Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
District heating and district cooling
The statistics include figures on production and consumption of district heating and district cooling, as well as main technical and economic figures, for example sales incomes.
Selected figures from this statistics
- District heating delivered to consumers, district heating price, investmentsDownload table as ...District heating delivered to consumers, district heating price, investments
2023 Share in per cent Per cent change compared to last year District heating delivered to cunsumer (GWh) 7 045 100.0 11.8 ¬ Households 1 925 27.3 16.5 ¬ Manufacturing etc. 1 060 15.0 7.9 ¬ Construction 148 2.1 0.0 ¬ Services 3 806 54.0 11.1 Other1 105 1.5 16.7 Average price district heating (taxes excluded) (øre/kWh) 100.4 -15.8 Total investments (1 000 NOK) 2 289 413 35.0 1Agriculture, sewerage and waste management, own consumption in district heating plants etc. Investment figures for district heating for 2023 was published 23 October 2024. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Balance of district heating. GWhDownload table as ...Balance of district heating. GWh1
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Gross production of hot water and steam 5 570 6 000 6 409 6 689 6 949 7 149 6 637 7 899 7 543 8 338 ¬ Delivered for production of electricity 473 484 436 471 404 480 474 448 472 485 Net production of district heating 5 097 5 516 5 973 6 218 6 545 6 669 6 163 7 450 7 071 7 853 ¬ Losses in the distribution net 569 623 671 676 738 735 735 778 771 808 Delivered to consumers2 3 4 527 4 893 5 302 5 543 5 808 5 934 5 428 6 672 6 300 7 045 ¬ Households 1 000 1 037 1 212 1 365 1 408 1 548 1 467 1 716 1 652 1 925 ¬ Manufacturing etc. 616 847 870 854 801 765 796 1 055 982 1 060 ¬ Construction .. .. .. 65 117 130 114 131 148 148 ¬ Services 2 912 3 008 3 221 3 181 3 397 3 393 2 951 3 633 3 427 3 806 Other4 .. .. .. 78 85 97 101 138 90 105 Memo: Heat not distributed 1 004 828 907 981 870 832 945 844 966 831 1Svalbard is from 2022 included in the statistics back to 1996, but has not been included earlier. 2Includes district heating delivered to industries in own enterprices. 3There is a change in the usergroups from 2017, and due to that, the figures are not completely comparable from 2016 to 2017. 4Agriculture, services related to oil and gas extraction, sewerage and waste management and own consumption for steam/heat production Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Technical and economic main figuresDownload table as ...Technical and economic main figures
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Number of district heating enterprises 94 100 108 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sales incomes (taxes excluded) (1 000 NOK) 2 564 352 2 718 673 3 351 282 3 677 996 4 500 420 4 703 537 3 149 059 6 153 850 7 516 128 7 072 979 Average price district heating (taxes excluded) (øre/kWh) 58.5 58.0 63.5 66.7 77.5 79.3 58.0 92.2 119.3 100.4 ¬ Households (taxes excluded) (øre/kWh) 59.6 57.3 66.5 69.6 81.6 81.1 55.9 100.8 109.7 101.9 ¬ Manufacturing etc. (taxes excluded) (øre/kWh) 33.7 37.8 43.5 38.4 42.6 45.9 38.3 44.9 56.7 59.7 ¬ Services (taxes excluded) (øre/kWh) 61.1 60.4 67.8 73.5 83.9 85.6 64.1 101.7 141.3 110.3 Length of the distribution net (km) 1 766.4 1 842.0 1 897.8 1 905.0 1 909.4 1 957.1 2 008.0 2 024.2 2 173.8 2 216.3 Total investments (1 000 NOK) 1 466 617 1 481 574 1 539 050 1 253 375 1 206 060 1 368 973 1 386 568 1 474 926 1 696 399 2 289 413 Investments in production plant (1 000 NOK) 944 938 996 846 849 999 660 883 574 433 594 803 634 996 678 380 812 551 1 533 206 Investments in distribution plant (1 000 NOK) 401 640 382 627 655 019 495 245 553 180 701 939 701 269 710 842 657 353 512 421 Other investments (1 000 NOK) 120 039 102 101 34 032 97 246 78 448 72 232 50 304 85 704 226 495 243 786 Investment figures for district heating for 2023 was published 23 October 2024. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Consumption of fuel used for gross production of district heating. GWhDownload table as ...Consumption of fuel used for gross production of district heating. GWh
