Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
The demand for labour in the Norwegian Health and Long-Term-Care sector towards 2060 Reports 2019/12 Labour market and earnings, Health
The distribution of financial resources between women and men, and gender disparities in health Reports 2017/29 Population, Labour market and earnings, Income and consumption, Culture and recreation, Health
The gender-divided labour market Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
The lowest paid jobs: Who occupies these jobs and how long do they occupy them Reports 2021/01 Labour market and earnings
This is Norway 2020 Booklets Population, Income and consumption, Education, Construction, housing and property, Culture and recreation, Transport and tourism, Elections, Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime, National accounts and business cycles, Energy and manufacturing, Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities, Health
Too much time spent on paid work leads to a reduction in study time Articles Education, Labour market and earnings
Turnover in child welfare among municipalities Reports 2014/18 Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Twice as many employed persons Articles Labour market and earnings
Unaccompanied minor refugees 2011: Employment, education and income Reports 2014/09 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Unaccompanied minor refugees 2015-2016: Child welfare, employment, education and income Reports 2018/03 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Unemployment at 3.4 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 3.5 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 3.6 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 3.7 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings
Unemployment at 3.8 per cent Articles Labour market and earnings