National accounts and business cycles
The annual non-financial sector accounts have now been updated with preliminary figures for 2014.

Annual non-financial sector accounts, national accounts2014

A of 7 June 2017 the statistics will be published as Quarterly non-Financial sector accounts, national accounts.

The institutional sector accounts record economic transactions of the institutional sectors in national accounts. Non-financial and financial accounts by institutional sector is updated quarterly in StatBank.


Central government. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK million1
1Figures for the last two years are preliminary.
Output, basic values284 195299 840314 394331 372350 389
- Intermediate consumption87 81790 96492 10697 313103 181
= VALUE ADDED, GROSS196 378208 876222 288234 059247 208
- Consumption of fixed capital43 39146 98850 49153 63256 255
- Compensation of employees152 942161 842171 751180 382190 907
- Other taxes on production4546464546
= Operating surplus00000
Allocation of primary income
+ Taxes on products83 83985 25786 06087 38687 788
+ Other taxes on production10 93411 10010 64813 32213 541
+ Taxes and duties on imports excl. VAT2 3992 3992 4182 8823 391
+ Value added and Investment taxes201 182211 037223 425234 965243 811
+ Interest income81 69084 56275 82279 73192 113
+ Dividends received, etc165 374212 242244 847239 968254 632
+ Other investment income4 6194 8777 0497 4719 330
- Subsidies on products3 7743 6393 4893 7424 089
- Other subsidies on production35 79136 22738 24339 60639 438
- Interest expenses21 62119 45613 85013 06112 447
- Other investment expenses34004
+ Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured3 9375 3033 1603 8133 836
= BALANCE OF PRIMARY INCOME492 785557 451597 847613 129652 464
Secondary distribution of income
+ Emplyoees, social contributions95 269103 199109 462115 238126 908
+ Employers, social contributions148 060155 814167 553176 787185 329
+ Current taxes on income and wealth394 640461 928475 043446 754400 807
+ Current transfers within general government337 234450 438476 392421 827434 012
+ Other current transfers4 6374 7585 4413 5864 666
- Social benefits334 473356 032375 496392 338415 971
- Current transfers within general government484 580618 623652 682608 207633 023
- Current transfers to NPISHs19 10220 01620 89123 08030 629
- Other current transfers31 65230 74930 03634 36036 383
= Disposable income602 818708 168752 633719 336688 179
Use of disposable income
- Consumption281 366296 207310 262326 342346 614
= SAVING321 452411 961442 371392 994341 565
Capital account
+ Capital transfers, net-374-1 645-974-678-2 192
- Gross fixed capital formation57 38062 71664 31474 41784 870
+ Consumption of fixed capital43 39146 98850 49153 63256 255
- Aqcusition of non-produced assets-231-169-40575203
= Net lending307 320394 757427 614370 956310 555