Employment, register-based

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13877: Employed persons per 4th quarter, by contents, type of appointment, sex, year, industry (SIC2007) and age


Pål Nordby, Statistics Norway
+47 409 02 378
Arbeidsmarked, Statistics Norway
+47 62 88 50 00
Malin Pettersen, Statistics Norway
+47 409 02 563
2024-02-23 08:00
Employed persons by place of work:
Employed persons by place of work:
4th quarter
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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13877: Employed persons per 4th quarter, by contents, type of appointment, sex, year, industry (SIC2007) and age

55-56 Accommodation and food service activities
15-74 years20-66 years
Employed persons by place of work  
Both sexes102 60182 747
Males45 31037 996
Females57 29144 751
Permanent position  
Both sexes82 75168 987
Males37 13132 154
Females45 62036 833
Temporary position  
Both sexes17 99912 262
Males7 1925 065
Females10 8077 197
Both sexes1 8511 498

Saved query 10078014
1 most recent time periods

type of appointment

As of 2021, it became mandatory for employers to provide information about type of appointment, either permanent or temporary, for ordinary and maritime employments to a-ordningen. Employed persons without said employment types are registered with unspecified working time arrangement in the statistics. This is because it is voluntary for employers to provide information on type of appointment for the employment type 'Freelancers, contractors and fee recipients' (skatteetaten.no). In addition, some employees are defined from data sources other than a-ordningen. Furthermore, Statistics Norway does not have information regarding type of appointment for self-employed persons.
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