Changes to tables in Statbank


Updated: 13 December 2024

Information concerning tables that have been structurally changed, replaced by new tables or discontinued.
These changes may affect saved searches and API queries in the tables. 


Date of changeStatisticsChange

Research personnel

In table 13896, Admission 2020-2022 has been changed to Admission 2020-2023.

Adult skills

Tables 10199, 10201, 10202 and 10203 are terminated and replaced with new tables 14465, 14466, 14467, 14468, 14469 and 14470.

International accounts

In table 12974, the country list now only contains those countries that have figures. The table has also been expanded with the content variable Financial derivatives. In table 10644, the list of function/instrument/sector has been expanded with the value Financial derivatives.
25.11.2024Producer price indices for servicesThe tables 09517, 09519, 09520, 09521, 09522, 09524, 09525, 07159, 09936, 09526, 07247, 08408, 08922, 09529, 09528, 08769 and 06931 are discontinued and replaced with new table 14335.
22.11.2024-17.03.2025KOSTRAThe Kostra tables will gradually be expanded with new municipality and county codes that apply from 2024. Unfortunately, this means that the tables will receive a new ident for the value set and grouping under the region variable. Stored queries and API queries that refer to the old ident must therefore be created again.

Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs

Tables 07662, 12510, 12392 and 12389 are replaced by new tables 14446, 14447, 14448 and 14449.

Employment, register-based

In tables 13887 and 09315, the age group 67-74 years is split into two new groups 67-69 years and 70-74 years.

Marks and national tests, lower secondary school

Tables 10793 and 10794 are discontinued and replaced by new tables 13718 and 13719.

Small game and roe deer hunting

Tables 03886 and 07514 are discontinued and followed by new table 14380, due to changed classification of small game.

Penal sanctions

In table 13581 code is changed from 30-35 to 30-59 in variables Sentencing - community sentence and Sentencing - subsidiary imprisonment.

Employment, register-based

In table 13877, the age group 20-66 years has been removed. Instead, new age groups have been added: 15-24, 25-54, 55-66 and 67-74 years.

Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs

In tables 05307 and 07692 the age group 65-74 has been replaced by 65-79.

Foreign direct investment

In tables 11321, 11323 and 11325, the industry codes 06, 09, 10, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 46, 50, 58, 61, 64, 71, 77 and 82 have been removed. Figures for these sub-aggregates are not published and have therefore been removed from the code list to avoid misunderstandings.

Wholesale and retail trade sales statistics

Tables 13023 and 13022 have been removed, since county figures are available in tables 07315 and 07314.
17.09.2024EarningsTable 12407 is discontinued and followed by new table 14378.

Public APIs

In accordance with the Regulations on IT standards in public administration §11, HTTP requests are now redirected to HTTPS for

API users should not need to take any action unless HTTP is deliberately used due to compatibility issues.

Make sure you have upgraded the software used when receiving data.


Industry statistics for Svalbard

Table 07381 is discontinued and followed by new table 14369. 

Specialist health service

In tables 03746 and 07433, some healthcare enterprises have changed codes.
11.07.2024Construction in the coastal zoneIn the tables 08917, 06505, 10547, 10921 13688  and 13689 the figures are recounted according to new division of counties and municipalities in 2024. Old county and municipality codes are removed from the tables.

Waste from service industries

Table 07355 is discontinued and followed by new table 14342. 


Tables 08539 and 08546 are discontinued.

Number of employments and earnings

The tables 11654, 12314, 11655, 11658, 11652, 12315, 13871 and 11656 are extended with contents “Number of full-time equivalents (person-months)”, “Median basic monthly earnings (NOK)” and “Median monthly earnings (NOK)”.


Joint parish councils, accounts

Table 12455 is discontinued and followed by new table 14294. 

Child welfare

Tables 12615 and 13531 are extended with new tables 14354 og 14350. 

