Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Energy use in the manufacturing sector
The purpose of this statistics is to highlight the energy consumption in the manufacturing and mining industry in Norway.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Energy consumption and costs in establishments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying.Download table as ...Energy consumption and costs in establishments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying.1
Total energy consumption Energy costs Gwh Per cent NOK million Per cent 20232 2022 - 2023 20232 2022 - 2023 05,07,08,09.9,10-33 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 76 254 -4.0 38 798 -15.2 05,07,08,09.9 Mining and quarrying 1 329 -13.6 1 466 -27.1 10-33 Manufacture 74 925 -3.8 37 332 -14.6 10-12 Manufacture of food products and beverages 5 287 6.2 4 968 -13.2 16 Wood and wood products 2 589 13.0 1 171 19.6 17 Paper and paper products 4 306 -19.3 2 086 -32.9 19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac. 23 440 -0.8 8 584 -26.9 22-23 Rubber, plastic and mineral prod. 4 107 -7.5 3 307 11.6 24 Basic metals 31 937 -6.5 13 698 -11.4 13-15,18,25-33 Manufacturing n.e.c. 3 259 6.0 3 519 -6.0 1Published data are based on SN07. 2Preliminary figures The figures for Self-produced energy, which includes Self-produced electricity, have been corrected 18 July 2023 for the years 2021 and 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Energy consumption in establishments in maufacturing, mining and quarrying1. Overview. Preliminary figures.Download table as ...Energy consumption in establishments in maufacturing, mining and quarrying1. Overview. Preliminary figures.1
2023 Energy consumption (M1) Energy consumption (GWh) Fraction in per cent Energy costs (NOK million) Energy prices (kr/M1 and øre/M1) Energy prices (øre/kWh) Total energy consumption (M1 = GWh) . 76 254 100.0 . . . Purchased energy (M1 = GWh) . 63 072 82.7 38 798 . 61.5 Electricity (M1 = GWh)2 44 542 44 542 58.4 23 615 53.0 53.0 Petroleum products (excl. used for transport) (M1 = tonnes) 175 942 2 043 2.7 2 081 11 828 101.9 Kerosene (M1 = tonnes) 724 9 13 17 956 144.4 Light heating oils (M1 = tonnes) 41 160 494 534 12 974 108.1 Heavy distillates (M1 = tonnes) - - - . . Heavy fuel oils (M1 = tonnes) 3 396 38 32 9 423 84.2 Waste oil (M1 = tonnes) 33 817 338 85 2 514 25.1 Auto diesel (non-dutiable) (M1 = tonnes) 96 845 1 163 1 417 14 632 121.8 Gas (M1 = GWh) 5 377 5 377 7.1 4 045 . 75.2 Propane and butane (M1 = tonnes) 151 205 1 937 1 419 9 385 73.3 Liquified natural gas (LNG) (M1 = tonnes) 127 857 1 726 1 573 12 303 91.1 Natural gas (in gaseous form) (M1 = 1 000 Sm3) 108 347 1 063 643 5 935 60.5 Fuel gas (M1 = tonnes) 31 624 527 226 7 146 42.9 CO-gas (M1 = GWh) 120 120 20 16.7 16.7 Other purchased gas (M1 = GWh) . . . . . Coal products (M1 = tonnes)3 993 040 8 379 11.0 5 758 5 798 68.7 Pit coal, briquettes (M1 = tonnes)3 63 951 499 138 2 158 27.7 Coke and semi-coke of coal (M1 = tonnes)3 14 893 118 88 5 909 74.6 Pit coal, briqbruettes (used as reducing agent during production) (M1 = tonnes)3 576 364 4 499 3 047 5 287 67.7 Coke and semi-coke of coal (used as reducing agent during production) (M1 = tonnes)3 337 832 2 676 1 770 5 239 66.1 Petrol coke (M1 = tonnes)3 4 27 841 271 146 5 244 53.9 Charcoal (M1 = tonnes) 40 621 317 569 14 008 179.5 Steam and district heating (M1 = GWh) 1 392 1 392 1.8 767 55.1 55.1 Steam (M1 = GWh) 998 998 522 52.3 52.3 District heating (M1 = GWh) 393 393 245 62.3 62.3 Fire wood, waste of wood and other biofuel (M1 = GWh) 790 790 0.8 908 . 114.9 Fire wood, waste of wood (M1 = m3) 323 289 647 705 2 181 109.0 Other biofuel (M1 = GWh) 55 55 192 2 922 349.1 Wood pellets (M1=tonnes) 11 936 88 11 922 12.5 Petroleum products for transport (M1 = 1 000 litres) 53 458 547 0.7 821 15 358 150.1 Gasoline (M1 = 1 000 litres) 2 362 21 40 16 935 190.5 Auto diesel (dutiable) (M1 = 1 000 litres) 40 486 405 660 16 302 163.0 Marine gas oils (M1 = 1 000 litres) 10 602 107 100 9 432 93.5 Self-produced energy (M1 = GWh) 13 182 13 182 17.3 - . . Self-produced wood waste (M1 = m3) 833 796 2 084 - . . Self-produced black liquor (M1 = GWh) 130 130 - . . Other self-produced waste (M1 = GWh) 851 851 - . . Self-produced electricity (M1 = GWh) 243 243 - . . Self-produced refinery gas (M1 = GWh) . . - . . Self-produced fuel gas (M1 = GWh) . . - . . Self-produced CO-gas (M1 = GWh) . . - . . Self-produced Natural gas (in gaseous form (M1 = GWh) . . . . . Other self-produced gas (M1 = GWh) . . - . . 