Public corporations, accounts

Updated: 14 December 2023

Next update: Not yet determined

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Public corporations, accounts
Public corporations, accounts
20222021 - 2022
NOK millionPer cent change
Operating income
Operating income2 706 79570.5
Operating expenses1 340 35735.3
Operating profit1 366 437129.1
Net profit for the year1 043 572135.8
Fixed Assets3 628 7737.9
Current Assets1 873 36034.1
Assets5 502 13315.6
Equity and liabilities5 502 13115.6
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Public non-financial corporations. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    Public non-financial corporations. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    Income Statement
    Operating income980 008100.01 587 512100.02 706 795100.0
    Revenue892 68791.11 490 32593.92 587 59695.6
    Special public taxes-910.0-620.0-780.0
    Public subsidies11 4031.211 7160.78 8230.3
    Income from rent, real property and other income from rent13 9031.415 9801.021 6900.8
    Profit on disposals (sale etc.) of fixed assets1 5460.22940.01 3570.1
    Other operating income59 8326.168 7664.386 7303.2
    Operating expenses852 78987.0991 01062.41 340 35749.5
    Raw materials and consumables used426 08643.5579 70736.5873 17032.3
    Payroll expense91 8769.498 0966.2105 9553.9
    Depreciation and amortisation expense141 65914.5114 0057.2109 3344.0
    Other operating expenses193 13419.7199 20112.5251 8949.3
    Operating profit127 22013.0596 50237.61 366 43750.5
    Financial income99 75210.2188 60311.9421 06515.6
    Financial expense93 9849.686 0125.4156 4705.8
    Operating result before tax132 69813.5699 09444.01 631 03160.3
    Tax36 3183.7254 44316.0587 76521.7
    Operating result96 3459.8444 65128.01 043 26538.5
    Net extraordinary income30.010.0340.0
    Net profit for the year94 0449.6442 55027.91 043 57238.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • Public non-financial corporations. Balance sheet. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    Public non-financial corporations. Balance sheet. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    Balance Sheet
    Fixed Assets3 149 05582.63 363 37070.73 628 77366.0
    Intangible fixed assets84 0322.294 2582.0136 5812.5
    Tangible fixed assets1 137 35429.81 167 13924.51 153 36121.0
    Building and plants613 71116.1884 20218.6643 25811.7
    Plant under construction47 4111.2100 8862.145 6850.8
    Houses, land and other real property24 0310.624 9830.526 3830.5
    Veicles, machinery and equipment etc394 87410.492 8522.0377 7316.9
    Other fixed assets57 3271.564 2161.360 3041.1
    Financial fixed assets1 927 66250.62 101 96244.22 338 81742.5
    Investments in group companies/subsidiaries1 316 28134.51 557 81032.71 754 30631.9
    Investments in associated companies79 2432.178 8651.785 9641.6
    Loans to group companies, associated companies and joint ventures379 78710.0329 9416.9352 9776.4
    Investments in shares and bonds76 8632.059 0501.231 1440.6
    Other receivables75 4882.076 2961.6114 4262.1
    Current Assets662 36117.41 396 79329.31 873 36034.0
    Inventories33 7960.943 3240.940 1540.7
    Debtors380 91010.0923 43619.41 257 29822.9
    Account receivable from customers and earned , not invoiced operating income95 9842.5516 52610.9282 2695.1
    Receivables from group companies239 3096.3346 0077.3700 75312.7
    Other receivables45 6171.260 9031.3274 2765.0
    Investments115 5973.0222 9564.7318 8065.8
    Cash and bank deposits131 7923.5206 8634.3256 6344.7
    Assets3 811 415100.04 759 790100.05 502 133100.0
    Equity1 780 71046.72 208 03046.42 321 38742.2
    Invested equity1 144 73330.01 231 99225.91 273 47923.1
    Share capital399 90310.5444 2349.3460 2448.4
    Share premium reserve527 37013.8629 10413.2617 82511.2
    Invested other equity217 4605.7158 6543.3195 4103.6
    Retained earnings636 09216.7976 06420.51 053 75519.2
    Reserve for valuation variances-4520.016 2680.345 0760.8
    Other equity676 89817.81 005 75521.11 021 03818.6
    Uncovered losses-40 354-1.1-45 959-1.0-12 359-0.2
