Financial accounts
Analyses, articles and publications
Huge holding gains
Central government and households’ net financial assets increased significantly in the last four-quarter period. The two sectors' net lending fell moderately.
Benchmark revision 2024, revised financial accounts
Statistics Norway has released the results from the first part of the benchmark revision 2024, which comprise of the financial accounts for domestic sector and the rest of world. Among the largest revisions are the adjusted sector boundaries for investment fund and mutual funds (except monetary market funds), revised calculations of transactions in occupational pension schemes for employees in general government, and the reallocation of debt towards foreign households who owns property in Norway. In the Balance of payments financial accounts and International Investment Position, financial derivatives have been specified as a separate function.
Financial Accounts for Households in 2023
Households' net financial assets have increased significantly over the last four years. This is illustrated by the seasonally adjusted net financial asset-to-income ratio, which rose from 78.2 per cent at the end of 2019 to 109.2 per cent of disposable income at the end of 2023. The net financial assets have grown strongly and faster than disposable income in the period.
Postponement of the release of financial accounts statistics for the 2nd quarter 2024
Statistics Norway has initiated an extensive revision of the time series in the national accounts, and the plan is to release revised national accounts statistics in November and December 2024.
Pension entitlements are four times higher than GDP
The share of GDP has remained unchanged since 2019. At the end of 2021, the present value of Norwegian households accrued-to-date pension entitlements was estimated at approximately NOK 13 200 billion.
Main revisions in the statistics published on 3. quarter 2023
Debt growth is decreasing
Households net lending was positive, while the debt growth continued to slow down in the 2nd quarter of 2023.
Households' financial accounts for 2022
The report summarises the main points of households' financial accounts based on the latest release of annual figures. We have three turbulent years of huge and unusual changes behind us. Both the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have had a large impact on the financial position of households in the three-year period.
Central government’s net lending increases
Central government's net lending increased to a record high level in 2022. The opposite was the case for households. Households’ net lending was reduced after a large drop in savings.
Main revisions in the statistics published on 3. quarter 2022
The life insurance and annuity entitlements and pension entitlements are adjusted in 2020 and 2021. The households unlisted shares are also adjusted.
Older analyses, articles and publications
for subtopic financial accounts.