Statistics Norway publications

Results (219)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Work – goal and arena for integration Statistical analysis 2017 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Workplace presence, wages and employment Reports 2020/51 Labour market and earnings
Workplace segregation among employed with immigrant background in Norway Reports 2019/24 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Young people neither in paid employment nor in education or training Reports 2014/37 Labour market and earnings
Young people on the labour market: Ad hoc module to the Labour Force Survey 2016 Reports 2017/30 Labour market and earnings
Young people who are not in employment or education Labour market and earnings
Young people with immigrant background in Scandinavia: How many are in employment or education? Reports 2012/32 Labour market and earnings
Young people with immigrant background in employment and education 2015 Reports 2017/22 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Young people with immigrant background in employment and education 2016 Reports 2018/04 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants