Statistics Norway publications
Results (3085)
Title | Series/nr | Date | Topic |
Decrease in export price of fresh salmon | Articles | External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
Decline in government financial assets | Articles | Public sector | |
Norway has second highest consumption level in Europe | Artikler | Prices and price indices | |
Effects of extended paternity leave on union stability and fertility | Discussion Papers no. 899 | National accounts and business cycles | |
Decline in fertility for immigrant women | Articles | Population | |
Cabin rentals popular among foreigners | Articles | Transport and tourism | |
A considerable rise in export price of fresh salmon | Articles | External economy, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
Decline in fertility | Articles | Population | |
Linking neighbors’ fertility: Third births in Norwegian neighborhoods | Discussion Papers no. 898 | National accounts and business cycles | |
CPI up 3 per cent last 12 months | Articles | Prices and price indices, Income and consumption | |
PPI continued to rise | Articles | Prices and price indices, Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles | |
The solid growth in mainland GDP continues | Articles | National accounts and business cycles | |
Agriculture and Environment 2018: State and Development | Reports 2019/05 | Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
Upturn in Norwegian economy continues, but with clouds on the horizon | Economic trends for Norway and abroad | National accounts and business cycles | |
Growth in manufacturing output continues | Articles | Energy and manufacturing |