Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Holiday house areas
These statistics provide information about the number of holiday houses and holiday house areas in Norway.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Densely built-up holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area. Count, proportion, area. 1st January. Country.Download table as ...Densely built-up holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area. Count, proportion, area. 1st January. Country.
2024 Number of holiday houses1 Percentage of total number of holiday houses Number of holiday houses areas Area (km²) Percentage area by the total Inside densely built-up holiday house areas 250 257 52 13 780 440 63 5-24 holiday houses 107 520 22 11 736 179 26 25-49 holiday houses 41 575 9 1 215 77 11 50 or more holiday houses 101 162 21 829 184 27 Scattered holiday houses2 232 674 48 175 297 254 37 Total 482 931 100 189 077 694 100 1The number of holiday houses in these statistics can deviate when comparing to other statistics of related topics, for more information se 'About the statistics'. 2All other holiday houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of up to four holiday houses. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Densely built-up holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area, last 2 years. Count. CountryDownload table as ...Densely built-up holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area, last 2 years. Count. Country
Holiday houses as of 1 january Change New holiday houses1 2023 2024 Inside densely built-up holiday house areas 248 112 250 257 2 145 1 510 5-24 holiday houses 107 323 107 520 197 528 25-49 holiday houses 41 219 41 575 356 320 50 or more holiday houses 99 570 101 162 1 592 662 Outside of holiday house areas2 233 219 232 674 -545 554 Total 481 331 482 931 1 600 2 064 1'New holiday houses' inlcude only new-built holiday houses, but not existing houses that were converted into holiday houses or extensions to houses. The number of new holiday houses applies for the period 1 january to 1 january in the following year. 2All other houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of up to four holiday houses. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Holiday houses by type of building. Count. 1st January. County.Download table as ...Holiday houses by type of building. Count. 1st January. County.1
2024 Holiday house (chalet, summerhouse etc.) Detached house used as holiday house Farmhouse used as holiday house Total The hole country 291 470 11 321 14 116 316 907 Østfold 19 858 191 208 20 257 Akershus 19 622 117 143 19 882 Oslo 2 200 2 3 2 205 Buskerud 48 640 113 241 48 994 Innlandet 89 010 1 298 1 523 91 831 Vestfold 13 465 337 142 13 944 Telemark 32 728 387 600 33 715 Agder 39 522 1 163 2 314 42 999 Rogaland 19 085 549 547 20 181 Vestland 43 024 2 129 2 757 47 910 Møre og Romsdal 18 065 1 135 1 369 20 569 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 51 618 2 010 1 623 55 251 Nordland - Nordlánnda 28 946 3 035 3 980 35 961 Troms - Romsa - Tromssa 13 327 1 586 1 736 16 649 Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku 11 412 535 636 12 583 1The number of holiday houses in these statistics can deviate when comparing to other statistics of related topics, for more information se 'About the statistics' Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Contiguous holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area. Count, proportion, area. 1st January. Country.Download table as ...Contiguous holiday house areas. Holiday houses by size of area. Count, proportion, area. 1st January. Country.
2024 Number of holiday houses1 Percentage of total number of holiday houses Number of holiday house areas Area (km²) Percent area by the total Inside contiguous holiday house areas 423 008 88 11 999 2 967 97 5-24 holiday houses 91 882 19 9 169 551 18 25-49 holiday houses 49 440 10 1 432 380 12 50 or more holiday houses 281 686 58 1 398 2 036 66 Scattered holiday houses2 59 923 12 36 863 102 3 Total 482 931 100 48 862 3 069 100 1The number of holiday houses in these statistics can deviate when comparing to other statistics of related topics, for more information se 'About the statistics'. 2All other holiday houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of up to four holiday houses. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 23 April 2021.
Holiday house area: A cluster of at least 5 holiday houses, situated at a distance not exeeding 75 metres from each other for densely built-up areas and 500 metres for contiguous areas.
Densely built-up holiday house areas: Highly intensive used areas. These areas are often characterized by a well integrated infrastructure for the residents.
Contiguous holiday house areas: Areas with a distance of no more than 500 metres between each house. Densely built-up areas are included in the contiguous holiday house areas.
Holiday houses:
- 161 Holiday house (chalet, summerhouse, etc.)
- 162 Detatched house used as holiday house
- 163 Farmhouse used as holiday house
Holiday house areas according to size: classified by number of holyday houses
- In holiday house areas:
Small size areas: 5 to 24 holiday houses
Medium size areas: 25 to 49 holiday houses
Large size areas: 50 or more holiday houses
- Outside holiday house areas:
Scattered holiday houses: all other holiday houses outside of holiday house areas, scattered or in groups of less than 5 holiday houses
New holiday houses:
The number of new holiday houses applies for the period 1 january to 1 january in the following year. Number of new holiday houses is based on the start date of building work.
Land use: describes built-up areas by socio-economic purpose, and covers for example areas used for dwellings, business, recreation or roads.
Classification of land use and land cover
Classification of type of building / GAB