

Consumer price index
The CPI describes the development in consumer prices for goods and services
Index of household consumption of goods
The index measures the development in household consumption of goods.
Index of wholesale and retail sales
The index of wholesale and retail sales describes developments in values and volumes in the retail trade.
Survey of consumer expenditure
The statistics provides a picture of Norwegian households
Consumer price index for Svalbard
The statistics has been discontinued

Analyses, articles and publications

Showing 3 of 3
  1. This publication by Statistics Norway (SSB) provides documentation of the SSI Recruitment Experiment Survey 2024 in Norway, which is part of WP2.1 of the Smart Survey Implementation (SSI) grant ESS-SSI 2023-25.

  2. Statistics Norway (SSB) has monitored Norwegian households’ consumptions since 1958. The Household Budget Survey (HBS) is one of SSB's most complex social surveys and has traditionally been collected using paper diaries and a combination of in-person and telephone interviews.

  3. Consumers often face choice settings in which alternatives are discrete. Examples include choices between variants of differentiated products, modes of urban transportation, residential locations, etc.

Older analyses, articles and publications
for subtopic consumption.