The Food Security Statistics project has received funding from Norad for the next four years (2024-2027). The project started in 2020 and is a collaboration between Statistics Norway and COMESA (the Common Market for Southern and Eastern Africa).
The aim of the project is to improve food security through better food security statistics. This will be done with better and more efficient use of food security data already collected through Household Expenditure and Consumption surveys (HECS).
There are two important achievements in the first phase of the project. First, guidelines on how to prepare food consumption data from HECS has been prepared, and we hope it will be endorsed at the UN Statistics Commission meeting in March 2024. Second, together with COMESA, capacity building has been high on the agenda with workshops conducted for National Statistical Offices (NSO) in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
In the second phase of the project, starting in 2024, we will continue to include more countries for capacity building and hope to conduct workshops for three new NSOs each year. We are very much looking forward to collaborating with new countries as well as supporting countries already trained in their process of including food security statistics as part of their regular statistics production.

Photo: Group picture from our most recent workshop in Dar es Salaam with Tanzania Mainland NBS and Zanzibar OCGS November 2023.