Work on the main revision

Work on the main revision and a project to modernize IT systems means that new figures for 2022 will be published after the main revision, tentatively early in 2025.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Satellite account for non-profit institutions

The satellite account for non-profit institutions provides an overview of the sector and shows the organizations' contribution to the gross domestic product, how their activities are funded and the value of volunteer work.

Updated: 17 November 2020
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Main results - Non-profit institutions
    Main results - Non-profit institutions
    Output. NOK million110 874115 443117 844
    Value added. NOK million56 97460 58861 526
    Full-time equivalent persons (paid employees)90 89391 56189 161
    Percentage of GDP
    Value added as share of GDP. Percentage1.71.71.7
    Value added as share of GDP Mainland Norway. Percentage22.12
    Full-time equivalent persons (paid employees) as share of total full-time equivalent persons in Norway. Percentage3.83.83.6
    Sources of income for non-profit institutions
    Central government’s share of total funding. Percentage27.428.126.6
    Local/municipal governments’ share of total funding. Percentage1615.816.7
    Households’ share of total funding. Percentage43.843.844.9
    Other sources of funding. Share of total funding. Percentage12.812.411.9
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 10 June 2021.

Non-profit institutions are identified in the UN handbook based on a number of structural and operational criteria. Units that satisfy these criteria are included in the satellite account for non-profit institutions. In line with the handbook’s definitions, the sector for non-profit institutions consists of units that are:

1. Organisations

These units have a certain degree of internal organisational structure. The organisations’ activities, structure and objectives are fixed or laid down in the organisation’s articles of association. The criterion excludes temporary, informal gatherings and ad hoc groups. Informal activities may nevertheless be included even where the actual organisational structure has no legal status, but otherwise meets the requirement of a fixed internal organisational structure.

2. Not-for-profit and non-profit-distributing

The organisation does not conduct activities aimed primarily at generating profits, and does not pursue commercial interests. Any surplus must be transmitted back into the continued operation of the organisation and cannot be distributed to owners, members, the governing board or others.

3. Institutionally separate from the government

The organisation is not part of the general government and has no governmental authority. The organisation may, however, be mainly financed through public funds.

4. Self-governing

The unit exercises complete control over own activities. No other unit has effective control over the organisation. Organisations can be dissolved on their own initiative, and amend their articles of association and objectives.

5. Voluntary

Membership and participation, and contributions of money and time are not mandatory, statutory or compulsory.

For a more detailed definition, refer to the handbook (chapter 2E). This definition of non-profit institutions is somewhat wider and will include more units than what is presently defined under the non-profit institutions serving households sector in the national accounts.

The value of the non-market output in the satellite account is estimated from the costs, i.e. the sum of compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, consumption of fixed capital and possible net taxes on production.

The replacement cost value of volunteer work is the imputed value of voluntary, unpaid labour.

See “Concepts and definitions in the national accounts"for definitions and explanations of concepts and variables used in the national accounts and the satellite accounts.

The units included in the satellite account are not homogenous, and the UN has established a standard classification system in order to group them according to activity - ICNPO (International Classification of Non-Profit Organizations). The classification is based on the UN standard for industrial classification; ISIC rev.3, which the European industry standard NACE corresponds to.

INCPO consists of 12 main categories and 30 sub-groups. The criterion for separating non-profit institutions within this system is their main economic activity. By doing so, the intention is to identify groups with similar activities with regard to categories of goods and services that they offer. Minor adjustments have been made to the Norwegian satellite account in order to best reflect the Norwegian voluntary sector. The table below summarises the INCPO categories as they are used in the satellite account:

ICNPO-activity classification

International standard

Norwegian version




Culture and recreation


Culture and recreation

1 100

Culture and arts

1 100

Culture and arts

1 200


1 200


1 300

Other recreation and social clubs

1 300

Other recreation and social clubs


Education and research


Education and research

2 100

Primary and secondary education

2 100

Primary and secondary education

2 200

Higher education

2 200

Higher education

2 300

Other education

2 300

Other education

2 400


2 400






3 100

Hospitals and rehabilitation

3 900

Hospitals, rehabilitation, mental health and crisis intervention and other health services

3 300

Mental health and crisis intervention

3 400

Other health services

3 200

Nursing homes

3 200

Nursing homes


Social services


Social services

4 100

Social services

4 000

Social services including emergency, relief, income support and maintenance

- of this kindergartens

- of this child welfare

- of this substance abuse related services

4 200

Emergency and relief

4 300

Income support and maintenance





5 100


5 000

Environment and animal protection

5 200

Animal protection


Development and housing


Development and housing

6 100

Economic, social and community development

6 100

Economic, social and community development

6 200


6 200


6 300

Employment and training


Law, advocacy and politics


Law, advocacy and politics

7 100

Civil and advocacy organisations

7 900

Civil and advocacy organisations and law and legal services

7 200

Law and legal services

7 300

Political organisations

7 300

Political organisations


Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion


Volunteer centres

8 100

Grant making foundations

In progress

8 200

Other philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion

8 200

Volunteer centres




International organisations

9 100

International activities

9 100

International organisations





10 100

Religious congregations and associations

10 100

Religious congregations and associations


Business and professional associations, unions


Business and professional associations, unions

11 100

Business associations

11 100

Business associations

11 200

Professional associations

11 200

Professional associations

11 300

Labour unions

11 300

Labour unions


Not elsewhere classified


Not elsewhere classified

12 100

Not elsewhere classified

12 100

Not icluded

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