    Long term liabilities1 374 80936.11 351 32528.41 343 26024.4
    Provisions309 9918.1460 6439.7427 3067.8
    Bonds359 8269.4337 9627.1335 9586.1
    Financial institutions106 0062.8106 6122.287 3471.6
    Liabilities to group companies299 7627.9245 0685.1254 5404.6
    Financial liabilities7 5440.29 4190.27 6020.1
    Other long term liabilities291 6747.7191 5824.0229 9104.2
    Current liabilities654 90717.21 200 76325.21 837 48533.4
    Financial institutions53 1251.464 4711.487 3761.6
    Trade creditors41 9701.167 4501.474 8351.4
    Public duties and tax payable27 4600.7164 8233.5259 4924.7
    Dividends payable49 2011.375 4311.6141 7282.6
    Liabilities to group companies321 8688.4632 95113.31 020 46418.5
    Other short term liabilities161 2834.2195 6354.1253 5904.6
    Equity and liabilities3 810 426100.04 759 744100.05 502 131100.0
    Explanation of symbols
  • Public non-financial corporations. Income statement and balance sheet by section. Selected accounting figures. NOK million.
    Public non-financial corporations. Income statement and balance sheet by section. Selected accounting figures. NOK million.
    2022Agriculture, forestry and fishingMining and quarryingManufacturingElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplyWater supply, sewerage, wasteConstructionWholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcyclesTransportation and storageAccommodation and food service activitiesInformation and communicationReal estate activitiesProfessional, scientific and technical activitiesAdministrative and support service activitiesPublic administration and defenceEducationHuman health and social work activitiesArts, entertainment and recreationOther sectionsIn total
    Income Statement
    Operating income6082 143 99637 362275 7569 92817 41826 76261 27865056 6758 8206 9124 9131124277 12047 607451.02 706 795
    Revenue3902 083 87636 159260 6499 31015 24726 46948 26352448 2521 2994 0351 2791123143 95047 150315.02 587 593
    Other operating income18459 46990312 7213625792862 234334 8837101 1626210492 20827054.086 728
    Operating expenses500934 68121 011157 8119 30016 98326 35160 20672845 1385 6478 0055 043784326 95341 055434.01 340 356
    Raw materials and consumables used8709 48111 33895 6032 8643 65822 3197 88510216 3314631 21847130401 014144201873 170
    Payroll expense15733 8868 54714 1632 1175 3152 58321 1912848 6035492 919612292423 91380741105 958
    Depreciation and amortisation expense1280 999-10 20713 1908399252016 6873212 3292 3492341 2170827218559109 331
    Other operating expenses323110 31411 33434 8533 4827 0841 24824 4413107 8742 2853 6352 744191431 75439 919132251 894
    Operating profit1081 209 31516 350117 9456284354101 072-7811 5393 173-1 093-13034-51666 552171 366 438
    Operating result before tax2281 401 43717 582179 5916618384341 590-9016 5686 430-4 821-40534-61456 5714 2431 631 030
    Net profit for the year201890 36413 906103 1665796773541 864-7221 3804 891-4 436-25826-41396 5704 2261 043 573
    Balance Sheet
    Assets5 6532 980 681114 4411 401 87316 47147 2338 645146 8201 636469 176184 72944 00635 4459632409 1239 51225 4895 502 136
    Fixed Assets5 1281 662 37981 5941 036 63112 56531 6742 343112 4791 372417 886171 28630 56531 69913795 4142 39023 2773 628 774
    Current Assets5251 318 30232 847365 2423 90615 5596 30134 34126551 29013 44213 4413 7479501603 7097 1222 2121 873 361
    Equity and liabilities5 6522 980 681114 4411 401 87316 47047 2328 645146 8201 636469 176184 72944 00635 4459632409 1239 51225 4895 502 133
    Equity4 9821 073 49170 514638 8644 04719 0872 13452 302822268 000111 40534 27315 260461105 6861 00019 3622 321 385
    Long term liabilities404688 6519 311353 2909 51217 5691 93561 487623122 93951 4991 72515 7440351 8731 8834 7811 343 261
    Current liabilities2671 218 53834 616409 7182 91210 5764 57633 03119178 23721 8248 0094 441917941 5646 6301 3441 837 485
    Explanation of symbols
  • Public non-financial corporations, with out central government enterprises. Selected key figures.
