Labour market and taxation
Research in this area addresses effects of tax policy changes, government transfers and public service organisation. The effects on labour supply and income distribution are key issues in most studies. Statistical methods are applied to microdata to identify causal connections, whereas simulation models are applied to describe effects of changes in economic conditions.
Ongoing research
The Norwegian tax-benefit model system LOTTE
The LOTTE micro-simulation system consists of the LOTTE-Tax model, which is used to calculate revenue and distributional effects of changes in income and wealth tax, and LOTTE-Arbeid, which is a tool for simulating labor supply effects. LOTTE-Konsum is used to calculate the distributional effects of changes in indirect taxes, while KONSUM-G is used to describe the effects on tax revenues of making changes in the taxes on cross-border goods, such as alcohol and tobacco.
The returns to housing ownership
The aim of this project is to provide empirical evidence on how housing market mechanisms affect housing ownership and returns.
New Evidence for the Debate on Wealth Taxation
The project is motivated by the current discussion of capital taxation as a potential policy tool to mitigate economic inequality and a need to finance government deficits in many countries, as well as the continued debate on whether Norway should continue its wealth tax.
Is there a teacher shortage in Norway? How will the teacher shortage evolve? LÆRERMOD is a projection model developed by Statistics Norway.
Criminality, victimization and social interaction (
A large social science literature tries to describe and understand the causes and consequences of crime, usually focusing on individuals’ criminal activity in isolation. The ambitious aim of this research project is to establish a broader perspective of crime that takes into account the social context in which it takes place.
Collective Bargaining, Information Frictions, and Labor Market Dynamics (
The project will investigate the role of collective bargaining and information frictions in the labor market. This will be accomplished by utilizing a unique combination of detailed Norwegian worker-level data on skills, wages, job mobility, and union membership, firm-level data on vacancy posting, hiring behavior, and participation in employer confederations, and collection and digitization of collective agreements.
Globalization, Labor Market Restructuring, and Economic Policy (
The goal of this project is to empirically analyze the labor market consequences of globalization and technological change. The research will further our understanding of how firms, workers, and families are affected by and adapt to globalization and technological change, and how the process of restructuring is shaped by labor market institutions and regulations, tax and transfer policies, family policy, and the education system.
The Consequences of Non-Standard Employment: the case of Norway
NSE contracts, such as fixed-term contracts, on-call contracts and temporary-agency contracts, are a focal point of economic and political debate in Europe. Despite the importance of NSE, research provides us scattered and inadequate knowledge on how NSE shapes the careers of individual workers and on which factors determine the positive or negative outcomes of NSE in the career.
People and their incomes in Norway, 1859-2013
Convergence or segregation? Regional imbalances and labor market flows
Evaluating the Design and Performance of the Welfare State
Early Childhood Education and Care: A Quantitative Research Program
After the evaluation of the 2006 tax reform – missing pieces, unresolved issues and reassessments