News about International Development Cooperation
Read about the ongoing international development cooperation in Statistics Norway. This is also where you find the annual reports.
Articles, analysis, and publications
Annual Report 2024. International development cooperation in Statistics Norway Article 28 February
The purpose of Statistics Norway's development cooperation is to support partner countries in their effort to build strong and professional national statistical systems.
International statistics on statelessness Article 6 May
Norway has good statistics on statelessness but the statistics on this are very incomplete for most countries. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has taken an initiative to improve the statistics on statelessness, as well as for the other main target groups of the High Commissioner, namely refugees and internally displaced persons. Statistics Norway (SSB) has actively contributed to this effort.
1 600 Stateless Individuals in Norway Article 6 May
At the beginning of 2024, there were just over 1600 stateless persons in Norway. This marks a halving from 2011 and 2018 when the number was at its highest recorded level. Most of the stateless individuals come from Palestine and Syria.
Statelessness in Norway Article 6 May
Norway has good data on statelessness in the National Population Register. At the turn of the year, 1,626 stateless persons lived in Norway, but the number varies significantly from year to year. This variation is due to fluctuating immigration of stateless individuals and the transition to Norwegian citizenship. Stateless individuals can become Norwegian citizens after three years. Most stateless individuals in Norway arrived as transfer refugees or asylum seekers, many of them with Palestinian background. In addition, a few stateless individuals are born in the country each year. The main problem for stateless persons living in Norway is lack of a passport.
Food Security Statistics Project Article 8 April
The 55th UNSC in March 2024 endorsed the guidelines“Processing food consumption data from HCES”.
Official statistics and data stewardship Article 1 March
This article addresses the discussions in the international statistical community on the possible new roles for national statistical institutes as data stewards. With examples drawn mainly from Statistics Norway, Sæbø illustrates the importance of official statistics in the current data landscape.
Why ICT assessments? Article 1 March
A National Statistical Office processes, analyses and stores large amounts of data. Hence, it is important to have secure and efficient ICT systems to keep the data safe and to be able to utilize the data for statistics and analysis. To create and maintain these systems we need a qualified and efficient ICT organisation.
Statistical cooperation in time of conflict: Adapting to a new reality Article 1 March
Statistics is vital for policy decisions in normal times. It becomes even more important during wars and crises. However, the conditions for producing and further develop statistics becomes more difficult. Can a partnership aimed at developing official statistics continue when one of the partners is in the middle of an armed conflict? The State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSSU) has shown that they are willing to go far to continue international cooperation despite the ongoing war.
Food Security Statistics Project Article 1 March
Norad and Statistics Norway signed a new contract for the second phase of the Food Security Statistics project, securing funding for the next four years.
High-level visits to Statistics Norway from our partner institutions Article 1 March
Over the years, SSB has found that the key to successful cooperation lies in top-level ownership and mutual understanding of roles, responsibilities and goals. Bringing top-level management together to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and explore opportunities, is a good way of developing ownership and commitment for a successful cooperation.
Annual Report 2023. International development cooperation in Statistics Norway Article 1 March
The purpose of Statistics Norway's development cooperation is to support partner countries in their effort to build strong and professional national statistical systems.
Progress on ocean accounting in Norway Document 21 June
This working paper was prepared for the 28th meeting of the London Group held on September 26-29, 2022, in Siegburg, Germany. The paper discusses current progress on ocean accounting in Norway.
Annual Report 2022. International development cooperation in Statistics Norway Article 1 March
The purpose of Statistics Norway's development cooperation is to support partner countries in their effort to build strong and professional national statistical systems.
Annual Report 2021. International development cooperation in Statistics Norway Article 14 March
The purpose of Statistics Norway's development cooperation is to support partner countries in their effort to build strong and professional national statistical systems.
- November 2022
- November 2021
- 15 March 2021
- November 2020
- What people eat depends on where they live and how much money they have. In Sudan, people in the countryside often eat healthier and more sustainable foods, than those who are economically better off and live in the city.
Article / 22 September 2020
- 27 March 2020
- Hva folk spiser, er avhengig av hvor de bor, og hvor mye penger de har. I Sudan spiser folk på landet ofte sunnere og mer bærekraftige matvarer enn de mer velstående innbyggerne som fører et mer moderne liv i byen.
Article / 17. februar 2020
- February 2020
- July 2019
- 8 April 2019
- Norway found oil in the late 1960s, the emergence of the petroleum industry led to changes in the National Statistics system. The purpose of this report is to share both challenges and experiences covering petroleum activities in statistics production.
Publication / 9 June 2017
- 1 March 2017
- The report focuses on which measures that should be put in place to improve data quality. Suggested improvements are based on lessons learnt in Malawi which also have validity beyond the national experience.
Publication / 18 January 2017
- A Health Management Information System (HMIS) is important for a country’s capacity to monitor health, and for evaluating and improving the delivery of health-care services and programs.
Publication / 18 January 2017
- There is an increased focus on measuring the effect of Norwegian funded development programs. Using Result Based Management (RBM) and developing a good goal hierarchy, with a well specified baseline description and indicators that can capture the change over time, are important aspects of better measurement.
Publication / 12 May 2015
- 14 October 2013
- Publication / 25 April 2012
- The quality of a National Statistical Institute (NSI) to a large degree depends on the performance of the employees. Hence, making sure the staff has adequate skills is crucial. Training can improve the performance and productivity of the staff and ensure that they have the relevant skills.
Publication / 20 April 2012
- Guide to creating a dissemination strategy and dissemination guidelines for developing and transition countries.
Publication / October 2009
The publication is also available in these languages:
French: Pour une présentation conviviale des statistiques (PDF)
Portugese: Apresentação Amigável de Estatísticas (PDF)
Russian: Статистика для всех (PDF)
Arabic Dissemination Guide (PDF)
- This paper reports from a workshop in Oslo in December 2007 aiming at gaining insight into how to strengthen the capacity of developing and transition countries for analyzing and using statistics for evidence based policy and public dialogue. The workshop took place within the context of the "scaling-up support to statistics” initiative launched by Paris21 and the World Bank in April 2007.
Publication / 1 April 2008
- Publication / 19 May 2006
Publication / 1 February 2006
- Publication / 8 November 2005