    Public non-financial corporations, with out central government enterprises. Selected key figures.
    Key figures
    Operating profit margin. Per cent1 9.1028.9140.33
    Operating margin. Per cent2 10.1637.1453.24
    Return on total assets. Per cent3 4.9212.5423.96
    Return on equity. Per cent4 3.1311.1323.86
    Equity ratio. Per cent5 45.8545.3841.04
    Current ratio6
    Ratio of fixed assets to long term capital7 1.000.951.00
    Debt-to-equity ratio8
    1Operating profit in per cent of operating income at 31. December.
    2Operating result before tax in per cent of operating income at 31. December.
    3Operating result before tax + interest expense in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December.
    4Operating result in per cent of total equity at 31 December.
    5Equity in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December.
    6Current assets at 31 December in proportion to current liabilities at 31 Decenber.
    7Fixed assets in proportion to long- term capital at 31 December.
    8Total liabilities in proportion to total equity at 31 December.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Central government corporations. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    Central government corporations. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    Income Statement
    Operating income748 327100.01 117 101100.01 806 583100.0
    Revenue684 18491.41 045 49093.61 720 64495.2
    Special public taxes-260.0-200.0-180.0
    Public subsidies9 6311.39 8860.96 4310.4
    Income from rent, real property and other income from rent7 4061.07 4940.712 5320.7
    Profit on disposals (sale etc.) of fixed assets1 1490.22270.04120.0
    Other operating income45 6076.153 7414.866 5453.7
    Operating expenses683 46791.3782 81870.11 052 94458.3
    Raw materials and consumables used367 05549.1484 54643.4722 47140.0
    Payroll expense69 3909.373 3726.680 3944.5
    Depreciation and amortisation expense97 77113.178 1117.065 5763.6
    Other operating expenses149 25119.9146 78913.1184 50210.2
    Operating profit64 8608.7334 28329.9753 63941.7
    Financial income70 9919.5158 27214.2366 84720.3
    Financial expense75 57710.166 9826.0133 3537.4
    Operating result before tax60 2758.1425 57338.1987 13254.6
    Tax32 6284.4234 11121.0540 48629.9
    Operating result27 6473.7191 46217.1446 64424.7
    Net extraordinary income20.000.0340.0
    Net profit for the year25 7713.4190 54617.1447 90124.8
    Explanation of symbols
  • Central government corporations. Balance sheet. Selected accounting figures.
    Central government corporations. Balance sheet. Selected accounting figures.
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    Balance Sheet
    Fixed Assets2 159 21380.22 349 34066.92 496 94861.9
    Intangible fixed assets62 0352.362 4981.864 6221.6
    Tangible fixed assets606 00722.5625 85217.8602 13214.9
    Buildings and plants184 5866.9454 38012.9210 7255.2
    Plant under construction26 9521.081 3032.326 9850.7
    Houses, land and other real property5 1870.24 4770.15 1180.1
    Veicles, machinery and equipment etc.357 91813.350 5711.4331 3198.2
    Other fixed assets.31 3641.235 1211.027 9850.7
    Financial fixed assets1 491 17255.41 660 99147.31 830 19345.4
    Investments in group companies/subsidiaries1 099 79540.81 338 53838.11 487 44836.9
    Investments in associated companies35 6541.335 7821.031 6880.8
    Loans to group companies, associated companies and joint ventures271 82410.1220 1226.3235 9975.8
    Loans to group cInvestments in shares and bonds28 0131.014 8980.46 9880.2
    LoanOther receivables55 8862.151 6511.568 0721.7
    Current Assets533 48819.81 162 13233.11 538 65138.1
    Inventories27 3311.036 5451.031 1980.8
    Debtors298 76411.1743 46321.21 009 38325.0
    Account receivable from customers and earned , not invoiced operating income58 3072.2412 90711.8166 7484.1
    Account receivable Receivables from group companies203 8127.6286 0398.1595 81514.8
    Other receivables36 6451.444 5171.3246 8206.1
    Investments112 3554.2215 3876.1310 7367.7
    Cash and bank deposits94 9693.5166 7214.7187 0364.6
