Municipal management of planning and building applications

Updated: 17 June 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Change in dispensations for new buildings in the coastal zone
Change in dispensations for new buildings in the coastal zone
2022 - 2023
Management of planning and building applications. Principal figures
Management of planning and building applications. Principal figures1
2023Change in per cent
2019 - 20232022 - 2023
Dispensations for new buildings in the coastal zone (number)573-5-22
Share of building applications i coastal zone approved (per cent)88-37
Average processing time for one-step building application in accordance with municipal plan and 3 weeks processing deadline (calendar days)1900
Building applications processed by the municipalities (number)69 124-11-7
Approved detailed zoning plans filed by private actors (number)862-120
Gross operating expenditure per capita in municipal planning, handling of building applications and land surveying (NOK per capita)1 122-38
Gross operating expendiure per capita for regional planning, in county councils districts (NOK per capita)2 86..
Gross operating expendiure per capita for regional development prosjects, in county councils districts (NOK per capita)2 152..
1The key figures are based on the summation of reported figures from municipalities and county council districts. No estimations have been made to compensate for missing reporting.
2The key figure for gross operating expenditure on regional planning, develoment projects in the county councils districts has a break in the time series from 2022 to 2023. This is due to a change in the chart of accounts for the accounting of the county council services. Comparison with previous years is therefore not possible.
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Average processing time and administration fee for area development plans, building applications and subdivision of land including survey.
    Average processing time and administration fee for area development plans, building applications and subdivision of land including survey.1
    Area development plansBuilding applicationSubdivision of land
    Administration fee, residential area development plan. NOKProcessing time. Calendar daysAdministration fee, single-unit dwelling. NOKProcessing time. Calendar daysAdministration fee. NOKProcessing time. Calendar days
    202184 67771516 1981919 89122
    202290 29178416 6531920 44923
    202396 59089017 1961921 12623
    202485 164.17 017.22 175.
    1The statistics are based on the summation of reported figures from municipalities and county council districts. No estimations have been made to compensate for missing reporting.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of area development plans, building plans and subdivision of land including survey per 10 000 inhabitants. Weighted average
    Number of area development plans, building plans and subdivision of land including survey per 10 000 inhabitants. Weighted average1
    Adopted area plansAdopted detailed area plansApplications for general permission approvedApproved building applications undertaken by an enterprise with the right to accept responsibilityApproved building applicationsApproved dispensation applicationsSurveying carried outApproved applications for sectioning
    1The statistics are based on the summation of reported figures from municipalities and county council districts. No estimations have been made to compensate for missing reporting.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Number of inspections, orders and sanctions regarding building projects
    Number of inspections, orders and sanctions regarding building projects1
    Inspections in building applications, with final report. NumberInspections, in building matters not applied for. NumberInstructions given, aggregated for all inspection subject areas. NumberSituations improved. NumberSituations not improved. NumberPolice reports. Number
    20197 1502 0531 7311 22528511
    20206 4442 4751 6611 21528214
    20215 6771 6511 7319522538
    20226 7192 3051 7571 19222714
    20237 3482 8311 9811 2622518
    1The statistics are based on the summation of reported figures from municipalities and county council districts. No estimations have been made to compensate for missing reporting.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Objections to municipal plans and zoning plans
    Objections to municipal plans and zoning plans1
    Municipal masterplansZoning plans
    Plans submitted for consultation. NumberPlans objected to. NumberPlans submitted for consultation. NumberPlans objected to. Number
    20193271081 603424
    2020240441 446436
    2021269531 321423
    2022266641 295407
    2023261881 301478
    1The statistics are based on the summation of reported figures from municipalities and county council districts. No estimations have been made to compensate for missing reporting.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Municipal operating expenditure, revenues and capital expenditure within building matters and land use planning (function account 301, 302 and 303)
    Municipal operating expenditure, revenues and capital expenditure within building matters and land use planning (function account 301, 302 and 303)1
    Gross operating revenuesGross capital expenditureGross operating expenditure
    In total. 1000 NOKPer capita. NOKIn total. 1000 NOKPer capita. NOKIn total. 1000 NOKPer capita. NOKPhysical planning (function account 301). Per centBuilding projects (function account 302). Per centSubdivision of land including survey (function account 303). Per cent
    20172 783 228526305 643584 377 606828383626
    20202 994 163555242 159454 776 085885393624
    20213 398 741626203 241385 370 891990393823
    20223 211 224585176 616325 680 8431 035393923
    20233 132 591564228 836416 226 5411 123383923
    1The statistics are based on the summation of reported figures from municipalities and county council districts. No estimations have been made to compensate for missing reporting.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Dispensation processing in the County council districts according to The Planning an Building Act and The Cultural Heritage Act
    Dispensation processing in the County council districts according to The Planning an Building Act and The Cultural Heritage Act1
    Processed applications for dispensation from The Cultural Heritage Act. NumberApplications for dispensation from The Cultural Heritage Act granted. NumberProcessed applications for dispensation from The Planning and Building Act. NumberApplications under the Planning and Building Act where the county council has advised against dispensation. NumberApplications under the Planning and Building Act where the County Council has appealed a decision on dispensation. Number
    20194994666 15094923
    202077274612 59782513
    20218768506 49586915
    20228386487 26960823
    20238898415 41259221
    Viken68661 3002644
    Vestfold og Telemark3052936020
    Møre og Romsdal28281 037713
    Trøndelag Trööndelage....681440
    Troms og Finnmark Romsa ja Finnmárku2625769195
    1The statistics are based on the summation of reported figures from municipalities and county council districts. No estimations have been made to compensate for missing reporting.
    Explanation of symbols
  • The county administration revenues and expenditure regarding local and regional development. 1 000 NOK
    The county administration revenues and expenditure regarding local and regional development. 1 000 NOK1
    Gross operating revenuesGross operating expenditureNet operating expenditure
    In totalIn totalPer capita. NOK
    Planning and planning guidanceResearch and development projectsPlanning and planning guidanceResearch and development projectsPlanning and planning guidanceResearch and development projects
    Total i country
    20232 187 843485 802475 212841 33462.476.4
    Per county
    Viken75 45535 168104 87937 94124.42.1
    Innlandet3 43299 59836 887139 24793.2110.1
    Vestfold og Telemark92 43415 746131 53058 50495.7102.3
    Agder34845 70720 511131 03963.6276.5
    Rogaland2 391042 918084.60.0
    Vestland2 59140 48445 24473 88767.651.7
    Møre og Romsdal2 03212 51415 14157 18149.6169.8
    Trøndelag Trööndelage3 31089 92933 308109 04166.146.3
    Nordland79529 10111 82357 44347.8124.3
    Troms og Finnmark Romsa ja Finnmárku5 055117 55532 971177 051121.2244.3
    1The statistics are based on the summation of reported figures from municipalities and county council districts. No estimations have been made to compensate for missing reporting.
    2When calculating the national average for net operating expenses in NOK per capita, the population of Oslo is not included in the calculation.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics describes Municipal and County Authorities land use administration, that is planning, building applications, building surveillance, subdivison of land, surveying and status of planning. Involvement in planning is highlighted through objection schemes. There are figures on cases, processing, processing time and decisions.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 7 June 2024.

