Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Horticultural production
The statistics present annual statistics covering total area, production yields per area unit and total production for important horticultural crops.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Horticultural productionDownload table as ...Horticultural production
Tonnes Per cent change from 2023 2022 - 2023 2019 - 2023 Fruit 24 287 17.0 24.4 Garden berries 8 734 -7.2 -29.8 Vegetables 178 080 -5.2 -6.9 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Yield of fruit, garden berries and vegetables. TonnesDownload table as ...Yield of fruit, garden berries and vegetables. Tonnes1
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Fruit 19 516 13 952 22 777 20 754 24 287 Garden berries 12 439 9 862 8 808 9 413 8 734 Vegetables2 191 367 205 378 202 684 187 789 178 080 1Refers to holdings which fulfil one or more of these conditions: Minimum 1 decare of fruit trees, 1 decare of field-grown berries, 2 decare of field-grown vegetables including herbs, or 300 m2 of vegetables including herbs grown in greenhouses. 2Yield of vegetables refer to field grown crops and crops under glass/plastics. Beans and processing peas are not included. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Yield of various horticultural cropsDownload table as ...Yield of various horticultural crops1
2023 Area (decares) Yield per decare (kg) Yield (tonnes) Fruit Apples 16 508 1 246 20 577 Pears 697 712 1 022 Plums 3 895 507 1 973 Sweet cherries 1 321 684 903 Cherries 463 23 105 Garden berries Black currant 2 825 140 395 Strawberry 9 155 674 6 169 Raspberry 2 770 709 1 965 Vegetables, field grown Cauliflower 5 458 1 473 8 041 Early cabbage 686 2 741 1 880 Winter cabbage 3 224 3 769 12 150 Brussels sprouts 1 437 796 1 144 Chinese cabbage 1 089 2 069 2 253 Broccoli 3 713 694 2 577 Table swedes 4 765 1 854 8 834 Carrot 14 888 2 976 44 301 Leek 1 352 2 371 3 205 Beetroots 1 387 2 246 3 115 Onion 7 354 2 509 18 449 Root celery 1 860 2 291 4 261 Ridge cucumber 714 2 854 2 038 Iceberg lettuce 3 659 1 912 6 996 Other lettuces field-grown 4 661 2 065 9 627 Vegetables under glass/plastics (yield in kg per m²) Cucumber in greenhouse 248 71 17 763 Tomato in greenhouse 394 38 15 083 Head/root lettuce in greenhouse 85 30 2 513 1Refer to holdings which fulfil one or more of these conditions: Minimum 1 decare of fruit trees, 1 decare of field-grown berries, 2 decare of field-grown vegetables including herbs or 300 m2 of vegetables including herbs grown in greenhouses. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 30 April 2021.
Agricultural holding: A single unit, both technically and economically, which has single management and which produces agricultural products.
Area of vegetables: If a specific crop is harvested more than once on the same area during the same growth season, the area is counted only once. If the same area is used for various succeeding crops, the area will be counted for each crop. Consequently, the total area will be greater than the basic area used for production of vegetables, e.g. the area recorded in Structure of Agriculture.
Production: Defined as production that can be utilized for sale and home consumption.