Table 1. Benchmark revision 2024, revisions in the financial account for the year 2021 and 2022. NOK billion.

Table 1. Benchmark revision 2024, revisions in the financial account for the year 2021 and 2022. NOK billion.
Table 1. Benchmark revision 2024, revisions in the financial account for the year 2021 and 2022. NOK billion.
After the revisionBefore the revisionRevisions (+ up / -down)
S11 Non-financial corporations
Assets10 89312 30210 97212 378-  79-  76
Liabilities16 67318 50416 54618 303126201
Net lending6313090185-  26-  55
S122 Banks and mortgage companies
Assets8 8089 5748 8199 608-  12-  33
Liabilities8 7809 4838 7819 521-  1-  38
Net lending22478291418
S123 Monetary market funds
Assets134133-  134-  133
Liabilities134132-  134-  132
Net lending-  020-  2
S124 Non-MM investment funds
Assets1 9071 7381 6471 474261264
Liabilities1 9101 7431 6461 474264270
Net lending-  53-  00-  53
S125 - S127 Other financial corporations
Assets1 6401 6691 5651 5797590
Liabilities1 2581 2621 3211 347-  63-  85
Net lending-  232-  111930
S1281 - S1291 Life insurance corporations and pension funds
Assets2 5002 4782 5252 494-  25-  17
Liabilities2 2612 2922 2612 284-  08
Net lending24190-  02419
S14 Households
Assets6 2656 3856 2526 3401346
Liabilities4 2704 4164 3684 534-  99-  118
Net lending862010162-  16-  42
S15 Non-profit institutions serving households
Assets201197260256-  59-  59
Net lending143144-  0-  1
S2 Rest of the world
Assets9 21810 0709 16410 11455-  45
Liabilities20 81121 63520 80921 6983-  62
Net lending-  643-  1 693-  643-  1 719-  026
Explanation of symbols