Environmental, resource and innovation economics
The research in this area includes energy, climate, resource, environmental and innovation economics. The research contributes to new knowledge about the effects of economic policy and innovation in these areas, as well as new knowledge on the functioning of energy markets, energy and climate policy instruments, the importance of research and development and intangible assets for value creation and productivity in businesses, methods and empirical studies of the valuation of natural resources and ecosystem services.
Ongoing research
SNoW is a model developed for long-term studies of climate policy and emissions.
Integrated modelling of efficient and acceptable expansion of renewable energy in times of nature and climate crises.
ECONOR - The Economy of the North
The purpose of the ECONOR projects is to provide an updated statistical overview of the economy, living conditions and environment in the circumpolar Arctic, with data and knowledge provided by the circumpolar ECONOR network of statisticians and researchers. The aim of ECONOR is to inform policy for sustainable development in the Arctic.
Assessment of climate and biodiversity impacts of land use (LandValUse)
LandValUse: Integrated welfare assessment of climate and biodiversity impacts of land use: From promise to policy solutions
Climate-induced welfare impacts of ecosystem goods and services from agricultural and seminatural landscapes in Norway.
PLATON - a PLATform for Openly and Nationally accessible climate policy knowledge (platonklima.no)
PLATON is Norway's largest social science climate research project. The project investigates the choice of policy instruments to achieve the Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions targets.
Smart paths and costly detours towards a sustainable low-emission society (SMART PATHS)
Norway can choose different routes to the low-emission society. SMART PATHS aims to distinguish smart paths from costly detours.
This interdisciplinary project aims to assess, value and integrate the importance (values) of cultural and environmental goods - in particular cultural ecosystem services, including biodiversity, and cultural heritage in a broad sense - for social welfare in a rural-urban context.
Spatial assessment of environment-economy trade-offs to reduce wind power conflicts (Windland)
Windland’s primary objective is to evaluate the loss of ecosystem services associated with wind energy installations, and to construct methods to use these data as input in designing policy instruments and regulations in order to reduce the conflicts of interest across stakeholders.
Every year, around 30.000 persons leave Norway for another country. The EXITNORWAY project dives into who they are, why they leave, and how their emigration shapes Norwegian society.
Mapping and Assessment for Integrated ecosystem Accounting - MAIA (maiaportal.eu)
The MAIA project aims to promote the mainstreaming of natural capital accounting in EU Member States and Norway. Results from this and other projects will improve the knowledge base for ecosystem accounting as tool for public administration in Norway.
A Norwegian Regional General Equilibrium Modelling System - NoReg (toi.no)
NOREG 2 is a new regional general equilibrium model that combines the traditionally applied general equilibrium model with regional modeling all the way down to the municipal level. NOREG 2 can be used for analysing long-term and structural policy issues related to demography, oil prices, immigration, technological development, foreign balance, climate policy and a number of other topics.
OSIRIS - Oslo Institute for Research on the Impact of Science (uio.no)
OSIRIS is an international research centre that brings together different disciplines relevant for understanding research impact.
The green transition: Instrument design, employment and long-lived capital
The green transition involves a significant restructuring of the economy. Existing emission-intensive production capacity must be replaced by less polluting means of production, with associated job losses in emission-intensive industries and the phasing out of real capital in sectors being restructured or closed.
Previous research projects
BIOPOLICY: Naturindeks og økonomiske virkemidler for biologisk mangfold i kulturlandskap og skog.
Bymiljø og økosystemtjenester (URBAN-EEA)
Utsiktene for aktiviteten på sokkelen og virkningene på norsk økonomi
ELECTRANS - Elektrifisering av transporten: Utfordringer, mekanismer og løsninger
SMART PATHS - Smarte veivalg og kostbare omveier til et bærekraftig lavutslippssamfunn
Olje- og gassmarkedene mot 2050
Ressursformue og økosystemtjenester
Husholdningenes respons på multiple miljø- og energipolitiske tiltak
Kvotehandel i Europa. Betydningen av kvotetildeling
Spredning av klimateknologier
Multiple virkemidler