Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields

Updated: 19 February 2024

Next update: 24 February 2025

Change in grain yields last 5 years
Change in grain yields last 5 years
2018 - 2023
Grain. Yields. 1 000 tonnes
Grain. Yields. 1 000 tonnes1
2023Per cent
2022 - 20232018 - 2023
Grain, total785.0-45.15.7
Rye and triticale29.0-51.3267.1
1Refer to grain with 15 per cent water. Preliminary figures from the Norwegian Agricultural Purchasing and Marketing Co-operation, November 2022.
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Holdings with area of grain and oil seeds. Area used for grain and oil seeds. County
    Holdings with area of grain and oil seeds. Area used for grain and oil seeds. County
    Holdings with area of grain and oil seedsDecares
    Area of grainWheat, totalSpring wheatWinter wheatRye and triticaleBarleyOatsOil seeds
    201311 7452 860 600548 400457 10091 30030 1001 593 900688 20034 600
    201411 5112 837 500791 699586 200205 50060 9001 265 100719 80041 000
    201511 2682 827 200857 600481 800375 800104 1001 232 900632 60034 800
    201611 2072 850 700667 700553 500114 20045 7001 375 600761 70041 500
    201710 9552 867 900757 500454 800302 80085 6001 348 600676 21123 100
    201810 5062 799 800586 500487 30099 27533 3001 479 500698 30032 800
    201910 1582 755 500803 500377 400426 10093 1001 305 000551 00034 300
    202010 1072 802 200676 700485 300191 40065 3001 392 200665 50029 700
    202110 0632 835 000635 900453 300182 70083 1001 427 400685 20024 200
    20229 8782 808 800753 500426 400327 100106 4001 313 200632 00030 300
    Oslo and Viken4 1081 333 500490 200233 000257 20061 000409 400370 70020 000
    Innlandet2 140683 700106 40084 70021 7008 400415 900152 5002 500
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)1 201292 900132 00098 40033 60036 70065 20058 2006 900
    Rogaland30033 4001 200:::28 6003 400..
    Vestland7300..........6 500..
    Møre og Romsdal729 800........9 100700..
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage1 937442 10023 0009 30013 700:379 70039 200900
    Nordland - Nordlánnda122 200........1 500700..
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)..:..............
    Explanation of symbols
  • Total production and yield of grain. County
    Total production and yield of grain. County
    1 000 tonnesKilo per decare
    Grain, totalWheatBarleyOatsRye and triticaleWheatBarleyOatsRye and triticale
    20071 202.4401.1485.3276.040.0440345381524
    20121 084.7274.7573.2231.94.9410366335331
    20141 238.1389.6527.4283.038.1492417393626
    20151 357.9495.2510.7285.866.2577414452636
    20161 326.0309.4634.8358.723.1463461471505
    20171 307.3400.5574.1282.750.0529426418597
    20191 296.4450.1565.5229.851.0560433417548
    20201 311.3322.5638.5315.534.8477459474353
    20211 184.6264.9611.8269.039.0417429393469
    20221 429.9400.7648.9320.759.6532494507560
    Oslo and Viken716.5260.8225.8197.232.7532552532535
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)148.566.
    Møre og Romsdal3.4..3.20.2....353306..
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage154.410.1130.713.5..440344344126
    Nordland - Nordlánnda::::....307133..
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)..................
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics give information about yield and area of cereals and oil seeds. Figures for latest year are preliminary.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 2 July 2021.

Name: Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields
Topic: Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

24 February 2025

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

Preliminary figures at national level. Final figures at municipality level.


Not relevant

Primary data is saved in files in the systems of the ordinary storing of data in Statistics Norway.

All deliveries of grain and oil seed for sale are registered when received at the corn mill. Information about delivered quantity and quality of the corn on each holding is extracted from this register. In combination with this information, information about area of the different crops is used from the yearly population of agricultural holdings.

The main users of the statistics are the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute, the Agricultural Budget Commission, the Norwegian Farmers Union, the Norwegian Smallholders Union etc.

Not relevant
Not relevant

Statistics Act §§ 10.

Rådsforordning (EØF) 837/90

All deliveries of grain and oil seeds for sale are included in the register. Grain and oil seeds for own consumption are not included.

Preliminary figures: Total yield based on forecasts from The Norwegian Agricultural Purchasing and Market Co-operation. Area of grain and oil seeds is taken from the administrative records of everyone who applies for an agricultural production subsidy in Norway.

Final figures: Yields of grain and oil seeds based on the administrative records of the Norwegian Agricultural Authority on all deliveries for sale. Area of grain and oil seeds is taken from the yearly updated population of agricultural holdings established in Statistics Norway.

Data are checked with the previous submitted reports by various machine controls.

Although the registers involved are of fairly high quality, some coverage errors could occurs due to late updating and classification errors. The difference between preliminary figures and final figures are marginal on country level.

Not relevant

Any statistics based on three respondents or less are not published.

All active holders in agriculture are included in the statistics based on the total population of agricultural businesses. The main source for this statistics is the register based on the holders applying for governmental production subsidies. For those who do not apply for governmental subsidies, information about use of area and domestic animals are picked up from various other administrative registers and surveys conducted by Statistics Norway. Information about agricultural area for the last year is based on the register for governmental subsidies only, and total yield is based on preliminary figures from The Norwegian Agricultural Purchasing and Market co-operation.
