Go to Altinn reporting

Your answers are valuable

Statistics Norway collect data for the production of statistics on Norwegian enterprises’ economic connections abroad. The answers from the survey will provide decision-makers at national and European level with new statistical information. The information from the survey is of central importance in trade negotiations and to be able to meet international reporting obligations.

The statistics may also be used in research projects and analyses, where foreign trade and delivery methods are a topic

You have a responsibility to respond by the deadline

As these statistics are vital for society it is mandatory to participate. If you fail to send the information before the deadline, the enterprise will receive a compulsory fine.

The submission deadline is specified in the Altinn inbox.

External trade in services by delivery method collects data on

  • how services are delivered to foreign customers (exports), and
  • how services are delivered from foreign suppliers (imports).

Export revenues and import costs should be distributed as a percentage between three specified delivery methods per service type and country.

The figures in this survey are collected from the survey External trade in services and purchase and sale of goods outside of Norway (RA-0692). These quarterly data have been summed up for the year 2023.

Statistics Norway collects information from a sample of enterprises of approximately 170 units. The sample is a sub-sample of enterprises that participate in the survey on External trade in services as well as the purchase and sale of goods abroad (RA-0692).

Completion of the report form is required even if there has been no activity in the enterprise during the period.


Enterprises will have a duty to provide information so long as they are considered relevant for the survey. The enterprises that are included in the sample have reported significant imports or exports of relevant service types in the survey on External trade in services as well as the purchase and sale of goods abroad (RA-0692).

The information is to be reported electronically via Altinn.

Only those who have been assigned the relevant role can answer surveys on behalf of the enterprise in Altinn. To fill out this form, you need to have one of the following roles:

  • Reporter/sender
  • Responsible auditor
  • Accountant without signing rights
  • Accountant with signing rights

If you do not have one of the roles above, senior management can delegate this role on behalf of the enterprise.

If you have problems with login or roles, contact Altinn on +47 75 00 60 00 , or find more information at Altinn.

The duty to provide information, and the right to collect information: Statistics Act, Section 10

The right to impose a compulsory fine: Statistics Act, Section 20

The right to enforce the collection of a fine and demand payment for costs: Tax Administration Act

The right to appeal an administrative decision: Public Administration Act, Chapter VI

The legislation is available at The Lovdata Foundations website.

Do you have any questions?

Guidance - how to submit the survey

Below you can find frequently asked questions regarding the survey. If you don't find the information you are looking for, you can contact us on chat, e-mail or by phone. You can find contact information at the bottom of this page.


Submitted forms and receipts are located under ‘Archive’ in the enterprise’s Altinn inbox.

If you wish to make corrections to a form that has already been submitted, retrieve the form under ‘Archive’ and click on the button ‘Create a new copy’.

After submission, you will receive a receipt number (beginning with the letters AR). This receipt can be sent to any chosen e-mail address.

Statistics Norway collects information from a sample of enterprises. The sample is retrieved from the Register of Legal Entities, Statistics Norway’s register of all Norwegian-registered legal entities in both the private and public sector.

In addition, the sample is based on a number of criteria. Furthermore, the need to achieve a certain degree of coverage within a particular industry will also have a large impact on the composition of the sample.

Statistics Norway does not grant extensions for this survey. If you do not respond within the deadline, you will automatically receive a reminder giving you a final deadline. For extraordinary cases, contact Statistics Norway.

In order for the statistics to be as accurate as possible, the information provided needs to be correct and complete. In addition, all enterprises that are selected to participate must respond. All types of non-response reduce the accuracy and hence the quality of the statistics.

The information is obtained under the provisions of Act no. 54 of 16 June 1989 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act) section 2-2 (1), and a letter of delegation from the Ministry of Finance of 13 February 1990.

If you believe that you are not subject to the duty to provide information or that you are not legally permitted to provide information, you may appeal the order within 3 weeks. The right to appeal does not apply to the question of whether the duty to provide information is reasonable or necessary.

Pursuant to section 2-4 of the Statistics Act, all information is treated as confidential. Statistics Norway will use the information to prepare official statistics, and for other purposes such as research and public planning. The information will be stored and, where relevant, destroyed in a responsible manner.

Yes. There is no need to fill out the whole form in a single session. The form will store the information that has already been input.

Yes. Statistics Norway will send ordinary reminders along with the administrative decision to impose a compulsory fine to enterprises that have not answered the survey within the initial deadline. If data is submitted by the second and final deadline, the compulsory fine will be withdrawn. If an enterprise fails to meet the second deadline, the matter will be forwarded to the Norwegian National Collection Agency for further processing.

Pursuant to section 3-2 of the Statistics Act, a compulsory fine may be imposed as a one-off fine or a running fine. The fine will increase if the enterprise fails to provide complete information for several consecutive periods. In cases where an enterprise repeatedly fails to provide complete information over an extended period of time, a fixed compulsory fine may be imposed.

The duty to provide information means that, in some central statistical areas, Statistics Norway has the right to impose a compulsory fine on enterprises that do not complete the survey within the specified deadline. This survey is one of the central statistical areas. No financial compensation is given for answering the survey.

For more information see:

• The duty to provide information, and the right to collect information: Statistics Act, Section 2-2

• The right to impose a compulsory fine: Statistics Act, Section 2-3

• The right to enforce the collection of a fine and demand payment for costs: Tax Administration Act

• The right to appeal an administrative decision: Public Administration Act, Chapter VI

The information is to be reported electronically via Altinn. Enterprises can access the survey form in their Altinn inbox.

Note that the person answering the form must have the role necessary to access the enterprise’s Altinn inbox. If you do not have the necessary role, contact senior management, who will assign this to you.

For more information, refer to the guidelines ‘How to answer surveys in Altinn on behalf of an enterprise’ in the column at the right.