1Auxiliary units and establishments in extraction of oil and gas are not included. 2Occasional power and grid rent included. 3Coal, coke etc. used as reducing agent during production is considered as fuel in the energy balance and is included in the statistics from 2003. Costs are included from 2011. 4Incl. petrol coke used as reducing agent during production The figures for Self-produced energy, which includes Self-produced electricity, have been corrected 18 July 2023 for the years 2021 and 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Energy consumption in establishments1 in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, by industry subclass and energy type measured in GWH. Preliminary figures.Download table as ...Energy consumption in establishments1 in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, by industry subclass and energy type measured in GWH. Preliminary figures.1
2023 Total for all energy products Purchased electricity2 Purchased petroleum products Purchased gas Purchased coal products3 Purchased district heating and steam Purchased fire wood and waste Purchased petroleum products for transport Self-produced bio energy Self-produced electricity Self-produced gas 05,07,08,09.9,10-33 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 76 254 44 542 2 043 5 377 8 379 1 392 790 547 2 539 243 9 857 05,07,08,09.9 Mining and quarrying 1 329 527 648 60 - - - 76 - 18 - 10-33 Manufacturing 74 925 44 014 1 395 5 317 8 379 1 391 790 471 2 539 225 9 857 10-12 Food products, beverages and tobacco 5 287 3 325 384 1 092 - 288 10 159 22 7 - 16 Wood and wood products 2 589 582 85 56 - 71 275 20 1 501 - - 17 Pulp, paper and paperproducts 4 306 2 926 70 234 - 62 281 1 725 1 - 19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac. 23 440 7 233 127 1 900 3 108 811 57 42 61 130 9 827 22-23 Rubber, plastic and mineral prod. 4 107 1 130 458 1 139 557 17 111 78 220 1 - 24 Basic metals 31 937 26 209 125 756 4 712 17 - 6 - 82 29 13-15,18,25-33 Manufacturing n.e.c. 3 259 2 610 146 140 2 125 56 165 10 4 - 1Published data are based on SN07 2Occasional power included. 3Coal, coke etc. used as reducing agent during production is considered as fuel in the energy balance and is included in the statistics from 2009. The figures for Self-produced energy, which includes Self-produced electricity, have been corrected 18 July 2023 for the years 2021 and 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Energy costs in establishments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, by industry subclass and energy type. Preliminary figures.Download table as ...Energy costs in establishments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, by industry subclass and energy type. Preliminary figures.1
2023 Total for all energy products Purchased electricity2 Purchased petroleum products Purchased gas Purchased coal products3 Purchased district heating and steam Purchased fire wood and waste Purchased petroleum products for transport 05,07,08,09.9,10-33 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 38 798 23 615 2 081 4 045 5 758 767 908 821 05,07,08,09.9 Mining and quarrying 1 466 489 787 67 - - - 122 10-33 Manufacturing 37 332 23 126 1 294 3 978 5 758 767 908 699 10-12 Food products, beverages and tobacco 4 968 3 197 417 932 - 204 15 201 16 Wood and wood products 1 171 550 104 64 - 25 400 28 17 Pulp, paper and paper products 2 086 1 743 67 209 - 7 59 1 19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac. 8 584 4 034 137 1 094 2 700 379 180 60 22-23 Rubber, plastic and mineral prod. 3 307 1 024 242 872 207 14 21 126 24 Basic metals 13 698 10 179 145 503 2 847 14 - 10 13-15,18,25-33 Manufacturing n.e.c 3 519 2 399 182 304 4 123 233 273 1Published data are based on SN07. 2Occasional power included. 3Coal, coke etc. used as reducing agent during production is considered as fuel in the energy balance and is included in the statistics from 2009. The figures for Self-produced energy, which includes Self-produced electricity, have been corrected 18 July 2023 for the years 2021 and 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Energy prices in establishments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, by industry subclass and energy type measured in øre per kWh. Preliminary figures.Download table as ...Energy prices in establishments in manufacturing, mining and quarrying, by industry subclass and energy type measured in øre per kWh. Preliminary figures.1