Not relevant

Classification of Norwegian municipalities by population, size and economic workload 2020.

The purpose of this report is to classify Norwegian municipalities according to three dimensions: Population size, economic workload and economic capacity. The measures of economic workload and capacity are estimated in a model of local government spending behaviour, and depend on variation in characteristics such as local government incomes, socio-demographic and geographic variables. The most extensive classification based on the three dimensions includes 17 groups. The resulting classification is based on data for 2018 and is compared to an earlier version based on data for 2013.

Name: Municipal management of planning and building applications
Topic: Nature and the environment

Not yet determined

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

Municipalities and Counties

Follows the dissemination of KOSTRA-indicators.
Frequency: Annually

Preliminary figures: 15 March

Final figures: 15 June

Articles (analysis) with tables and graphs based on the figures will be announced.

Timeliness: Figures on the previous year, on the above given dates.

Not relevant

As organized in KOSTRA and Statistics Norway's business model for the production of official statistics. In addition, auditing databases and local Storage.

KOSTRA (Municipal-State-Reporting) - in general:

The objective is to coordinate and increase the efficiency of all municipal reporting to the national authorities, and provide the local and national authorities with vital directing information.

KOSTRA was established in 1995, as a pilot project. The number of municipalities and county authorities included in the reporting and dissemination system increased gradually up to 2001, when all were included. KOSTRA provides a web-portal for the reporting. In addition to the reported data from municiplaities and county authorities, the KOSTRA-indicators are based on register-data such as municipal accounts, manpower information and population data.

Land use planning:

Land use planning in Norway is delegated to the municipalities, under the provision of the Planning and Building Act.

KOSTRA provides directing information on the municipalities and the county authorities. The most frequent users would be the municipalities themselves, other regional and national authorities, media and the general Public.

The main principle is that no external users have access to statistics or analyses before they are announced in the statistics calendar and published available for everyone at This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally. The media is never given access to statistics or analyses prior to their release.

Land use planning in municipalities and counties -

Data collection: Under the provisions of Local Government Act Section 49

Statistics compilation: Under the provisions of Statistics Act, Section 2.2

Not relevant

Mandatory reporting for all municipalities and county authorities.

Data reported (web forms) from municipalities and county authorities on the following topics:

Municipal planning, building applications, mapping and surveying, recreational areas, management of nature resources and cultural monuments.

In addition to the above:

municipal accounts, number of inhabitants, length of coastline, cadastral information, protected areas and objects

Deadline: 15 February.

The data reported through the web-portal are subject to control in three stages: First stage is automatic controls embedded in the web-forms. Second stage is at the SSB data sink. Third stage is the audit performed by the variuos divisions responsibel for statistics and indicators.

The basic data (level 3 in KOSTRA) is mainly web form data (annual sums, averages) reported as abolute data. The key figures (level 2 in KOSTRA) are mainly ratios based on level 3 and other datasources.

Most of the key figures have weighted averages. For the absolute data used as key figures, the averages are arithmetic.

Not relevant
Not relevant

KOSTRA includes figures from 1999. Statistics dissemination (Statistics Articles and tables in StatBank) started in 2001 when all the municipalities and counties had joined KOSTRA. Since 2001 there have been adjustments and expansions in questionnaires, thus not all time series go back to 2001. Any breaks in time series will be explained in footnotes to the tables.

Measurement errors in the data reported by the municipalities is believed to be main source of error. The controls embedded in the online forms, provide an automatic and instant feedback to the users.
Partial non-repons occurs in varying degrees for the various parts of the statistics. Non-respons on June 15 usually vary between 5-10 per cent, measured by number of municipalities.

Not relevant
