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Found 324 results for "documents" on the site

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  • Exploring the change in skill structure of labour demand in Norwegian manufacturing


    Documents 2003/9 Exploring the change in skill structure of labour demand in Norwegian manufacturing Published Norwegian manufacturing Authors Kjersti-Gro Lindquist, Terje Skjerpen Series and number Documents 2003/9

  • Continuing vocational training survey (CVTS2)

    Quality report for Norway


    Documents 2003/7 Quality report for Norway Continuing vocational training survey (CVTS2) Published). Quality report for Norway Author Bjørn Are Holth Series and number Documents 2003/7 Publisher Statistics Norway, Division for Sample Surveys Topic Methods

  • World health survey

    Survey report


    Documents 2003/5 Survey report World health survey Published: 21 August 2003 This publication is only available in pdf Bævre, Elise Wedde Series and number Documents 2003/5 Publisher Statistics Norway, Department of Economic Statistics Topic Methods and documentation Number of pages 41 Language English About Documents

  • Development of registers of people, companies and properties in Uganda

    Report from a Norwegian mission


    Documents 2003/4 Report from a Norwegian mission Development of registers of people, companies and properties in Uganda Published. Report from a Norwegian mission Author Helge Brunborg Series and number Documents 2003/4 Publisher Statistics Norway, Department of Economic Statistics Topic Methods and documentation Number of pages

  • Supplement to " Distribution of preferences and measurement errors in a disaggregated expenditure system"


    Documents 2003/3 Supplement to " Distribution of preferences and measurement errors in a disaggregated expenditure system" Published Jørgen Aasness, Terje Skjerpen, Erik Biørn Series and number Documents 2003/3 Publisher Statistics Norway, Department of Economic Statistics Topic Methods

  • Implementation of a certificate in official statistics

    A tool for human resource management in a National Statistical Institute


    Documents 2003/2 A tool for human resource management in a National Statistical Institute Implementation of a certificate in official statistics Published. A tool for human resource management in a National Statistical Institute Author Olav Ljones Series and number Documents 2003/2 Publisher Statistics Norway, Department of Economic Statistics Topic

  • EU-SILC: Pilot survey

    Quality report from Statistics Norway


    Documents 2003/1 Quality report from Statistics Norway EU-SILC: Pilot survey Published. Quality report from Statistics Norway Authors Arne S. Andersen, Tor Morten Normann, Elisabeth Ugreninov Series and number Documents 2003/1 Publisher

  • Education attainment and fertility pattern among Norwegian women


    Documents 2002/18 Education attainment and fertility pattern among Norwegian women Published Lappegård Series and number Documents 2002/18 Publisher Statistics Norway Topics Births and deaths, Level of education Number of pages 27 Language English About Documents Documentation, descriptions of

  • Influence of migrants on regional variations of cerebrovascular disease mortality in Norway 1991-1994


    Documents 2002/16 Influence of migrants on regional variations of cerebrovascular disease mortality in Norway 1991-1994 Published. Nymoen Series and number Documents 2002/16 Publisher Statistics Norway, Department of social statistics Topic Causes of death Number of pages 16 Language English About Documents Documentation

  • Private investments in Norway and the user cost of capital


    Documents 2002/13 Private investments in Norway and the user cost of capital Published Håvard Hungnes Series and number Documents 2002/13 Publisher Statistics Norway, Research department Topic Methods and documentation Number of pages 33 Language English About Documents Documentation

  • Norwegian Economic and Environment Accounts (NOREEA)

    Project report - 2001


    Documents 2002/15 Project report - 2001 Norwegian Economic and Environment Accounts (NOREEA) Published). Project report - 2001 Authors Julie L. Hass, Knut Ø. Sørensen, Kristine Erlandsen Series and number Documents 2002/15 Publisher Statistics Norway, Department

  • Causality in macroeconomics

    Identifying causal relationships from policy instruments to target variables


    Documents 2002/14 Identifying causal relationships from policy instruments to target variables Causality in macroeconomics Published. Identifying causal relationships from policy instruments to target variables Author Håvard Hungnes Series and number Documents 2002/14 Publisher Statistics

  • An introductory guide to the economics of sustainable tourism


    Documents 2002/11 An introductory guide to the economics of sustainable tourism Published Røed Larsen Series and number Documents 2002/11 Publisher Statistics Norway, Research department Topic Tourism Number of pages 11 Language English About Documents Documentation, descriptions of methods

  • Expectations and regime robustness in price formation

    Evidence from VAR models and recursive methods


    Documents 2002/5 Evidence from VAR models and recursive methods Expectations and regime robustness in price formation Published. Evidence from VAR models and recursive methods Authors Pål Boug, Ådne Cappelen, Anders Rygh Swensen Series and number Documents 2002/5 Publisher Statistics

  • Methodology work for environmental protection investment and current expenditures in the manufacturing industry

    Final report to Eurostat


    Documents 2002/3 Final report to Eurostat Methodology work for environmental protection investment and current expenditures in the manufacturing industry Published. Final report to Eurostat Authors Julie L. Hass, Tone Smith Series and number Documents 2002/3 Publisher Statistics Norway, Department of economic
