Energy and manufacturing

Electricity, annual figures2012

As from December 2015 the statistics is published with Electricity.


Income statement for enterprises in the power industri, by type of utility. NOK million
20112012Production plantsWholesale plantsDistribution plantsLow integrated plantsHigh integrated plantsGrid companiesElectricity suppliers
Operating income, total131 328110 13745 85512 1436 0341 9366 05117 48820 629
Sales of energy99 46779 08242 23112 0479651 0572 92017819 685
Sales of transmission26 02523 725221..4 7196802 13615 629340
Other operating income5 8367 3303 403963512009951 681604
Operating expenses, total100 83283 60623 89211 8975 6901 8685 25014 80520 204
Purchase of energy57 71741 2778 15011 6258409181 66713617 940
Purchase of grid services9 7808 4151 793..1 6291183764 500..
Other purchases of goods1 3681 14023367160213180378
Compensation of employees7 4418 0002 548797393051 1472 580601
Depreciation7 7968 0223 192867692046932 918160
Other operating expenses16 73116 7517 9751001 6422631 1544 4921 125
Operating profit30 49626 53121 963246345688012 683425
Financial income, total3 0372 7091 7171721121241245222
Dividends on shares/partnerships625552357..52-20141194
Interest recieved1 18495455333471543100163
Other financial income1 2291 2038081391355712654
Financial expenses total4 9754 7452 68026223467360912229
Interest paid3 2093 0391 769451543718575791
Other financial expenses1 7661 7079112168031175155138
Financial items, net-1 938-2 036-963-90-123-67-119-668-8
Profit on ordinary items before taxes28 55824 49521 00015622326822 016418
Taxes12 09110 1308 8785925314261556109
Profit before extraordinary items16 46714 36512 12297-31-124211 460309
Extraordinary income, total1................
Extraordinary depreciation60....0........
Other extraordinary expenses213....13........
Profit extraordinary items-8-13....-13........
Taxes on extraordinary items1 2111 1951 145-1521..4221
Annual profit15 24813 15710 978112-46-144211 418288
Dividends4 1533 1382 296..7346354204165