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 6 679.4 7 277.8 7 640.3 7 737.1 8 226.7 8 259.1 7 767.4 9 205.8 8 809.8 9 637.2 Gas-/diesel oils, heavy fuel oils 106.8 99.6 112.4 70.1 65.8 49.7 24.2 88.5 108.9 119.7 Bark, wood chips and wood1 1 522.0 1 879.6 2 104.1 2 133.3 2 354.5 2 509.4 2 211.1 3 074.9 3 039.6 3 448.5 Bio fuel 38.0 35.2 56.5 40.1 90.0 69.5 34.3 215.5 277.6 254.9 Waste 3 554.4 3 835.9 3 724.6 3 831.4 3 972.9 3 966.3 3 904.4 3 987.2 3 944.7 4 045.3 Electricity 823.6 842.4 965.0 976.0 952.5 868.3 953.2 1 032.9 715.3 1 059.7 Waste heat 200.7 181.1 184.0 178.8 198.0 212.0 209.9 277.0 266.1 273.3 Fossil gas2 190.1 177.2 251.3 255.7 312.8 298.3 158.5 277.0 177.8 252.2 Biogas3 49.1 28.7 38.2 27.1 40.0 48.8 44.2 41.2 47.3 29.4 Coal 194.8 198.0 204.2 224.5 240.2 236.9 227.6 211.6 232.5 154.4 Memo: Heat not distributed 1 199.6 1 031.0 1 101.8 1 136.2 1 070.4 984.8 1 115.1 924.8 1 076.2 937.0 1Bio fuel was included in wood chips, wood and bark up to and including 2012. 2Natural gas, LPG and blast furnace gas. 3Biogas includes landfillgas. Biogas is included in "fossil gas" for the years before 2010. The figure for waste and “Memo: Heat not distributed” was corrected for 2021 on 30 May 2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Net production of district heating by type of heat central. GWhDownload table as ...Net production of district heating by type of heat central. GWh1
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total net production 5 096.5 5 515.9 5 972.7 6 218.4 6 545.1 6 669.0 6 163.1 7 450.3 7 070.8 7 852.8 Refuse incineration plant 2 494.3 2 675.5 2 755.3 2 923.4 2 942.6 2 998.5 2 927.4 3 102.8 3 036.6 3 079.1 Oil boilers 77.4 72.7 66.4 55.3 55.8 41.0 20.7 74.5 85.0 94.8 Coal plant 65.4 61.5 63.1 67.9 69.7 74.4 75.6 90.1 76.0 49.9 Wood waste2 873.3 1 086.8 1 236.5 1 312.8 1 481.8 1 613.3 1 319.5 1 894.0 1 965.0 2 290.1 Bio fuel 34.2 31.7 50.8 36.1 81.0 65.3 30.6 201.0 262.2 244.5 Electric boilers 669.1 673.1 784.4 788.6 752.0 646.4 731.7 781.3 509.2 821.9 Heat pumps 467.0 542.8 574.2 602.3 643.3 694.5 663.5 735.6 669.8 737.6 Fossil gas3 171.3 161.0 234.1 231.4 285.3 279.2 143.4 256.0 158.7 234.4 Biogas 43.6 29.7 23.9 21.9 35.6 44.5 40.5 38.0 42.3 27.0 Waste heat 200.7 181.1 184.0 178.8 198.0 212.0 209.9 277.0 266.1 273.3 1Svalbard is now included in the statistics, back to 1996 2Bio fuel was included in the category wood waste up to and including 2012 3Natural gas, LPG and blast furnace gas. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 10 July 2023.
District heating
Steam or hot water that are transported through isolated pipes to households and other consumers, and are getting utilised for heating and hot water. The heat is produced by combustion of garbage/wastes, or by utilising sewer, wood, coal, oil, electricity , heat pumps, industrial waste or other energy products.
District heating plant
A plant that delivers heat through a pipe system to customers outside the company from a heating central with a dimensioned effect of at least 1 MW.
Combined heat and power plant / Cogeneration plant
A plant that produce both district heating and electricity
District cooling plant
A plant that delivers cooling through a pipe system to customers outside the company from a cooling central with a dimensioned effect of at least 1 MW.
District cooling
Cold water that is transported through isolated pipes to consumers. District cooling can be produced by using for example heat pumps, free cooling or absorption cooling.
Gross production of district heating
This includes production of district heating, steam and electricity production in district heating- and combined heat and power plants. Earlier this concept also included "heat not distributed", which is heat from refuse incineration plants that is cooled and not utilized as district heating. This is now deducted from the gross production concept for all years back to 1983. (See "Comparability over time and place")
Consumer groups: The consumer groups are based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007).
Also includes housing cooperatives
- 05, 07, 08, 09.9 Mining and quarrying
- 10-33 Manufacturing
- 41-43 Construction
- 45-47 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- 49-53 Transportation and storage
- 55-56 Accommodation and food service activities
- 58-63 Information and communication
- 64-66 Financial and insurance activities
- 68 Real estate activities
- 69-75 Professional, scientific and technical activities
- 77-82 Administrative and support service activities
- 84 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- 85 Education
- 86-88 Human health and social work activities
- 90-93 Arts, entertainment and recreation
- 94-96 Other service activities
- 97 Activities of household as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own account
- 99 Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
- 01-03 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- 06, 09.1 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
- 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- 36-39 Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
The consumption categories is separated for households, manufacturing and quarrying, construction, services and other, according to Norwegian Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007).
The categories for energy products follows Statistical classification and codelists.