More border transport – less by Norwegian lorries
Transport and tourism
godstrans, Carriage of goods by lorry, import, export, type of merchanise, mode of transport, nationality of lorry, country of origin, country of destination, country of departureLand transport , Transport and tourism
The statistics show the lorry traffic for Norwegian and foreign lorries across the Norwegian border. They also show how many tonnes of goods they are transporting.

Carriage of goods by lorryQ4 2015



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More border transport – less by Norwegian lorries

In 2015, lorries transported 13.2 million tonnes of goods across the border. Norwegian-registered lorries shipped just 34 per cent of this, with 4.5 million tonnes.

Import and export by lorry on road, by nationality of the lorry1
Tonnage carried (tonnes)Import ratePer cent
4th quarter 2014 - 4th quarter 20154th quarter 2010 - 4th quarter 2015
1A large part of the timber exports that were incorrectly registered as lorry transport over a long period were moved to rail transport. New figures are updated dating back to the 1st quarter of 2013. There will therefore be a break in the statistics with previous periods.
4th quarter 2015
All nationalities3 261 61659.4-0.67.4
Norway1 094 83838.7-1.9-15.1
Sweden920 64573.1-5.26.1
Denmark193 73479.1-2.315.2
Finland108 58170.0-12.1-22.9
Poland261 44055.54.4116.0
Germany121 33672.610.134.9
Netherlands52 70872.5-4.422.9
The Baltic States287 40764.510.586.1
Russian Federation13 55987.6-1.6-65.3
Others207 36869.412.868.2

Although export and import tonnage carried by lorries increased by 1 per cent from 2014 to 2015, the Norwegian-registered lorries' share of transport decreased by 1.8 percentage points over the same period, to 34 per cent. The Norwegian lorries' share of border transport has been decreasing gradually.

Baltic and Polish lorries carrying more across the border

In 2015, Baltic and Polish-registered lorries transported 16 per cent of goods to and from Norway; a 1 percentage point increase from 2014. By comparison, these lorries transported 8 per cent of goods in 2010. Swedish-registered lorries are still the second largest for shipments to and from Norway, with a market share of 28 per cent in 2015. The Swedish lorries’ market share was also 28 per cent in 2010, and has changed little in recent years.

Food dominates loads of Norwegian lorries driving out of the country

Thirty-three per cent of the goods exported by Norwegian lorries in 2015 consisted of the trade commodity group “Other food products, animal feeding stuffs, beverages, tobacco”. This also includes fish. The commodity group “Wood, cork” constituted 22 per cent. “Chemicals” dominated imports, with 16 per cent of the total imported tonnage of goods carried by Norwegian lorries. “Fruit and vegetables, fresh” accounted for 11 per cent.

Decrease in the 4th quarter

In the 4th quarter of 2015, 3.3 million tonnes were transported across the border. This is 0.5 per cent less than in the same quarter in 2014. Of this, 1.1 million tonnes were transported by Norwegian-registered lorries, which corresponds to 34 per cent. This is a slight decrease of 0.4 percentage points compared to the same quarter in 2014.

Changes in transport distributionOpen and readClose

A large part of the timber exports that were incorrectly registered as lorry transport over a long period were moved to rail transport as from the 3rd quarter of 2014. New figures are updated dating back to the 1st quarter of 2013. There will therefore be a break in the statistics between the 4th quarter of 2012 and the 1st quarter of 2013. This is primarily important for comparability with the total number and market share of exports.