Economic trends

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12880: Main economic indicators. Accounts and forecasts 1991 - 2027

Thomas Von Brasch, Statistics Norway
+47 40 90 24 88
Dag Kolsrud, Statistics Norway
+47 40 90 24 78
2024-12-13 08:00
Consumption in households etc:
per cent
General government consumption:
per cent
Gross fixed investment:
per cent
Extraction and transport via pipelines:
per cent
Gross fixed investment mainland Norway:
per cent
per cent
per cent
General government:
per cent
Demand from Mainland Norway:
per cent
per cent
Exports of traditional goods:
per cent
Exports of crude oil and natural gas:
per cent
per cent
Imports of traditional goods:
per cent
Gross domestic product:
per cent
GDP Mainland Norway:
per cent
GDP Manufacturing:
per cent
GDP in current prices (NOK billion):
NOK billion
Total hours worked, Mainland Norway:
per cent
Employed persons:
per cent
Labor force:
per cent
Participation rate (level):
per cent
Unemployment rate (level):
per cent
Wages per standard man-year:
per cent
Consumer price index (CPI):
per cent
per cent
Export prices, traditional goods:
per cent
Import prices, traditional goods:
per cent
Housing prices:
per cent
Household real income:
per cent
Household saving ratio (level):
per cent
Money market rate (level):
per cent
Lending rate, credit loans (level):
per cent
Real after-tax lending rate, banks (level):
per cent
Import-weighted NOK exchange rate (44 countries):
per cent
NOK per euro (level):
Current balance (NOK billion):
NOK billion
Current account (per cent of GDP):
per cent
Exports markets indicator:
per cent
Consumer price index, euro-area:
per cent
Money market rate, euro (level):
per cent
Crude oil price US dollar (level):
US dollar
Crude oil price NOK (level):
Consumption in households etc:
Average for the year
General government consumption:
Average for the year
Gross fixed investment:
Average for the year
Extraction and transport via pipelines:
Average for the year
Gross fixed investment mainland Norway:
Average for the year
Average for the year
Average for the year
General government:
Average for the year
Demand from Mainland Norway:
Average for the year
Average for the year
Exports of traditional goods:
Average for the year
Exports of crude oil and natural gas:
Average for the year
Average for the year
Imports of traditional goods:
Average for the year
Gross domestic product:
Average for the year
GDP Mainland Norway:
Average for the year
GDP Manufacturing:
Average for the year
GDP in current prices (NOK billion):
Average for the year
Total hours worked, Mainland Norway:
Average for the year
Employed persons:
Average for the year
Labor force:
Average for the year
Participation rate (level):
Average for the year
Unemployment rate (level):
Average for the year
Wages per standard man-year:
Average for the year
Consumer price index (CPI):
Average for the year
Average for the year
Export prices, traditional goods:
Average for the year
Import prices, traditional goods:
Average for the year
Housing prices:
Average for the year
Household real income:
Average for the year
Household saving ratio (level):
Average for the year
Money market rate (level):
Average for the year
Lending rate, credit loans (level):
Average for the year
Real after-tax lending rate, banks (level):
Average for the year
Import-weighted NOK exchange rate (44 countries):
Average for the year
NOK per euro (level):
Average for the year
Current balance (NOK billion):
Average for the year
Current account (per cent of GDP):
Average for the year
Exports markets indicator:
Average for the year
Consumer price index, euro-area:
Average for the year
Money market rate, euro (level):
Average for the year
Crude oil price US dollar (level):
Average for the year
Crude oil price NOK (level):
Average for the year
GDP in current prices (NOK billion):
Current Prices
Statistics Norway
External PROD
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Navigating with keyboard and screenreader. Select multiple object in row: SHIFT+arrow down/up. To select a single value in the listbox: Windows:Hold Ctrl + arrow down. Then release Ctrl and press space. Repeat. Mac:CMD+arrow down/up. Then release CMD and press spacebar. Repeat. (Works only in Chrome, not in Safari). To exit listbox with values selected, press TAB-key.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Consumption in households etc , General government consumption , Gross fixed investment ,

Selected 1 of total 43

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1991 , 1992 , 1993 ,

Selected 1 of total 37

Number of selected data cells are:1
(maximum number allowed is 300 000)
Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300 000


Forecasts for current and future years.
Percentage change from previous year unless otherwise noted. Some time series may have been revised after the publication of the Economic Survey.


Demand from Mainland Norway

Consumption in households and non-profit organizations + general government consumption + gross fixed capital formation in mainland Norway.

Labor force

Labour force survey: Break adjusted figures.

Participation rate (level)

Labour force survey: Break adjusted figures.

Unemployment rate (level)

Labour force survey: Break adjusted figures.


CPI adjusted for tax changes and excluding energy products.

Lending rate, credit loans (level)

Yearly average. Credit lines, secured on dwellings.

Import-weighted NOK exchange rate (44 countries)

Increasing index implies depreciation.

Current balance (NOK billion)

Current account not adjusted for saving in pension funds.