Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Volunteering, political participation and trust, survey on living conditions

Statistics on civic engagement in the Norwegian population, covering membership and voluntary efforts in organisations, political participation, and trust. The data is based on the survey on living conditions EU-SILC.

Updated: 13 December 2022
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Volunteering and political participation among people aged 16 years and older (per cent)
    Volunteering and political participation among people aged 16 years and older (per cent)
    Has volunteered, in total51.6
    Board work or administration18.1
    Instruction or training9.7
    Charity or collections30.8
    Campaigning or political work6.9
    Political participation
    Voted in last parliamentary election (self-reported)77.2
    Signed a petition or public appeal last 12 months19.8
    Written a post online about societal issues last 12 months15.4
    Written an article in a newspaper/magazine last 12 months3.9
    Discussed an issue with politician or public authorities last 12 months13.6
    Participated in a demonstration last 12 months4.6
    Participated in an organization, political party, or political action group last 12 months9.9
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 12 December 2022.

Volunteerism: Respondents are asked whether they volunteer for various organisations, and count how many organizations the respondents are active in. In addition, membership and the number of hours of voluntary work for voluntary organizations and political parties are surveyed. We also ask about the type of volunteerism, where a distinction is made between board work/administration, instruction and training, charity work and collections, information work and other forms of voluntary efforts.

Political participation: Political participation includes self-reported voting in the last parliamentary election and to what extent people participate politically through writing newspaper articles, participate in demonstrations, etc.

Trust: In this section, trust in institutions in society is surveyed. The questions measure whether the respondent has confidence in the local council, the police, the judiciary, the political system and the news media. The interviewee answers on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 indicates low trust, while 10 indicates high trust.


Persons are grouped by age at the beginning of the year for the completion of the main part of the interview.


The centrality index is a code with a value for each municipality, which gives a measure of the municipality's centrality. The index is divided into six levels:
1. Most central municipalities
2. Second most central municipalities
3. Above medium central municipalities
4. Medium central municipalities
5. Second least central municipalities
6. The least central municipalities


On 1 January 2020, the county division in Norway was changed. The county division is as follows:
Vestfold and Telemark
Møre and Romsdal
Trøndelag – Trööndelage
Nordland – Nordlánnda
Troms and Finnmark - Romsa and Finnmárku

Family cycle phase

Persons are grouped mainly by age, marital status and whether the person has children. There is a distinction between singles and couples, where couples include both married couples and cohabitants. The concept “single person” does not necessarily refer to persons living alone in the household.

The groups with children consist of persons living with their own child(ren) (including stepchildren and adopted children) aged 0-19 years in the household.


Highest level of attained education divided into four levels: below upper secondary level, upper secondary level, short tertiary education and long tertiary education.

Economic status

This variable covers the person's own perception of the main activity on the date of interview. This differs from the ILO definition, which has a predefined classification of economic status.

Employed: Consists of both employees and self-employed persons who work full-time or part-time.
In retirement
Permanently disabled or/and unfit to work
Student: includes persons in vocational training and military service


Madeleine Elisabeth Schlyter Oppøyen

(+47) 41 58 41 65

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