Labour force survey

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09858: Population aged 15-29, not in employment, education or training, by year, contents, sex and age


Arbeidsmarked, Statistics Norway
+47 62 88 50 00
Erik Herstad Horgen, Statistics Norway
+47 930 86 862
Håvard Hungnes Lien, Statistics Norway
+47 40 90 26 06
2024-02-08 08:00
Population (per cent):
per cent
Population (per cent):
Continuous survey
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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09858: Population aged 15-29, not in employment, education or training, by year, contents, sex and age

 Population (per cent)
Both sexesMalesFemales
15-19 years20-24 years15-19 years20-24 years15-19 years20-24 years

Saved query 10032708
Fixed start time point and all newer time periods
A major restructuring of the LFS was carried out from January 2021, see About the statistics for more information. Consequently, the number of persons aged 15-74 was reduced by 26 700 in the new LFS. The restructuring also led to a break in the number of employed persons calculated to 21 900 and a break in the number of unemployed persons calculated to 5 400 (both estimates, the last one not significant). The number of perosn outside the labour force was redused by 54 000. The use of proxy interviewing ceased in 2021. This change seem to have given a break in some variables among young people. The time series break in 2021 also includes a technical definition change of 'persons neither in employment, education nor training'. Up until 2020 persons who stated that their main activity was being a student or pupil were excluded from NEET, whereas from 2021 this element is only checked by the variable for participation in education or training in the last four weeks before the interview.
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