Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

The National Forest Inventory

The statistics provide information on the condition and development of Norway’s forest resources. They give figures on growing stock, annual increments, forest area, age distribution, type of land and tree species.

Updated: 30 August 2024
Next update: 28 August 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Growing stock and annual increment. Volume inside bark
    Growing stock and annual increment. Volume inside bark
    2023Change, per cent
    1 000 cubic meterShare2022 - 20232014 - 2023
    Growing stock
    Total1 004 5451000.68.1
    Spruce438 224440.67.6
    Pine311 518310.78.7
    Broad-leaved254 803250.48.1
    Annual increment
    Total24 0511000.2-7.2
    Spruce12 62252-0.1-8.7
    Pine5 562231.5-9.0
    Broad-leaved5 86724-0.2-1.8
    Explanation of symbols
  • Growing stock and annual increment under bark. 1 000 m³
    Growing stock and annual increment under bark. 1 000 m³
    Growing stockAnnual increment
    2007-2011877 731379 823273 905224 00324 94213 0305 9785 935
    2008-2012894 133387 844278 516227 77325 27413 2616 0715 942
    2009-2013911 711396 891282 789232 03125 59813 5296 1175 952
    2010-2014929 393407 099286 489235 80425 91213 8216 1155 975
    2011-2015941 659412 984289 685238 68526 12013 9276 0986 095
    2012-2016952 104417 956292 030242 11725 81913 7475 9206 151
    2013-2017964 915424 432296 255244 22825 42113 6355 7196 068
    2014-2018974 453427 798299 754246 90124 90613 3325 5726 003
    2015-2019978 478428 329301 858248 29124 18612 8455 4515 890
    2016-2020987 535432 963304 465250 10724 06112 7635 4295 869
    2017-2021995 414436 679307 202251 53324 04912 8275 4185 804
    2018-2022998 735435 705309 364253 66623 99512 6365 4815 878
    2019-20231 004 545438 224311 518254 80324 05112 6225 5625 867
    Explanation of symbols
  • Forest and other wooded land by regions. Km²
    Forest and other wooded land by regions. Km²
    Total productive forest areaProductive forest landProtected productive forest landUnproductive forest areaForest in totalOther wooded land
    The whole country85 89882 2423 48134 882120 78022 284
    Oslo and Viken (2020-2023)12 14211 5795451 99214 134942
    Innlandet22 37921 5088314 09126 4702 512
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)7 1106 8611982 3289 438951
    Agder6 5016 2352512 3638 8651 279
    Rogaland, Vestland and Møre og Romsdal10 58310 2742675 24615 8293 321
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage11 49010 9415475 25916 7494 170
    Nordland - Nordlánnda7 0516 6124384 28911 3402 510
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)8 6418 2324039 31417 9546 598
    Explanation of symbols
  • Productive forest area, by development class. 1 000 hectares and per cent
    Productive forest area, by development class. 1 000 hectares and per cent1
    1 000 hectaresPer cent
    TotalDevelopment class IDevelopment class IIDevelopment class IIIDevelopment class IVDevelopment class VTotalDevelopment class IDevelopment class IIDevelopment class IIIDevelopment class IVDevelopment class V
    2006-20103 513927797627141 166100322222033
    2007-20113 510777677837021 180100222222034
    2008-20123 507747627877111 174100222222034
    2009-20133 500697457857141 187100221222034
    2010-20143 499597407867181 196100221222134
    2011-20153 483617257867181 193100221232134
    2012-20163 488667117897181 203100220232135
    2013-20173 483706877927331 201100220232135
    2014-20183 473706857807371 202100220222135
    2015-20193 461806737747391 195100219222135
    2016-20203 450846667757401 186100219222134
    2017-20213 444856727517501 186100220222234
    2018-20223 442866837517391 182100320222134
    2019-20233 431986727407381 183100320222234
    1Refer to the counties Østfold, Akershus, Oslo, Hedmark, Oppland, Buskerud og Vestfold.These are the only counties that are included in all the inventory cycles presented. As from the inventory cycle 2006-2010, areas above the coniferous forest line are also included.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Growing stock, by type of land, tree species and regions. 1 000 m³ under bark
    Growing stock, by type of land, tree species and regions. 1 000 m³ under bark
    TotalProductive forest landOther type of land
    Total1 004 545880 270406 609261 600212 061124 27531 61449 91742 743
    Oslo and Viken (2020-2023)180 627161 85281 54353 70726 60218 7758 1766 8443 754
    Innlandet246 624226 979120 19075 67731 11219 6457 4476 5945 604
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)105 91991 56943 38626 62321 56014 3504 8026 0863 462
    Agder97 93684 01326 38938 12019 50513 9232 2988 6023 023
    Rogaland, Vestland and Møre og Romsdal144 423125 61540 46040 46644 68918 8088568 1579 795
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage131 886112 07171 01418 63122 42719 8155 6939 2614 861
    Nordland - Nordlánnda55 61045 51020 6563 19121 66410 1002 3422 1055 654
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)41 51832 6602 9735 18524 5038 85802 2686 590
    Explanation of symbols
  • Annual increment under bark , by type of land, tree species and surveyed regions. 1 000 m3
    Annual increment under bark , by type of land, tree species and surveyed regions. 1 000 m3
    TotalProductive forest areaOther type of land
    Total24 05121 77612 0424 7984 9362 275580764930
    Oslo and Viken (2020-2023)4 2994 0072 2301 0417362921319169
    Innlandet6 0875 7263 4061 567753361145104112
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)2 4592 2121 158510544247868972
    Agder1 9731 7277886203192465114451
    Rogaland, Vestland and Møre og Romsdal3 4493 0391 4785531 00841030121259
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage3 4683 1192 17431363234990144114
    Nordland - Nordlánnda1 4661 239674704942274734147
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)850706133122451144037107
    Explanation of symbols
  • Registered incidence of different habitats in productive forest, by region. Per cent
    Registered incidence of different habitats in productive forest, by region. Per cent1
    Productive forest area below the coniferous forest lineStanding dead treesDead wood lyingTrees with nutrient-rich barkTrees with pendant lichensLate succsessions of deciduousOld treesRich ground vegetation
    The whole country100.02.518.
    Oslo and Viken (2020-2023)100.02.617.
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)100.03.426.
    Rogaland, Vestland and Møre og Romsdal100.
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage100.01.821.
    Nordland - Nordlánnda100.01.725.
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)100.03.818.
    1Corresponds to the registration of habitats for vulnerable and endangered species (red listed species) in ordinaryforest management planning. Two of more habitats may be registered within the same area.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 5 June 2023.

Growing stock

Total volume of the standing forest under bark. Comprises trees with a diamter of at least 5 cm at breast height (1.3 metre above ground level).

Annual increment, forest

Annual gross increment in volume in standing forest inside bark.

Development class

Describes the forest's development class from non- regenerated forest to old forest.

Site quality

An expression of the area's capacity to produce wood when stocked with a tree species suitable for the local growing conditions. The site quality of the H40-system is based upon the top height (the average height of the hundred trees per hectare with the largest diameter) of the trees at the age of 40 years at breast height (1.3 m above ground level).

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