Academic and special libraries

Tables 10869, 10870, 10871, 10872 and 10873 are replaced by new tables 14327, 14329, 14330 and 14331.

National population projections

Tables 13599, 13601, 13602, 13603, 13604 and 13606 are replaced by new tables 14282, 14283, 14284, 14285, 14286 and 14287.


Regional population projections

Tables 13600, 13605, 13609, 13610, 13611 and 13612 are replaced by new tables 14288, 14289, 14290, 15292, 14292 and 14293.


Sickness absence

Table 13934 is discontinued and followed by new table 14341. 


Tables 10431, 08307 and 08308 are extended with figures for solar power. 

Investments in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply

In table 08147 base year for the index is changed from 2005=100 to 2021=100.

Producer price indices for services

In tables 09517, 09519, 09520, 09521, 09522, 09524, 09525, 07159, 09936, 09526, 07247, 09910, 08408, 08922, 09529, 09528, 08769 and 06931 base year for the index is changed from 2010=100 to 2021=100.
23.05.2024Sickness absenceCode 0000 All municipalities is removed. Figures for the whole country are available in table 12446 and others.

Completion rates of students in higher education

Tables 09213 and 09214 are discontinued.

Norwegian media barometer

Table 05242 is discontinued and followed by new table 14319. Table 05243 is discontinued.

Retail sales, investment statistics

In table 07266 base year for the index is changed from 2005=100 to 2021=100.

Poverty-related problems, survey on living conditions

The indicator "High housing cost burden" is removed from tables 12123, 13642, 13643, 12125, 12126, 13644, 13645 and 12128. The indicator "Tenant" is removed from tables 12119, 13634, 13635, 12076, 12078, 13636, 13637 and 12079. Both of these indicators are published in the tables under Housing conditions, survey on living conditions.

Basis for employers’ National Insurance contributions

Table 08892 is extended with contents “Employer's additional National insurance contributions” and «Enterprises experiencing financial difficulties». 

Child welfare

Table 12305 is extended with content “Man-years that meet the competence requirement ”.

Municipal health care service

Table 11994 is discontinued and followed by new table 14277.

Table 12005 is extended with content “Number of physicians agreements in total, including lists without a physician”.


Care services

Tables 12228 and 12229 are discontinued and followed by new tables 14275 and 14276.


Tables 12892, 12893, 12896, 08403, 12897, 08405, 13152, 13153, 13154, 13155, 13156, 13157, 13474 and 13475 are replaced by new tables 14162, 14163, 14164, 14165, 14166, 14167, 14168, 14169, 14170, 14171, 14172, 14173, 14174, 14175, 14176, 14177, 14178 and 14179.

Table 12895 is discontinued.


Turnover index for service activities

In table 13863 base year for the index is changed from 2015=100 to 2021=100.

Municipal management of planning and building applications

Table 13434 is replaced by new table 14304.

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supply

In tables 07096 and 08534 base year for the index is changed from 2005=100 to 2021=100.

Index of industrial production

In tables 07095 and 08297 base year for the index is changed from 2005=100 to 2021=100.

Health care personnel

Table 07935 is extended with subtable for nursing specialities.

Norwegian cultural barometer

Cultural activity "Book" (code 13) is removed from tables 13503, 13504 and 13505. Instead, we are launching a new table 14274 with figures for book reading.

Index of wholesale and retail sales

In tables 07129 and 09296 base year for the index is changed from 2015=100 to 2021=100.
28.02.2024ElectricityTable 12824 is discontinued and followed by new tables 14091, 14092 and14093.

Post-secondary vocational education

Tables 09400, 11623, 10862, 10866 and 11635 are replaced by new tables 14259, 14260, 14261, 14264 and 14265.


Production index for construction

In table 13430 base year for the index is changed from 2015=100 to 2021=100.

Population etc.

