Production of potatoes and forage plants2016, preliminary figures


All releases for Production of potatoes and forage plants - annually, preliminary figures

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
8 February 2017 2016 High potato yields in 2016
4 February 2016 2015 High yield from meadows in 2015
9 February 2015 2014 High yield of potatoes in 2014
6 February 2014 2013 Low yield of meadows in 2013
4 February 2013 2012 Low yield of potatoes in 2012
1 February 2012 2011 Decline in production of potatoes and fodder crops in 2011
4 July 2011 2010 Decline in production of potatoes in 2010
29 April 2010 2009 Decline in production of potatoes in 2009
9 May 2007 2006 Decline in production of meadows for mowing
28 September 2005 2004 Average yields of fodder crops in 2004
30 August 2002 2001 Good harvest of grass
29 May 2006 2005 Decline in production of fodder crops
28 August 2003 2002 Average yields of fodder crops in 2002
29 April 2008 2007 Low yield of potatoes
7 May 2009 2008 A good harvest in 2008