Work on the main revision

Work on the main revision and a project to modernize IT systems means that new figures for 2022 will be published after the main revision, tentatively Nov.-Dec. in 2025.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Tourism satellite accounts

The Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) measure the impact of tourism for the Norwegian economy from different angles. The TSA show how much is produced in typical tourism industries and of products that tourists spend a lot on. The TSA also show how much Norwegian and foreign tourists spend in Norway.

Updated: 20 March 2024
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Tourism satellite accounts
    Tourism satellite accounts
    Total tourism consumption in Norway. NOK million194 330129 750147 821
    Non-residents' share of total tourism consumption in Norway. Per cent30.614.712.6
    Annual volume change in total tourism consumption. Per cent0.8-34.510.6
    Resident households' tourism consumption in Norway as share of households' final consumption expenditure. Per cent7.26.87.4
    Value added in the tourism industries as share of GDP Mainland Norway. Per cent4.23.03.0
    Annual volume change in value added in the tourism industries.Per cent-0.2-43.911.1
    Employment in the tourism industries' share of total employment in Mainland Norway. Man year, full time equivalents, employees and self-employed. Per cent7.46.86.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • Total tourism consumption in Norway, by product (NOK million)
    Total tourism consumption in Norway, by product (NOK million)1
    01 Total tourism consumption of tourism products120 195126 29064 56270 260
    01.01 Accommodation services18 85020 29513 22316 477
    01.02 Food and beverage serving services24 58725 86720 72523 718
    01.03 Rail transport services3 6093 6751 0631 084
    01.04 Road transport services5 2805 2782 4952 621
    01.05 Water transport services10 41411 1573 7003 747
    01.06 Air transport services31 41934 13812 82914 274
    01.07 Transport equipment rental services727755448490
    01.08 Travel agency and tour operator reservation services20 20119 7806 9224 753
    01.09 Cultural services2 1592 319706662
    01.10 Sports and recreational services2 9493 0262 4512 434
    02 Total tourism consumption of other products66 09368 04065 18877 561
    0 Total consumption expenditures by tourists186 288194 330129 750147 821
    1Includes tourism consumption in Norway by resident households, resident industries and non-residents.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Tourism consumption in Norway by non-residents, by product (NOK million)
    Tourism consumption in Norway by non-residents, by product (NOK million)
    01 Total tourism consumption of tourism products31 03933 53510 3398 915
    01.01 Accommodation services8 5819 3343 0392 939
    01.02 Food and beverage serving services8 8399 5023 4483 247
    01.03 Rail transport services829838182108
    01.04 Road transport services749762224170
    01.05 Water transport services3 1523 415908497
    01.06 Air transport services6 4847 0341 7001 592
    01.07 Transport equipment rental services320355135132
    01.08 Travel agency and tour operator reservation services41047713060
    01.09 Cultural services7107578044
    01.10 Sports and recreational services9651 061493125
    02 Total tourism consumption of other products24 25125 8908 7079 784
    0 Total consumption expenditures by tourists55 29059 42519 04618 699
    Explanation of symbols
  • Tourism consumption in Norway by resident households, by product (NOK million)
    Tourism consumption in Norway by resident households, by product (NOK million)
    01 Total tourism consumption of tourism products63 42365 42039 55546 212
    01.01 Accommodation services6 0426 4787 85410 887
    01.02 Food and beverage serving services9 84910 08513 61216 611
    01.03 Rail transport services1 9061 942601660
    01.04 Road transport services3 4103 3721 5791 683
    01.05 Water transport services5 5475 9332 2402 665
    01.06 Air transport services14 65616 0705 0886 809
    01.07 Transport equipment rental services248228200238
    01.08 Travel agency and tour operator reservation services18 33117 7855 7973 732
    01.09 Cultural services1 4491 562626618
    01.10 Sports and recreational services1 9851 9651 9582 309
    02 Total tourism consumption of other products41 84242 15056 48167 777
    0 Total consumption expenditures by tourists105 265107 57096 036113 989
    Final consumption expenditure of households1 447 6201 493 5541 418 8341 534 999
    Tourism consumption' share of final consumption exp. of households. Per cent7.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Tourism consumption in Norway by resident industries, by product (NOK million)
    Tourism consumption in Norway by resident industries, by product (NOK million)
    01 Total tourism consumption of tourism products25 73327 33514 66815 133
    01.01 Accommodation services4 2274 4832 3302 651
    01.02 Food and beverage serving services5 8996 2803 6653 860
    01.03 Rail transport services874895280316
