Specialist health service, ambulance service1998


All releases for Specialist health service, ambulance service - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
18 June 2009 2008 Fewer ambulances and fewer assignments
18 June 2008 2007 More assignments - fewer hours
20 June 2007 2006 29 million kilometres by roads and water
21 June 2006 2005 28.3 million kilometers on roads and water
22 June 2005 2004 Stable state of readiness in the ambulance service
23 June 2004 2003 102 ambulance calls
27 May 2003 2002 101 ambulance calls
25 June 2002 2001 Stable number of ambulances - more use
20 June 2001 2000 Most operating hours in north
22 June 2000 1999 1999
5 October 1999 1998 1998