2023 Total for all energy products Purchased electricity2 Purchased petroleum products Purchased gas Purchased coal products3 Purchased district heating and steam Purchased fire wood and waste Purchased petroleum products for transport 05,07,08,09.9,10-33 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying 50.9 53.0 101.9 75.2 68.7 55.1 114.9 150.2 05,07,08,09.9 Mining and quarrying 110.3 92.7 121.5 112.9 : 84.2 176.1 161.0 10-33 Manufacturing 49.8 52.5 92.7 74.8 68.7 55.1 114.9 148.5 10-12 Food products, beverages and tobacco 94.0 96.2 108.6 85.3 : 71.0 147.6 126.5 16 Wood and wood products 45.2 94.6 122.0 114.1 : 35.5 145.7 139.3 17 Pulp, paper and paper products 48.4 59.6 95.7 89.2 : 11.8 20.8 154.0 19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac. 36.6 55.8 107.8 57.6 86.9 46.8 317.0 142.0 22-23 Rubber, plastic and mineral prod. 80.5 90.6 52.9 76.6 37.2 78.4 19.3 162.3 24 Basic metals 42.9 38.8 115.8 66.5 60.4 81.9 : 165.7 13-15,18,25-33 Manufacturing n.e.c 108.0 91.9 124.4 216.8 158.2 98.2 416.0 165.3 1Published data are based on SN07. 2Occasional power included. 3Kull og koks brukt som reduksjonsmiddel i produksjonsprosessen er betraktet som brensel i energibalansen og er inkludert i statistikken fra 2009. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Energy consumption in establishments in maufacturing, mining and quarrying. Overview. Final figures.Download table as ...Energy consumption in establishments in maufacturing, mining and quarrying. Overview. Final figures.1
2022 Energy consumption (M1) Energy consumption (GWh) Fraction in per cent Energy costs (NOK million) Energy prices (øre/M1) Energy prices (øre/kWh) Total energy consumption (M1 = GWh) . 79 441 100.0 . . . Purchased energy (M1 = GWh) . 67 830 85.4 45 728 . 67.4 Electricity (M1 = GWh)2 46 791 46 791 58.9 29 440 62.9 62.9 Petroleum products (excl. used for transport) (M1 = tonnes) 207 751 2 414 3.0 2 594 12 486 107.5 Kerosene (M1 = tonnes) 864 11 14 16 204 127.3 Light heating oils (M1 = tonnes) 42 793 515 583 13 624 113.2 Heavy distillates (M1 = tonnes) - - - . . Heavy fuel oils (M1 = tonnes) 8 413 95 52 6 181 54.7 Waste oil (M1 = tonnes) 37 871 379 108 2 852 28.5 Auto diesel (non-dutiable) (M1 = tonnes) 117 810 1 414 1 836 15 584 129.8 Gas (M1 = GWh) 6 391 6 391 8.0 5 902 . 92.3 Propane and butane (M1 = tonnes) 214 520 2 749 2 240 10 442 81.5 Liquified natural gas (LNG) (M1 = tonnes) 138 411 1 869 2 411 17 419 129.0 Natural gas (in gaseous form) (M1 = 1 000 Sm3) 120 328 1 180 1 003 8 336 85.0 Fuel gas (M1 = tonnes) 25 528 425 178 6 973 41.9 CO-gas (M1 = GWh) 155 155 39 25.2 25.2 Other purchased gas (M1 = GWh) . . . . . Coal products (M1 = tonnes)3 1 119 063 9 168 11.5 5 707 5 100 62.2 Pit coal, briquettes (M1 = tonnes) 68 264 533 185 2 710 34.7 Coke and semi-coke of coal (M1 = tonnes) 14 680 116 88 5 995 75.9 Pit coal, briqbruettes (used as reducing agent during production) (M1 = tonnes)3 642 715 5 017 2 990 4 652 59.6 Coke and semi-coke of coal (used as reducing agent during production) (M1 = tonnes)3 367 667 2 912 1 880 5 113 64.6 Petrol coke (M1 = tonnes)4 25 737 250 123 4 779 49.2 Charcoal (M1 = tonnes) 43 565 340 442 10 146 130.0 Steam and district heating (M1 = GWh) 1 512 1 512 1.9 904 59.8 59.8 Steam (M1 = GWh) 1 020 1 020 644 63.1 63.1 District heating (M1 = GWh) 492 492 260 52.8 52.8 Fire wood, waste of wood and other biofuel (M1 = GWh) 929 929 1.2 284 . 