    01.04 Road transport services1 1201 144692767
    01.05 Water transport services1 7151 809552585
    01.06 Air transport services10 27911 0346 0415 873
    01.07 Transport equipment rental services159172113120
    01.08 Travel agency and tour operator reservation services1 4601 518995961
    01.09 Cultural services0000
    01.10 Sports and recreational services0000
    02 Total tourism consumption of other products0000
    0 Total consumption expenditures by tourists25 73327 33514 66815 133
    Explanation of symbols
  • Total tourism consumption in Norway, by product. Annual volume change, per cent
    Total tourism consumption in Norway, by product. Annual volume change, per cent1
    01 Total tourism consumption of tourism products0.6-50.25.8
    01.01 Accommodation services8.3-31.718.1
    01.02 Food and beverage serving services2.1-22.311.2
    01.03 Rail transport services-4.8-72.3-0.3
    01.04 Road transport services-2.9-56.05.4
    01.05 Water transport services4.7-69.60.5
    01.06 Air transport services-0.5-64.98.3
    01.07 Transport equipment rental services-1.0-43.16.8
    01.08 Travel agency and tour operator reservation services-6.7-65.8-30.6
    01.09 Cultural services1.6-72.1-8.7
    01.10 Sports and recreational services-1.6-20.0-1.6
    02 Total tourism consumption of other products1.2-5.415.5
    0 Total consumption expenditures by tourists0.8-34.510.6
    1Includes tourism consumption in Norway by resident households, resident industries and non-residents.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Tourism consumption in Norway by non-residents, by product. Annual volume change, per cent
    Tourism consumption in Norway by non-residents, by product. Annual volume change, per cent
    01 Total tourism consumption of tourism products4.9-69.9-17.7
    01.01 Accommodation services9.4-64.8-8.3
    01.02 Food and beverage serving services4.3-64.8-8.6
    01.03 Rail transport services-5.5-79.1-41.9
    01.04 Road transport services-1.2-73.1-23.8
    01.05 Water transport services6.2-75.9-48.8
    01.06 Air transport services1.0-79.4-13.1
    01.07 Transport equipment rental services5.7-64.6-4.3
    01.08 Travel agency and tour operator reservation services12.7-72.1-55.9
    01.09 Cultural services0.5-90.3-46.3
    01.10 Sports and recreational services5.4-54.1-74.9
    02 Total tourism consumption of other products4.9-66.89.1
    0 Total consumption expenditures by tourists4.9-68.5-5.5
    Explanation of symbols
  • Tourism consumption in Norway by resident households, by product. Annual volume change, per cent
    Tourism consumption in Norway by resident households, by product. Annual volume change, per cent
    01 Total tourism consumption of tourism products-2.0-40.514.2
    01.01 Accommodation services7.930.931.4
    01.02 Food and beverage serving services-0.730.918.5
    01.03 Rail transport services-4.7-70.07.3
    01.04 Road transport services-3.7-56.17.3
    01.05 Water transport services4.0-65.120.3
    01.06 Air transport services-1.1-70.735.0
    01.07 Transport equipment rental services-12.3-18.016.1
    01.08 Travel agency and tour operator reservation services-7.6-68.0-36.4
    01.09 Cultural services2.1-63.4-3.7
    01.10 Sports and recreational services-5.1-1.616.9
    02 Total tourism consumption of other products-1.032.416.5
    0 Total consumption expenditures by tourists-1.6-12.015.5
    Explanation of symbols
  • Tourism consumption in Norway by resident industries, by product. Annual volume change, per cent
    Tourism consumption in Norway by resident industries, by product. Annual volume change, per cent
    01 Total tourism consumption of tourism products1.7-49.0-0.3
    01.01 Accommodation services6.7-53.27.9
    01.02 Food and beverage serving services3.5-43.42.5
    01.03 Rail transport services-4.2-70.910.5
    01.04 Road transport services-1.3-44.410.2
    01.05 Water transport services4.0-72.41.2
    01.06 Air transport services-0.7-47.2-8.3
    01.07 Transport equipment rental services3.0-32.04.3
    01.08 Travel agency and tour operator reservation services-1.1-38.26.2
    01.09 Cultural services...
    01.10 Sports and recreational services...
    02 Total tourism consumption of other products...
    0 Total consumption expenditures by tourists1.7-49.0-0.3
    Explanation of symbols
  • Output in tourism industries at basic prices (NOK million)
    Output in tourism industries at basic prices (NOK million)
    Accommodation services32 03334 20421 45027 762
    Food and beverage service activities62 90466 91053 18159 469
    Rail transport7 7328 2436 2466 575
    Road transport30 81432 59628 00929 493
    Water transport22 86023 02715 83715 911
    Air transport44 54947 27222 84120 663
    Rental and leasing activities45 11048 50648 74147 936
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation services20 68020 2087 0824 979
    Cultural activities26 83528 64222 41723 019
    Sport and other recreation activities14 29315 40112 16913 352
    TOURISM INDUSTRIES IN TOTAL307 810325 009237 973249 159
    Mainland Norway5 098 7595 362 8665 312 6505 811 190
    Tourism industries' share of total output, Mainland Norway. Per cent6.
