Horticultural production

Updated: 14 May 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Change in production of fruit
Change in production of fruit
2022 - 2023
Horticultural production
Horticultural production
TonnesPer cent change from
20232022 - 20232019 - 2023
Fruit23 99714.723.0
Garden berries9 581-1.3-23.0
Vegetables178 479-4.7-6.7
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Yield of fruit, garden berries and vegetables. Tonnes
    Yield of fruit, garden berries and vegetables. Tonnes1
    Fruit19 51613 95222 77720 92423 997
    Garden berries12 4399 8628 8089 7069 581
    Vegetables2 191 367205 378202 684187 312178 479
    1Refers to holdings which fulfil one or more of these conditions: Minimum 1 decare of fruit trees, 1 decare of field-grown berries, 2 decare of field-grown vegetables including herbs, or 300 m2 of vegetables including herbs grown in greenhouses.
    2Yield of vegetables refer to field grown crops and crops under glass/plastics. Beans and processing peas are not included.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Yield of various horticultural crops
    Yield of various horticultural crops1
    Area (decares)Yield per decare (kg)Yield (tonnes)
    Apples16 4831 22020 104
    Plums3 8985452 123
    Sweet cherries1 320698922
    Garden berries
    Black currant2 823174491
    Strawberry9 1427486 842
    Raspberry2 7437422 035
    Vegetables, field grown
    Cauliflower5 4641 4728 043
    Early cabbage6962 7211 894
    Winter cabbage3 2623 75212 240
    Brussels sprouts1 4377961 144
    Chinese cabbage1 0892 0692 253
    Broccoli3 7136942 577
    Table swedes4 6271 8908 744
    Carrot14 8413 00144 535
    Leek1 3522 3343 155
    Beetroots1 3842 2383 097
    Onion7 3602 53218 639
    Root celery1 8602 2914 261
    Ridge cucumber7142 8542 038
    Iceberg lettuce3 6641 9117 003
    Other lettuces field-grown4 8451 9879 627
    Vegetables under glass/plastics (yield in kg per m²)
    Cucumber in greenhouse2507117 765
    Tomato in greenhouse3963815 088
    Head/root lettuce in greenhouse86292 514
    1Refer to holdings which fulfil one or more of these conditions: Minimum 1 decare of fruit trees, 1 decare of field-grown berries, 2 decare of field-grown vegetables including herbs or 300 m2 of vegetables including herbs grown in greenhouses.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics present annual statistics covering total area, production yields per area unit and total production for important horticultural crops.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 30 April 2021.

Agricultural holding: A single unit, both technically and economically, which has single management and which produces agricultural products.

Area of vegetables: If a specific crop is harvested more than once on the same area during the same growth season, the area is counted only once. If the same area is used for various succeeding crops, the area will be counted for each crop. Consequently, the total area will be greater than the basic area used for production of vegetables, e.g. the area recorded in Structure of Agriculture.

Production: Defined as production that can be utilized for sale and home consumption.

Not relevant
Not relevant
Not yet determined
Not relevant



Not relevant

A data file with anonymous individual data is stored at Statistics Norway.

The purpose of the statistics is to present annual statistics covering total area, production yields per area unit and total production for important horticultural crops.

Up to 2005 Statistics Norway worked out area and production statistics for horticultural crops. From 1996 to 2004 the Norwegian Agricultural Authority had the responsibility. From 2006 the statistics are again being worked out by Statistics Norway. Methods and procedures were changed when the Norwegian Agricultural Authority was in charge of the statistics. For 2005-2009 Statistics Norway has kept the same methodology as developed and used by the Norwegian Agricultural Authority.

The statistics are used by professional organizations, the Budget Committee for Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and various research institutions such as the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute.

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Not relevant

Statistics Act § 10-1.

Not relevant
Horticultural production comprises statistics on garden berries, fruits, field grown vegetables and vegetables grown in greenhouses. The statistics are based on information about area and production collected by questionnaire in a sample survey. Active agricultural holdings meeting minimum one of the following requirements are included in the statistics:
  • Cultivating minimum 300 m2 of vegetables grown in greenhouses, including herbs

  • Cultivating minimum 1,0 decare of field-grown vegetables, including herbs

  • Cultivating minimum 1,0 decare of fruit

  • Cultivating minimum 1,0 decare of garden berries

The Register of Applications for Agricultural Production Subsidies provides information about the holding, such as name and address of the holder and size of area of the various crop categories.

Detailed information about cultivated area and production of garden berries, fruits, field-grown vegetables and vegetables in greenhouses are compiled from the questionnaire.

Data on area and production of processing peas and beans are collected from the processing industry.

The sample is based on holdings growing field grown vegetables, vegetables under glass, fruit and berries.

The sample comprises approximately 2 000 agricultural holdings cultivating at least one of the crop categories mentioned above.

In January web-forms are sent to the agricultural holdings in the survey. The respondents must answer the questionnaire via Internet.

A number of controls and corrections are done to ensure consistency both on a single questionnaire and between questionnaires and available register information. If necessary, holdings are contacted for to clear up misconceptions in the questionnaire.

Production reported in other measuring units than specified on the questionnaire, are recalculated by using predetermined factors.

The data compiled are used to calculate total area, yield per unit of area and total production per crop and county for year of survey.

Not relevant

Figures are not presented if there is a risk of identifying any unit.

The statistics are basically comparable back to 1996.

Primary data obtained from questionnaires may contain errors. For instance it can be difficult for the holder to give precise figures for crops that can be sold in bunch or pieces, like radishes. A number of errors are discovered and corrected during the data revision at Statistics Norway. However some measurements and processing errors are unavoidable. Extensive work has been carried out to reduce these errors as much as possible.

Some of the crops are produced by a limited number of holdings. Non-response of holdings with great area will have significant impact on the estimated figures. Regular response-rate for preliminary figures is about 75 percent.

The quality of the register basis from which the population is selected also has an impact on the quality of the final result.

Not relevant