    Assets2 692 701100.03 511 471100.04 035 599100.0
    Equity1 187 41444.11 571 67844.81 606 91139.8
    Invested equity703 08926.1746 78321.3747 59418.5
    Share capital194 1137.2202 7925.8204 2355.1
    Share premium reserve306 94611.4402 73311.5368 9249.1
    Invested other equity202 0307.5141 2584.0174 4354.3
    Retained earnings484 32718.0824 89623.5861 41121.3
    Reserve for valuation variances-9 009-0.38 9790.339 2231.0
    Other equity528 66319.6856 77524.4832 03920.6
    Uncovered losses-35 327-1.3-40 858-1.2-9 851-0.2
    Long term liabilities967 36335.9932 47426.6896 48722.2
    Provisions199 8117.4352 13610.0323 6198.0
    Bonds294 27610.9272 4787.8285 8377.1
    Financial institutions41 2641.539 9731.122 7330.6
    Liabilities to group companies170 0136.3109 3473.1113 7242.8
    Financial liabilities290.01160.02 4520.1
    Other long term liabilities261 9709.7158 4234.5147 7233.7
    Current liabilities537 92420.01 007 31928.71 532 20038.0
    Financial institutions40 7441.544 8961.363 8891.6
    Trade creditors28 4551.144 5791.346 5891.2
    Public duties and tax payable19 2490.7138 6703.9205 4695.1
    Dividends payable40 6231.560 8591.7120 9443.0
    Liabilities to group companies285 10010.6585 66616.7930 61023.1
    Other short term liabilities123 7524.6132 6493.8164 6994.1
    Equity and liabilities2 692 701100.03 511 471100.04 035 598100.0
    Explanation of symbols
  • Central government corporations. Selected key figures
    Central government corporations. Selected key figures
    Operating profit margin. Per cent1 8.6729.9241.72
    Operating margin. Per cent2 8.0538.1054.64
    Return on total assets. Per cent3 5.0514.0327.77
    Return on equity. Per cent4 2.3312.1827.80
    Equity ratio. Per cent5 44.1044.7639.82
    Current ratio6 0.991.151.00
    Ratio of fixed assets to long term capital7 1.000.941.00
    Debt-to-equity ratio8
    1Operating profit in per cent of operating income at 31. December.
    2Operating result before tax in per cent of operating income at 31. December.
    3Operating result before tax + interest expense in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December.
    4Operating result in per cent of total equity at 31 December.
    5Equity in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December.
    6Current assets at 31 December in proportion to current liabilities at 31 Decenber.
    7Fixed assets in proportion to long- term capital at 31 December.
    8Total liabilities in proportion to total equity at 31 December.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Central government quasi- corporations. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    Central government quasi- corporations. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    Income Statement
    Operating income120 172100.0297 361100.0651 542100.0
    Revenue115 83996.4293 59098.7646 04599.2
    Special public taxes00.000.000.0
    Public subsidies00.000.000.0
    Income from rent, real property and other income from rent00.000.000.0
    Profit on disposals (sale etc.) of fixed assets00.000.000.0
    Other operating income4 3333.63 7711.35 4970.8
    Operating expenses71 23459.373 83824.8113 89617.5
    Raw materials and consumables used26 38822.037 70812.766 21310.2
    Payroll expense9700.81 0570.47190.1
    Depreciation and amortisation expense30 41325.321 6147.327 5054.2
    Other operating expenses13 46311.213 4594.519 4583.0
    Operating profit48 93940.7223 52375.2537 64682.5
    Financial income2 9452.53 2161.110 6971.6
    Financial expense6 5665.56 8392.311 5711.8
    Operating result before tax45 31737.7219 90174.0536 77282.4
    Operating result45 30937.7219 89673.9536 76882.4
    Net extraordinary income00.000.000.0
    Net profit for the year45 31137.7219 89673.9536 76882.4
    Explanation of symbols
  • Central government quasi- corporations. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    Central government quasi- corporations. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    Balance Sheet
    Fixed Assets233 24490.4231 88475.1245 85374.5
