production of electricity through water power 35.112 Production of electricity through wind power 35.119 Other production of electricity 35.120 Transmission of electricity 35.130 Distribution of electricity 35.140 Trade of electricity Operating income, total 278 001 137 127 5 956 191 11 252 31 426 92 049 Sales of energy 222 939 129 024 5 433 140 0 860 87 483 Sales of transmission 40 040 150 5 0 10 465 29 165 253 Other operating income 15 022 7 953 518 51 787 1 400 4 313 Operating expenses, total 189 929 62 090 4 791 208 12 944 22 313 87 583 Purchase of energy 114 773 34 179 54 0 0 756 79 784 Purchase of grid services 12 135 2 061 297 0 2 964 6 727 86 Compensation of employees 11 927 5 054 19 34 1 490 3 459 1 871 Depreciation 15 173 4 502 2 140 50 3 191 4 480 810 Other operating expenses 35 920 16 294 2 280 124 5 299 6 891 5 032 Operating profit 88 072 75 037 1 166 -17 -1 692 9 112 4 466 Financial income, total 14 429 10 668 448 11 683 409 2 211 Financial expenses total 15 962 5 225 2 430 20 2 365 2 522 3 400 Financial items, net -1 534 5 443 -1 983 -9 -1 683 -2 113 -1 189 Profit before taxes 86 539 80 480 -817 -26 -3 374 6 999 3 277 Taxes 48 492 46 583 559 0 -744 1 573 522 Profit after taxes 38 047 33 897 -1 376 -27 -2 630 5 426 2 755 Annual profit 38 047 33 897 -1 376 -27 -2 630 5 426 2 755 Dividends 14 251 10 594 376 0 296 1 243 1 742 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Acquisition and sale of fixed assets, by type of capital. NOK millionDownload table as ...Acquisition and sale of fixed assets, by type of capital. NOK million
Acquisition Sale 2023 Fixed assets, total 25 652 294 Water power plants 1 611 3 ¬ Waterfall rights 45 0 ¬ Waterway regulations 1 566 3 Hydro-electric power stations 4 382 44 ¬ Building construction, hydro-electric power stations 1 489 14 ¬ Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, hydro-electric power stations 2 893 30 Thermal power plants 35 0 ¬ Building construction, thermal power plants 5 0 ¬ Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, thermal power plants 30 0 Windpower plants 190 2 ¬ Building construction, windpower plants 164 0 ¬ Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, windpower plants 25 2 Solar power plants 87 1 ¬ Building construction, solar power plants 78 1 ¬ Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, solar power plants 9 0 Transmission systems 14 859 115 ¬ Central grid systems 3 654 0 ¬ Regional grid systems 4 421 85 ¬ Local grid systems 6 784 30 District heating 26 0 ¬ Production plants 5 0 ¬ Distribution systems 13 0 ¬ Other, district heating 8 0 Other fixed assets, total 4 463 129 ¬ Control centers 110 1 ¬ Street and road lighting 2 0 ¬ Motor vehicles and other transport equipment 418 38 ¬ Construction machinery 86 1 ¬ Office equipment 658 5 ¬ Offices and premises 388 16 ¬ Dwellings for employees 4 0 ¬ Land 535 2 ¬ Other property 549 15 ¬ Construction roads 192 0 ¬ Tele 306 15 ¬ Fixed assets, other 1 215 36 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 26 November 2024.
Electricity price, i.e. the price that households pay to the electricity suppliers. This part of the power market was deregulated in 1991. Costs relating to electricity certificates, which is a subsidy system for renewable power, are included in the electricity price. According tothe Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) and the Swedish Energy Agency, the cost of electricity certificates was about 1 øre/kWh in 2012 and 2013.
Grid rent, i.e. the price that households pay for the physical distribution of electricity. Unlike the deregulated electricity price, the grid rent is regulated.
Taxes consist of tax on consumption of electricity, value added tax (VAT) and subsidies to Enova. All counties in Norway have the same tax rate for the consumption of electricity, apart from some parts of Troms and the whole of Finnmark, which are exempt. VAT is added after electricity price, grid rent and other taxes have been added. Nordland, Troms and Finnmark are exempt from VAT.
Electricity support: The Norwegian government launched a temporary electricity support package for households from December 2021 . The electricity support shown in the tables is the weighted average electricity support for the whole country. Quarterly electricity support is calculated by taking the weighted average of the hourly electricity support. To calculate the wieghts, Statistics Norway collect hourly household electricity consumption per spot price area from Elhub. Information about the hourly electricity support is collected from NVE (the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate).
Production value is defined as turnover corrected for changes in stock of finished goods, work in progress and goods and services bought for resale.
Cost of goods and services consumed is the value of goods and services consumed as input in the production process; excluding fixed assets (consumption is recorded as consumption of fixed capital).
Value added is the sum of production value minus the cost of goods and services consumed.
The standard industrial classification 2007 (SN2007) is used for determining the population basis for the statistics.