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  • Lower energy use in manufacturing

    Preliminary figures show that the total energy consumption in Norwegian manufacturing, mining and quarrying was around 76 500 GWh in 2016, which is 0.7 per cent lower than in 2015. Energy costs increased by 5 per cent in the same period to NOK 19 ...

  • Price drop in natural gas

    The producer price index fell due to lower prices on energy goods such as natural gas, electricity and refined petroleum products. Higher prices within manufacturing and on crude oil curbed the fall in the total index.

  • Minor increase in manufacturing output

    Norwegian manufacturing output saw a minor increase of 0.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2017 compared with the fourth quarter of 2016, according to seasonally-adjusted figures. However, from February to March 2017 manufacturing production decl...

  • Growth in manufacturing turnover

    Seasonally-adjusted figures showed that the total turnover in Norwegian manufacturing increased by 4.2 per cent in the first quarter of 2017 compared to the last quarter of 2016. A 0.8 per cent rise was recorded from February to March 2017.

  • Signs of improvement despite reduced stocks

    Compared with the first quarter of 2016, total stocks in the order-based industry fell by 19 per cent in the first quarter of 2017. Total stocks are now showing signs of levelling out. New orders were up 21 per cent in the same period.

  • Employment within the power supply industry and power related establishments in 2016

  • Increased district heating and district cooling consumption

    District heating consumption increased by 8.6 per cent in 2016 compared to the year before and amounted to a record high 5.2 TWh. Investment in district heating production and the further expansion of the district heating net has pushed up consump...

  • Sales increased due to Easter

    Total sales of petroleum products amounted to 683 million liters in March, an increase by approximately 45 million liters compared to March 2016. The explanation for the increase is that in 2016 Easter were in March, while in 2017 Easter where in ...

  • Signs of optimism in manufacturing

    In the first quarter of 2017, Norwegian industrial managers reported a levelling off of the decline in production. Suppliers to the oil and gas sector in particular reported a decline. The general expectations for the second quarter of 2017 are po...

  • Recovering manufacturing output

    Norwegian manufacturing output saw an increase of 1.2 per cent from December 2016 to February 2017 compared to the previous three-month period, according to seasonally-adjusted figures. From January to February 2017 manufacturing output was unchan...

  • Increased manufacturing turnover

    Seasonally-adjusted figures showed that the total turnover in Norwegian manufacturing increased by 1.9 per cent from December 2016 to February 2017 compared to the previous three-month period. However, it was almost unchanged from January 2017 to ...

  • Increase in meat production

    A total of 344 100 tonnes of meat from domestic animals were approved for human consumption in 2016, an increase of 3.5 per cent from the previous year.

  • Auto diesel sales exceeded 3 billion litres in 2016

    Total sales of petroleum products amounted to 8.79 billion litres in 2016, which is a small decrease of 0.4 per cent or 36.4 million litres compared with 2015. Sales of auto diesel increased and sales of petrol decreased.

  • Decrease sales in February

    Total sales of petroleum products amounted to 598 million litres, 39 million litres less than in February 2016 which was a leap year. Sales of gasoline decreased by 8 million litres and ended at 78 million litres. Sales of diesel amounted to 244, ...

  • Low oil prices caused fall in production value

    Lower prices for crude oil and natural gas contributed to a fall in production value of NOK 126 billion in 2015 for the extraction and related services. This is a significant decrease of 16 per cent in comparison with 2014.
