Income and consumption;Income and consumption;Svalbard
In 2015, the total assessed taxes amounted to NOK 466 billion for residents aged 17 years and older. This was an increase of 7.4 per cent from 2013.

Tax for personal tax payers2015


Taxable income for residents 17 years and older. NOK million, number of persons and average
Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and older (NOK million)Residents 17 years and older with amountNOK million for residents 17 years and older (NOK million)Average for residents 17 years and older with amount (kr)
Corrected 7 December 2016.
Gross income4 059 9091 730 1034 100 1691 835 811447 700
Personal income from wages and salaries3 036 3581 230 1733 055 9101 268 254415 000
¬ Wages and remuneration2 882 5301 125 4002 908 3141 162 216399 600
¬ Taxable part of accident/injury at work insurance1 863 5205 6701 865 9355 7503 100
¬ Free car67 5765 70767 5675 76085 300
¬ Estimated taxable income from employer-subsidized electronic communication equipment748 3123 070752 1833 0544 100
¬ Unemployment Benefits158 57311 365176 99413 31675 200
¬ Work Assessment Allowance207 47134 482197 44533 935171 900
Personal income from pensions1 260 022310 081969 410253 125261 100
¬ Old-age pensions795 547171 616825 337182 671221 300
¬ Contractual pension (AFP), public sector42 1837 71436 9696 694181 100
¬ Contractual pension (AFP), private sector38 6831 90048 1152 45851 100
Personal income disability benefits..373 24482 775221 800
Net entrepreneurial income273 01880 454274 38682 532300 800
Property income4 019 886105 0684 053 038144 30935 600
¬ Interest received4 013 63126 3104 043 54317 9734 400
¬ Taxable share dividends354 61239 064358 52880 189223 700
¬ Tax-free share dividends and gains488 2813 541496 9773 0166 100
¬ Taxable realised capital gains from sales of shares262 76717 943238 53420 90487 600
Deductions3 983 486462 5594 024 804481 265119 600
¬ Minimum deductions3 862 477279 1023 902 040303 10477 700
¬ Travelling expenses420 1076 484397 6486 24615 700
¬ Interest paid2 912 303113 5982 936 990104 16635 500
¬ Realised capital gains from sales of shares171 9206 438138 8098 50761 300
Special deductions484 19515 269174 7896 26035 800
Ordinary income, after deductions3 949 9511 266 4283 988 6251 364 033342 000
Number of persons4 105 7304 105 7304 150 9904 150 9904 150 990