National accounts and business cycles
Revised figures for years 2011 and 2012 show that disposable income and savings for Norway was approximately as the previous release, while savings in household sector has been revised slightly for both years.

Annual non-financial sector accounts, national accounts2012

A of 7 June 2017 the statistics will be published as Quarterly non-Financial sector accounts, national accounts.

The institutional sector accounts record economic transactions of the institutional sectors in national accounts. Non-financial and financial accounts by institutional sector is updated quarterly in StatBank.


Table of revisions for 2011 and 2012, some selected national account figures
 Revised figuresPrevious released figuresRevisionsRevised figuresPrevious released figuresRevisions
Totals for Norway      
Gross national income2 780 2522 765 34614 9062 970 7012 964 2046 497
Consumption of fixed capital382 095380 7761 319403 865400 1973 668
National income2 398 1572 384 57013 5872 566 8362 564 0072 829
Disposable income for Norway2 365 7462 355 8029 9442 534 6872 534 431256
Saving for Norway643 490633 28610 204737 356739 955-2 599
Net aqcuisiton of non-financial assets271 330281 850-10 520320 152327 953-7 801
Net lending for Norway370 386349 66220 724415 645410 4435 202