Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Public sector on Svalbard
The statistics show the state's income and expenses in Svalbard. In addition, the scope of public employment is shown both in Svalbard and at domestic level.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Share of total employment per sector (per cent), SvalbardDownload table as ...Share of total employment per sector (per cent), Svalbard
2022 2023 Share of total employment on Svalbard Central government (incl. social security funds) 17.7 18.5 County authority 0.0 0.0 Municipalities 15.5 13.8 Enterprises owned by central government 18.2 21.0 Enterprises owned by local government 0.0 2.4 Private sector 48.6 44.3 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Share of total employment, Svalbard and national scaleDownload table as ...Share of total employment, Svalbard and national scale
2022 2023 Share of total employment on Svalbard Central government (incl. social security funds) 17.7 18.5 County authority 0.0 0.0 Municipalities 15.5 13.8 Enterprises owned by central government 18.2 21.0 Enterprises owned by local government 0.0 2.4 Private sector 48.6 44.3 Share of total employment on a national scale Central government (incl. social security funds) 11.2 11.2 County authority 1.6 1.6 Municipalities 17.4 17.6 Enterprises owned by central government 2.6 2.6 Enterprises owned by local government 1.3 1.4 Private sector 65.8 65.6 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Revenue and expenditure regarding administration of Svalbard (NOK million)Download table as ...Revenue and expenditure regarding administration of Svalbard (NOK million)
2008 2013 2018 2022 2023 TOTAL REVENUE 133 151 181 237 233 Taxes 122 138 174 227 223 Other revenue 11 14 7 10 10 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 229 327 499 630 645 Governor of Svalbard 31 40 67 88 92 Public Construction and Property Management (Statsbygg) 17 20 10 10 10 Other central governmental activities 14 16 21 20 24 Transport services of the Governor of Svalbard 69 84 207 292 236 Transfers to Longyearbyen local government 90 151 177 160 216 Other expenditure 7 15 16 59 66 SURPLUS -96 -175 -318 -393 -412 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Revenue and expenditure of central government outside The Svalbard budget.Download table as ...Revenue and expenditure of central government outside The Svalbard budget.
2013 2018 2022 2023 TOTAL REVENUE 58 75 131 138 Public Construction and Property Management (Statsbygg) 58 75 115 122 Other revenue 0 0 16 16 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 405 940 1 079 936 The Research Council of Norway + Research fund 45 55 73 61 Primary and lower secondary schools + kindergartens 0 0 0 1 Norwegian Meteorological Institute 0 17 19 20 Norwegian Polar Institute 88 101 139 150 Polar research and environmental monitoring 14 42 19 19 Norwegian Mapping Authority 69 61 43 25 Svalbard airport 0 1 2 2 Transfers to public health service on Svalbard 32 47 59 61 Transfers to Kings Bay AS 28 51 44 66 Transfers to Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani AS 0 0 0 0 Transfers to Svalbard Samfunnsdrift AS 0 0 0 0 University of Svalbard 112 138 158 162 Other expenditure 17 427 524 368 SURPLUS -347 -865 -948 -798 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 8 December 2023.
Central Government
Government units having a national sphere of competence
County Government
Government units having a county sphere of competence.
General Government
Units that are either part of national, county or local authorities, or are controlled by such authorities, and primarily funded by public appropriations.
Local Government
Government units having a local sphere of competence.
Public Business Units
Units owned 50% or more by a public authority and primarily fund their expenses by selling services in the market.
Public Sector
The sum of general government and public business units.
See Definitions in government finance statistics for definitions of variables and other concepts used in government finance statistics.
The population is based on the Norway Statistics’ Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises (CRE) and the units classified there as sub-sectors within the public sector.