    Intangible fixed assets1 3640.51 9330.624 7167.5
    Tangible fixed assets231 56189.7229 56674.4220 79666.9
    Buildings and plants231 44589.7229 38474.3220 68366.9
    Plant under construction410.0340.0200.0
    Houses, land and other real property10.0190.000.0
    Veicles, machinery and equipment etc.540.01080.0480.0
    Other fixed assets.200.0210.0450.0
    Financial fixed assets3190.13850.13410.1
    Investments in group companies/subsidiaries00.010.000.0
    Investments in associated companies30.030.000.0
    Loans to group companies, associated companies and joint ventures00.000.000.0
    Loans to group cInvestments in shares and bonds00.030.050.0
    LoanOther receivables3160.13780.13360.1
    Current Assets24 7699.677 21225.084 06925.5
    Inventories2 6461.02 4620.83 2711.0
    Debtors21 8318.574 40824.180 50324.4
    Account receivable from customers and earned , not invoiced operating income21 5558.474 14324.080 08924.3
    Account receivable Receivables from group companies2650.12490.13990.1
    Other receivables110.0160.0150.0
    Cash and bank deposits2920.13420.12960.1
    Assets258 012100.0308 723100.0329 922100.0
    Equity151 86158.9188 22861.0198 83560.3
    Invested equity151 18458.6187 28060.7198 28760.1
    Share capital151 17358.6187 24260.7198 28760.1
    Share premium reserve00.000.000.0
    Invested other equity110.0380.000.0
    Retained earnings6780.39470.35750.2
    Reserve for valuation variances00.000.000.0
    Other equity6780.39470.35620.2
    Uncovered losses00.000.0130.0
    Long term liabilities88 44334.384 52827.491 03127.6
    Provisions84 04932.678 76925.568 70020.8
    Financial institutions00.000.000.0
    Liabilities to group companies00.000.000.0
    Financial liabilities00.000.000.0
    Other long term liabilities4 3941.75 7591.922 3316.8
    Current liabilities17 7086.936 34111.840 05612.1
    Financial institutions00.000.000.0
    Trade creditors2 4160.93 4251.13 3611.0
    Public duties and tax payable740.0990.0480.0
    Dividends payable00.000.000.0
    Liabilities to group companies40.0110.000.0
    Other short term liabilities15 2155.932 80510.636 64711.1
    Equity and liabilities258 012100.0308 723100.0329 922100.0
    Explanation of symbols
  • Local government owned enterprises. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    Local government owned enterprises. Income statement. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and share.
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    Income Statement
    Operating income111 509100.0173 050100.0248 670100.0
    Revenue92 66483.1151 24587.4220 90788.8
    Special public taxes-65-0.1-420.0-600.0
    Public subsidies1 7721.61 8301.12 3921.0
    Income from rent, real property and other income from rent6 4975.88 4864.99 1583.7
    Profit on disposals (sale etc.) of fixed assets3970.4670.09450.4
    Other operating income9 8928.911 2546.514 6885.9
    Operating expenses98 08888.0134 35477.6173 51769.8
    Raw materials and consumables used32 64329.357 45333.284 48634.0
    Payroll expense21 51619.323 66713.724 84210.0
    Depreciation and amortisation expense13 47512.114 2808.316 2536.5
    Other operating expenses30 42027.338 95322.547 93419.3
    Operating profit13 42112.038 69622.475 15230.2
    Financial income25 81623.227 11515.743 52117.5
    Financial expense11 84110.612 1917.011 5464.6
    Operating result before tax27 10624.353 62031.0107 12743.1
    Tax3 6823.320 32711.747 27419.0
    Operating result23 38921.033 29319.259 85324.1
    Net extraordinary income10.010.000.0
    Net profit for the year22 96220.632 10818.658 90323.7
    Explanation of symbols
  • Local government owned enterprises. Balance sheet. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and andel.
    Local government owned enterprises. Balance sheet. Selected accounting figures. NOK million and andel.
    NOK millionShareNOK millionShareNOK millionShare
    Balance Sheet
    Fixed Assets756 59887.9782 14683.2885 97277.9
    Intangible fixed assets20 6332.429 8273.247 2434.2
    Tangible fixed assets299 78634.8311 72133.2330 43329.1