30.6 Fire wood, waste of wood (M1 = m3) 405 440 811 222 548 27.4 Other biofuel (M1 = GWh) 47 47 47 100.0 100.0 Wood pellets (M1=tonnes) 13 762 69 12 872 17.4 Petroleum products for transport (M1 = 1 000 litres) 62 000 619 0.8 888 14 323 143.5 Gasoline (M1 = 1 000 litres) 1 805 16 31 17 175 193.8 Auto diesel (dutiable) (M1 = 1 000 litres) 38 157 381 656 17 192 172.2 Marine gas oils (M1 = 1 000 litres) 22 039 222 201 9 120 90.5 Self-produced energy (M1 = GWh) 11 611 11 611 14.6 - . . Self-produced wood waste (M1 = m3) 833 565 2 084 - . . Self-produced black liquor (M1 = GWh) 100 100 - . . Other self-produced waste (M1 = GWh) 1 010 1 010 - . . Self-produced electricity (M1 = GWh) 227 227 - . . Self-produced refinery gas (M1 = GWh) . . - . . Self-produced fuel gas (M1 = GWh) . . - . . Self-produced CO-gas (M1 = GWh) . . - . . Self-produced Natural gas (in gaseous form (M1 = GWh) . . . . . Other self-produced gas (M1 = GWh) . . - . . 1Auxiliary units and establishments in extraction of oil and gas are not included. 2Occasional power and grid rent included. 3Coal, coke etc. used as reducing agent during production is considered as fuel in the energy balance and is included in the statistics from 2003. Costs are included from 2011. 4Incl. petrol coke used as reducing agent during production The figures for Self-produced energy, which includes Self-produced electricity, have been corrected 18 July 2023 for the years 2021 and 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 21 May 2024.
Energy use: Different energy products for fuel, lighting, heat and transport purposes during the reference year are considered as energy products in this statistics. The consumption of raw materials is not included and there is a distinction between purchased and self-produced energy. Self-produced energy includes by-products from production (i.e. firewood, black liquor or solid biomass waste), re-use of steam and electricity production in the business, among others.
Gigawatt hour (GWh) = million kWh
Terrawatt hour (TWh) = billion kWh
Due to the large number of different energy products in Norwegian mining and manufacturing, they have been divided into groups. In order to make it possible to find the total energy consumption within the individual energy groups and the total consumption for the company, we have converted all of the energy commodities to the common unit GW (billion watts). This has been done based on information on average energy content for the individual energy commodities.
The energy products have been divided into 10 groups, 7 groups for purchased energy and 3 groups for self-produced energy.
Purchased energy:
Electricity = Purchased electricity
Petroleum products = Purchased light heating oils, heavy distillates, heavy fuel oils, waste oils, kerosene and auto diesel (tax-exempt).
Gas products = Purchased LPG (liquid propane and butane gas), LNG (liquid natural gas), NGG (natural gas in gas form), fuel gas and CO-gas.
Coal products = Purchased coal, coke and petrol coke used as fuel and as a reduction agent.
Steam and district heating = Purchased district heating and steam.
Solid biomass and wastes = Purchased wood, biomass waste and other waste.
Petroleum products for transport = Purchased gasoline, auto diesel and marine gas oils.
Self-produced energy:
Electricity = Self-produced electricity
Solid biomass and wastes = Self-produced waste of wood, black liquor and other wastes.
Gas = Self-produced natural gas in gas form, fuel gas, CO-gas and other gases.
Local kind-of-activity unit: The statistics have local kind-of-activity unit as an observation unit and an analysis unit. A local kind-of-activity unit is defined as a functional unit, which at a single physical location is engaged mainly in activities within a specific activity group. An enterprise is defined as an organizational unit, and consists of one or more local kind-of-activity units.
The following guidelines are used in order to divide the activity of an enterprise into separate local kind-of-activity units; Activities engaged by an enterprise in different municipalities are treated as separate local kind-of-activity units. Activities in different industrial classes (4-digit) can be classified as separate local kind-of-activity units even if the activity is located at the same site. To divide a local unit into several local kind-of-activity units, each of the activities has to be of a certain size, normally engaging at least 5 people.
Norwegian Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007), which is based on the industrial classifications approved by the EU (NACE Rev. 2) and the UN (ISIC Rev. 3).