Former table for Svalbard and Jan Mayen is split in two, with separate tables for Svalbard (table 1) and Jan Mayen (table 2).
Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Protected areas
The statistics apply to protected areas and give figures on the extent of areas that are protected and the number of areas. It includes land, marine and freshwater areas, protected in accordance with the provisions of the Nature Diversity Act, the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act and the Jan Mayen Act. The statistics have the categories: National park, Nature reserve, Landscape protected area, Marine protected area and Other protection.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Protected areas - Nature Diversity Act. The mainland of Norway. By amount, proportions and count, 31 DecemberDownload table as ...Protected areas - Nature Diversity Act. The mainland of Norway. By amount, proportions and count, 31 December
2023 Protected area total (km²) Protected land area (km²) Proportion of protected land area (per cent) Protected sea area (km²) Proportion of protected sea area - territorial waters (per cent) Number of protected areas All protection purposes1 63 716 57 214 17.7 6 503 4.5 3 299 National parks 33 127 31 673 9.8 1 454 1.0 41 Nature reserves 9 536 7 932 2.4 1 604 1.1 2 591 Landscape protection areas 18 295 17 224 5.3 1 071 0.7 195 Marine protected area 2 386 0 0.0 2 386 1.6 17 Other protections 642 392 0.1 249 0.2 455 1Some protected areas belong to several protection categories. Total protected area is therefore smaller than summation of protected area for all categories. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Areas protected under the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act. By amount, count and proportions, 31 DecemberDownload table as ...Areas protected under the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act. By amount, count and proportions, 31 December
2023 Svalbard Protected area total (km²) Protected area on land (km²) Proportion protected land area (per cent) Protected area at sea (km²) Proportion protected sea area (per cent) Number of protected areas total All protection purposes1 120 730 41 558 68.9 79 172 87.7 30 National parks 37 242 25 203 41.8 20 900 23.2 7 Nature reserves 83 472 16 342 27.1 58 269 64.6 22 Landscape protected areas 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 Marine protected area 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 Other protections 17 14 0.0 3 0.0 1 1Some protected areas belong to several protection categories. Total protected area is therefore smaller than summation of protected area for all categories. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Areas protected under the Jan Mayen Act. By amount, count and proportions, 31 DecemberDownload table as ...Areas protected under the Jan Mayen Act. By amount, count and proportions, 31 December
2023 Jan Mayen Protected area total (km²) Protected area on land (km²) Proportion protected land area (per cent) Protected area at sea (km²) Proportion protected sea area (per cent) Number of protected areas total All protection purposes1 4 683 375 99.4 4 683 100 1 Nature reserves 4 683 375 99.4 4 683 100 1 1Some protected areas belong to several protection categories. Total protected area can therefore be smaller than summation of protected area for all categories. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 18 December 2023.
A protected area is an area protected by the Nature Conservation Act, or the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act and the Jan Mayen Act.
Since 2006 areas protected according to the Wildlife act and the Act relating to Salmonids and Fresh-water Fish are also included.
The variables are number and area of protected areas according to delineations in protected area maps and administrative boundaries.
For 2008 areas protected under the Cultural Heritage Act are also included.
Since 2014: areas protected according to the Cultural Heritage Act are not included in the statistics.
From 2018: Statistics expanded to include protected sea areas, protected through the Nature Conservation Act, the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act and the Jan Mayen Act. Sea area is defined as all "salt water" (not land or freshwater) within Norway's territotorial waters
Standard classification of protected areas:
- National parks, protected by the Nature Conservation Act.
- Landscape protection areas, protected by the Nature Conservation Act.
- Nature reserves, protected by the Nature Conservation Act.
- Other protected areas, consists of flora and fauna protection areas (biotop protections) by the Nature Conservation Act. Since 2006 nature relics with an area protection and biotops protected by the Act relating to Salmonids and Fresh-water Fish and the Wildlife Act have also been included.
Since 2008, areas protected under the Cultural Heritage Act are also included, and are made up of: Archaeological monuments and sites Security zones Cultural environments Listed buildings.
Since 2014: areas protected according to the Cultural Heritage Act are not included