    Buildings and plants197 68023.0200 43821.3211 85018.6
    Plant under construction20 4182.419 5492.118 6801.6
    Houses, land and other real property18 8432.220 4872.221 2651.9
    Veicles, machinery and equipment etc.36 9024.342 1734.546 3644.1
    Other fixed assets.25 9433.029 0743.132 2742.8
    Financial fixed assets436 17150.7440 58646.9508 28344.7
    Investments in group companies/subsidiaries216 48625.2219 27123.3266 85823.5
    Investments in associated companies43 5865.143 0804.654 2764.8
    Loans to group companies, associated companies and joint ventures107 96312.5109 81911.7116 98010.3
    Loans to group cInvestments in shares and bonds48 8505.744 1494.724 1512.1
    LoanOther receivables19 2862.224 2672.646 0184.0
    Current Assets104 10412.1157 44916.8250 64022.1
    Inventories3 8190.44 3170.55 6850.5
    Debtors60 3157.0105 56511.2167 41214.7
    Account receivable from customers and earned , not invoiced operating income16 1221.929 4763.135 4323.1
    Account receivable Receivables from group companies35 2324.159 7196.4104 5399.2
    Other receivables8 9611.016 3701.727 4412.4
    Investments3 2420.47 5690.88 0700.7
    Cash and bank deposits36 5314.239 8004.269 3026.1
    Assets860 702100.0939 596100.01 136 612100.0
    Equity441 43551.3448 12447.7515 64145.4
    Invested equity290 46033.8297 92931.7327 59828.8
    Share capital54 6176.454 2005.857 7225.1
    Share premium reserve220 42425.6226 37124.1248 90121.9
    Invested other equity15 4191.817 3581.820 9751.8
    Retained earnings151 08717.6150 22116.0191 76916.9
    Reserve for valuation variances8 5571.07 2890.85 8530.5
    Other equity147 55717.2148 03315.8188 43716.6
    Uncovered losses-5 027-0.6-5 101-0.5-2 521-0.2
    Long term liabilities319 00337.1334 32335.6355 74231.3
    Provisions26 1313.029 7383.234 9873.1
    Bonds65 5507.665 4847.050 1214.4
    Financial institutions64 7427.566 6397.164 6145.7
    Liabilities to group companies129 74915.1135 72114.4140 81612.4
    Financial liabilities7 5150.99 3031.05 1500.5
    Other long term liabilities25 3102.927 4002.959 8565.3
    Current liabilities99 27511.5157 10316.7265 22923.3
    Financial institutions12 3811.419 5752.123 4872.1
    Trade creditors11 0991.319 4462.124 8852.2
    Public duties and tax payable8 1370.926 0542.853 9754.7
    Dividends payable8 5781.014 5721.620 7841.8
    Liabilities to group companies36 7644.347 2745.089 8547.9
    Other short term liabilities22 3162.630 1813.252 2444.6
    Equity and liabilities859 713100.0939 550100.01 136 611100.0
    Explanation of symbols
  • Local government owned enterprises. Selected key figures.
    Local government owned enterprises. Selected key figures.
    Operating profit margin. Per cent1 12.0422.3630.22
    Operating margin. Per cent2 24.3130.9943.08
    Return on total assets. Per cent3 4.537.0010.44
    Return on equity. Per cent4 5.307.4311.61
    Equity ratio. Per cent5 51.3547.7045.37
    Current ratio6
    Ratio of fixed assets to long term capital7 0.991.001.02
    Debt-to-equity ratio8 0.951.101.20
    1Operating profit in per cent of operating income at 31. December.
    2Operating result before tax in per cent of operating income at 31. December.
    3Operating result before tax + interest expense in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December.
    4Operating result in per cent of total equity at 31 December.
    5Equity in per cent of total equity and liabilities at 31 December.
    6Current assets at 31 December in proportion to current liabilities at 31 Decenber.
    7Fixed assets in proportion to long- term capital at 31 December.
    8Total liabilities in proportion to total equity at 31 December.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics include all market non-financial corporations in which either the central government or municipalities/county municipalities directly or indirectly own more than 50 per cent of the shares. These include all companies incorporated by special legislation as well as central government market entities.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 13 October 2023.

