Income and consumption;Income and consumption;Svalbard
In 2015, the total assessed taxes amounted to NOK 466 billion for residents aged 17 years and older. This was an increase of 7.4 per cent from 2013.

Tax for personal tax payers2015


Taxable property for residents 17 years and older. Number of persons that have amount on different codes, NOK million and average.
Number of persons with amountNOK millionNumber of persons with amountNOK millionAverage for persons that have amount on different codes (NOK)
Taxable gross wealth4 043 3924 092 4204 089 1934 537 8791 109 700
Taxable gross finacial capital4 029 4262 179 8374 076 2102 420 479593 800
Bank deposits4 020 5681 015 6734 068 0521 079 881265 500
Share of unit trusts951 897136 097983 362160 536163 300
Shares and securities unit trusts559 627821 591573 611949 4001 655 100
Taxable real capital2 791 0381 912 5832 836 2382 117 400746 600
Assessed tax value of primary residence2 107 8761 166 1502 167 5921 268 408585 200
Assesses tax value of secundary residence300 296333 200304 418419 7811 379 000
Debt2 993 3122 862 5273 043 7693 030 019995 500
Taxable net wealth4 067 3731 229 8934 112 1191 507 860366 700
Number of persons4 105 7304 105 7304 150 9904 150 9904 150 990