Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Holiday house areas

These statistics provide information about the number of holiday houses and holiday house areas in Norway.

Updated: 12 December 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Densely built-up holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area. Count, proportion, area. 1st January. Country.
    Densely built-up holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area. Count, proportion, area. 1st January. Country.
    Number of holiday houses1 Percentage of total number of holiday housesNumber of holiday houses areasArea (km²)Percentage area by the total
    Inside densely built-up holiday house areas250 2575213 78044063
    5-24 holiday houses107 5202211 73617926
    25-49 holiday houses41 57591 2157711
    50 or more holiday houses101 1622182918427
    Scattered holiday houses2 232 67448175 29725437
    Total482 931100189 077694100
    1The number of holiday houses in these statistics can deviate when comparing to other statistics of related topics, for more information se 'About the statistics'.
    2All other holiday houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of up to four holiday houses.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Densely built-up holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area, last 2 years. Count. Country
    Densely built-up holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area, last 2 years. Count. Country
    Holiday houses as of 1 januaryChangeNew holiday houses1
    Inside densely built-up holiday house areas248 112250 2572 1451 510
    5-24 holiday houses107 323107 520197528
    25-49 holiday houses41 21941 575356320
    50 or more holiday houses99 570101 1621 592662
    Outside of holiday house areas2 233 219232 674-545554
    Total481 331482 9311 6002 064
    1'New holiday houses' inlcude only new-built holiday houses, but not existing houses that were converted into holiday houses or extensions to houses. The number of new holiday houses applies for the period 1 january to 1 january in the following year.
    2All other houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of up to four holiday houses.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Holiday houses by type of building. Count. 1st January. County.
    Holiday houses by type of building. Count. 1st January. County.1
    Holiday house (chalet, summerhouse etc.)Detached house used as holiday houseFarmhouse used as holiday houseTotal
    The hole country291 47011 32114 116316 907
    Østfold19 85819120820 257
    Akershus19 62211714319 882
    Oslo2 200232 205
    Buskerud48 64011324148 994
    Innlandet89 0101 2981 52391 831
    Vestfold13 46533714213 944
    Telemark32 72838760033 715
    Agder39 5221 1632 31442 999
    Rogaland19 08554954720 181
    Vestland43 0242 1292 75747 910
    Møre og Romsdal18 0651 1351 36920 569
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage51 6182 0101 62355 251
    Nordland - Nordlánnda28 9463 0353 98035 961
    Troms - Romsa - Tromssa13 3271 5861 73616 649
    Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku11 41253563612 583
    1The number of holiday houses in these statistics can deviate when comparing to other statistics of related topics, for more information se 'About the statistics'
    Explanation of symbols
  • Contiguous holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area. Count, proportion, area. 1st January. Country.
    Contiguous holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area. Count, proportion, area. 1st January. Country.
    Number of holiday houses1 Percentage of total number of holiday housesNumber of holiday house areasArea (km²)Percent area by the total
    Inside contiguous holiday house areas423 0088811 9992 96797
    5-24 holiday houses91 882199 16955118
    25-49 holiday houses49 440101 43238012
    50 or more holiday houses281 686581 3982 03666
    Scattered holiday houses2 59 9231236 8631023
    Total482 93110048 8623 069100
    1The number of holiday houses in these statistics can deviate when comparing to other statistics of related topics, for more information se 'About the statistics'.
    2All other holiday houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of up to four holiday houses.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 23 April 2021.

Holiday house area: A cluster of at least 5 holiday houses, situated at a distance not exeeding 75 metres from each other for densely built-up areas and 500 metres for contiguous areas.

Densely built-up holiday house areas: Highly intensive used areas. These areas are often characterized by a well integrated infrastructure for the residents.

Contiguous holiday house areas: Areas with a distance of no more than 500 metres between each house. Densely built-up areas are included in the contiguous holiday house areas.

Holiday houses:

  • 161 Holiday house (chalet, summerhouse, etc.)
  • 162 Detatched house used as holiday house
  • 163 Farmhouse used as holiday house

Holiday house areas according to size: classified by number of holyday houses

- In holiday house areas:

  • Small size areas: 5 to 24 holiday houses

  • Medium size areas: 25 to 49 holiday houses

  • Large size areas: 50 or more holiday houses

- Outside holiday house areas:

  • Scattered holiday houses: all other holiday houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of less than 5 holiday houses

New holiday houses:

The number of new holiday houses applies for the period 1 january to 1 january in the following year. Number of new holiday houses is based on the start date of building work.

Land use: describes built-up areas by socio-economic purpose, and covers for example areas used for dwellings, business, recreation or roads.

Classification of land use and land cover

Classification of type of building / GAB

Relatert innhold