Public corporations

The statistics comprise of all Norwegian companies defined as publicly owned, non-financial corporations.

Public is here central government, municipality and county municipality authorities.

Non-financial corporations are companies producing goods or services except financial services such as banking services, fund management etc.

The statistics include only companies operating in market-oriented business. That is business mainly financed by sales revenue and business operating with profit.

Public companies operating in non-market-oriented business, which is business mainly financed by taxes and fees, are excluded.

Publicly owned means that the central government or municipality/county municipality directly or indirectly owns more than 50 per cent of the shares. These include all companies incorporated by special legislation market entities.


The accounting statistics comprise of income statement, balance sheet and selected accounting key figures.

The income statement and balance sheet are based on The Accounting Act of 17th June 1998 (only in Norwegian) and the Norwegian Accounting Standard, NS 4102 (only in norwegian).

The income statement shows operating income and operating expenses, financial income and financial expenses etc.

The balance sheet consists of assets (fixed assets and current assets), equity and liabilities.

The statistics only include accounts for individual company and do not include company consolidated accounts.

Sector and industrial classification

The corporations are classified in accordance with the Classification of Institutional sector and Classification of Standard Industrial Classification (NACE). The balance sheet is classified in accordance with the national accountings financial object grouping and with the grouping of debtors and creditors.

The following sectors are included in the statistics:

  • 1110 Public quasi-corporations
  • 1120 Public limited companies owned by the state etc.
  • 1510 Municipal quasi-corporations
  • 1520 Public limited companies owned by the municipalities etc.

The industrial classification is from 2007and is in line with the Norwegian Standard for Industrial Classification (SN2007) which is in conformity with the EC industrial classification NACE Rev. 2.

Name: Public corporations, accounts
Topic: Public sector

Not yet determined

Division for Public Finance

National level.


Accounting figures are included in the national accounts reported to Eurostat, IMF and OECD.

Collected and revised data are stored securely by Statistics Norway in compliance with applicable legislation on data processing.

Statistics Norway can grant access to the source data (de-identified or anonymised microdata) on which the statistics are based, for researchers and public authorities for the purposes of preparing statistical results and analyses. Access can be granted upon application and subject to conditions. Refer to the details about this at Access to data from Statistics Norway.

The purpose of the statistics is to collect and compile figures needed to present macroeconomic statistics and statistics about public corporations. This started in 1961 (NOS XII 185).

The major user of the statistics is the National Account Division at Statistics Norway, the public authorities and the general public.

No external users have access to statistics before they are released at 8 a.m. on after at least three months’ advance notice in the release calendar. This is one of the most important principles in Statistics Norway for ensuring the equal treatment of users.