Tables with regional figures are extended with new code for some counties, municipalities and basic statistical units from year 2024. The selections "Municipalities 2018-2019" and "Counties 1972-2019" are replaced with selections for 2020-2023. Economic regions are changed according to the new division for 2024. The other regional groupings are adjusted so that new municipality codes are added up to the groups they belong to.

Cross border trade

Tables 05678 and 13147 are discontinued and followed by new tables 14223 and 14224.
09.02.2024Producer price indexIn tables 12462 and 12463 base year for the index is changed from 2015=100 to 2021=100.
15.02.2024Consumer price indexHarmonized index of consumer prices tables 03700, 03702, 10493 and 10494 are moved to Consumer price index.
09.02.2024Price index of first-hand domestic salesIn tables 03675 and 03768 base year for the index is changed from 2015=100 to 2021=100.

Area of land and fresh water

Table 06198 will, from the year 2024 have new basic unit numbers in the counties 31 Østfold, 32 Akershus, 33 Buskerud, 39 Vestfold, 40 Telemark, 55 Troms and 56 Finnmark. The same applies in the municipalities 1508 Ålesund and 1580 Haram.
24.01.2024Environmental protection expenditureIn table 13062, the list of detailed industries gets some small code changes.

Municipal and county council election, electoral survey

Table 11240 is discontinued.

Activity in centre zones

Area of land and fresh water

Attachment to employment, education and welfare benefits



Building statistics

Building stock

Care services

Commercial roundwood removals




Employment, register-based


Entrepreneurs in business enterprise sector


Families and households

Forest properties

Health care personnel

Holiday house areas

Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents


Land use and land cover

Land use in urban settlements

Local administration of agricultural areas

Local referendums

Marriages and divorces


Moose hunting

Municipal and county council election, candidates and representatives


Non-harvest mortality of cervids

Number of employments and earnings

Persons entitled to vote


Population and land area in urban settlements

Pupils in primary and lower secondary school

Red deer hunting

Referendum on Norwegian membership in the EU (discontinued)

Registered vehicles

Road traffic accidents involving personal injury

Sea catches of salmon and sea trout


Small game and roe deer hunting

Tax for personal tax payers

The list over counties and municipalities - aggregated time series 2020 is changed to 2024 division. This means that codes starting with F-30, F-38, F-54, K-30, K-38 and K-54 will be removed and replaced with new codes. Code K-1507 is also removed. See article Alle endringer i de regionale inndelingene – SSB.

These tables are affected:

01182, 01183, 01184, 01185, 01186, 01187, 01188, 01222, 01223, 01961, 03027, 03158, 03173, 03174, 03175, 03432, 03434, 03501, 03795, 03895, 04231, 04768, 04812, 04813, 04861, 05212, 05426, 05887, 05889, 05939, 05940, 06070, 06081, 06083, 06093, 06104, 06194, 06265, 06266, 06513, 06514, 06515, 06516, 06517, 06518, 06681, 06707, 06830, 06844, 06913, 06952, 07091, 07108, 07109, 07110, 07165, 07196, 07359, 07360, 07366, 07459, 07513, 07514, 07565, 07832, 07849, 07903, 07940, 07944, 07984, 08076, 08123, 08229, 08409, 08425, 08455, 08456, 08457, 08536, 08704, 08705, 08774, 09169, 09220, 09243, 09280, 09281, 09339, 09344, 09345, 09546, 09594, 09659, 09660, 10135, 10137, 10138, 10148, 10149, 10209, 10308, 10309, 10314, 10328, 10781, 10783, 10784, 10785, 10786, 10790, 11200, 11358, 11359, 11615, 11618, 11619, 11642, 11643, 11644, 11653, 11657, 11823, 12044, 12306, 12508, 12511, 12512, 12539, 12540, 12906, 12983, 13148, 13256, 13370, 13448, 13470, 13472, 13563, 13632, 13701, 13898, 13899, 13900, 13901, 14012, 14018, 14150 and 14151.


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