The figures are included in the national accounts and in the financial sector balance sheet.

The statistics are developed, produced and disseminated pursuant to Act no. 32 of 21 June 2019 relating to official statistics and Statistics Norway (the Statistics Act).


The population comprises all Norwegian companies defined as public non-financial corporations. Corporations which are General government are excluded since these are entered into the central government and/or the local government.

These are all market oriented non-financial corporations in which the central government or municipality/county municipality directly or indirectly owns more than 50 per cent of the shares. These include all companies incorporated by special legislation market entities.

The statistic does not include the company consolidated account.

The accounting statistics comprise of income statement, balance sheet and selected accounting key figures.

The accounting figures for State´s Direct Financial Interest (SDFI) are collected from Petoro AS Annual Accounting Report.

The basis of the statistics is by the accounting reports obtained by the Tax questionnaire that were reported to the Directorate of Taxes. The statistics do not include consolidated financial accounts.

With the effect from 2005, the statistics Norway has obtained direct accounting information from the Central Register of Establishment of Enterprises when necessary.

By electronic reporting, the companies send a copy of the Tax questionnaire directly to Statistics Norway via Altinn.

Specifications of some selected items in the balance sheet are reported on an additional questionnaire. Accounting information for the Municipality Energy Supply corporations are collected from the "Economics and Technical report to the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate and Statistics Norway". Accounting information for smaller corporations are obtained directly from the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises. Accounting information obtained by this method is less detailed than the Tax questionnaires.

The Tax questionnaires are sent out and are sent back when completed by the companies. This must be return within a stipulated deadline to Statistics Norway.

The questionnaire is issued in connection with the deadline of providing the Tax questionnaire to the Norwegian Tax authority. The deadline for sending in the questionnaires to Statistics Norway is usually the last week in June.

The data are registered in a common accounting database at Statistics Norway that comprises both public and private non-financial corporations.

Editing is defined here as checking, examining and amending data. Control and editing are automatically built-in the accounting database at Statistics Norway. This constitutes a control and revision of the balance sheet in accordance with the annual accounts and a macro control.

Not relevant

Employees of Statistics Norway have a duty of confidentiality.

Statistics Norway does not publish figures if there is a risk of the respondent’s contribution being identified. This means that, as a general rule, figures are not published if fewer than three units form the basis of a cell in a table or if the contribution of one or two respondents constitutes a very large part of the cell total.

Statistics Norway can make exceptions to the general rule if deemed necessary to meet the requirements of the EEA agreement, if the respondent is a public authority, if the respondent has consented to this, or when the information disclosed is openly accessible to the public.

More information can be found on Statistics Norway’s website under Methods in official statistics, in the ‘Confidentiality’ section.

Changes in the accountancy and the company act, as well as the grouping of items in the Tax questionnaires causes deviation in time series.

Starting from 2005, Norwegian companies can opt for International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) in their annual accounting reports. This has affected the comparability of different companies applying different principles.

The major sources of error have usually been the inability of tracking the ongoing changes in the population. The population is established by an inspection of the share of public ownership in the various corporations as it is registered in the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises. This register is updated continuously on the basis of newly established corporations or annual company accounts.

The degree of information provided in the annual accounts by various corporations differs. In addition, the companies practice different accounting principles in the same questionnaires, and this inconsistency of practice generates problems for the statistics.

Changes in Statistics Norway's information about the ownership structure in the corporations have significantly affected the changes in the total number of public corporations.

In some cases, whereby no accounting data are available, Tax questionnaires are re-constructed based upon data available from the previous years.

Variance: Not applicable
Bias: Not applicable
Non-response: The accounting statistics only include data for the enterprises that Statistics Norway could obtain data on. Non-response is not very high.

The population requires updating continuously. This is as the result of incorrect classification of sector or industrial classification which can affect the result statistics.

A revision is a planned change to figures that have already been published, for example when releasing final figures as a follow-up to published preliminary figures. See also Statistics Norway’s principles for revisions.