    Total industry5 897 8126 050 8425 845 4676 983 852
    Tourism industries' share of total output. Per cent5.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Output in tourism industries at basic prices. Annual volume change, per cent
    Output in tourism industries at basic prices. Annual volume change, per cent
    Accommodation services5.7-36.823.7
    Food and beverage service activities3.0-22.98.5
    Rail transport2.2-28.22.9
    Road transport3.1-33.68.7
    Water transport0.5-34.0-2.3
    Air transport-2.7-58.1-14.8
    Rental and leasing activities3.1-2.8-5.7
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation services-7.0-65.9-29.2
    Cultural activities3.4-33.40.1
    Sport and other recreation activities2.5-23.38.0
    Mainland Norway2.7-2.74.1
    Explanation of symbols
  • Value added in tourism industries at basic prices (NOK million)
    Value added in tourism industries at basic prices (NOK million)
    Accommodation services13 30914 2466 08010 120
    Food and beverage service activities31 48733 66224 64628 382
    Rail transport1 6131 537-110-1 869
    Road transport18 90819 68716 43516 846
    Water transport6 5376 036801172
    Air transport3 6844 892-1 4031 465
    Rental and leasing activities21 20421 64624 33622 552
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation services3 4773 4471 3421 300
    Cultural activities13 64014 68812 83213 888
    Sport and other recreation activities7 1018 2575 9146 450
    TOURISM INDUSTRIES IN TOTAL120 960128 09890 87399 306
    Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, market values2 930 5923 067 0583 067 3393 315 319
    Tourism industries' share of GDP Mainland Norway. Per cent4.
    Gross domestic product, market values3 576 5813 596 9373 461 5754 323 931
    Tourism industries' share of GDP. Per cent3.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Value added in tourism industries at basic prices. Annual volume change, per cent
    Value added in tourism industries at basic prices. Annual volume change, per cent
    Accommodation services8.4-56.359.5
    Food and beverage service activities3.0-30.710.3
    Rail transport-7.7-132.7-1 337.7
    Road transport1.9-51.215.5
    Water transport-5.4-91.537.6
    Air transport-68.3-219.0273.4
    Rental and leasing activities-3.27.4-12.2
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation services-5.8-61.810.2
    Cultural activities4.6-35.67.2
    Sport and other recreation activities8.2-32.611.0
    Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, market values2.3-2.84.5
    Explanation of symbols
  • Gross fixed capital formation in tourism industries (NOK million)
    Gross fixed capital formation in tourism industries (NOK million)
    Accommodation services1 9872 1731 4391 876
    Food and beverage service activities1 4391 4091 6901 677
    Rail transport1 678752923883
    Road transport1 5462 1953 4702 870
    Water transport3 74210 5137 2828 870
    Air transport1 0752 3677631 019
    Rental and leasing activities9 70810 5617 52411 240
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation services271465257294
    Cultural activities1 6401 8891 5381 373
    Sport and other recreation activities1 6944 0291 9681 755
    TOURISM INDUSTRIES IN TOTAL24 78036 35326 85431 857
    Mainland Norway688 909753 900753 064799 782
    Tourism industries' share of gross fixed capital formation, Mainland Norway. Per cent3.
    Total industry850 304957 750949 737992 163
    Gross fixed capital formation in tourism industries. NOK million2.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Gross fixed capital formation in tourism industries. Annual volume change, per cent
    Gross fixed capital formation in tourism industries. Annual volume change, per cent
    Accommodation services6.8-36.228.5
    Food and beverage service activities-4.614.7-1.1
    Rail transport-56.919.3-8.3
    Road transport42.253.4-16.9
    Water transport163.9-35.513.7
    Air transport111.9-68.80.1
    Rental and leasing activities5.3-28.741.6
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation services66.1-46.413.1
    Cultural activities7.5-21.3-13.4
    Sport and other recreation activities135.2-52.9-13.1
    Mainland Norway6.3-3.11.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • Employment in tourism industries. Man-year, Full-time equivalents (1 000), employees and self-employed
    Employment in tourism industries. Man-year, Full-time equivalents (1 000), employees and self-employed
    Accommodation services24.524.920.319.8
    Food and beverage service activities56.557.251.849.4
    Rail transport3.
    Road transport29.830.127.927.3
    Water transport11.311.510.910.4
    Air transport6.
    Rental and leasing activities7.
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation services5.
    Cultural activities23.425.023.825.4
    Sport and other recreation activities10.410.59.79.6
    TOURISM INDUSTRIES IN TOTAL178.9182.9165.6162.0
    Mainland Norway2 431.52 472.42 432.92 470.0
    Tourism industries' share of total employment in Mainland Norway. Per cent7.
    Total industry2 476.22 517.62 476.72 513.1
    Tourism industries' share of total employment. Per cent7.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Output of tourism characteristic products at basic prices (NOK million)
    Output of tourism characteristic products at basic prices (NOK million)
    Accommodation services17 79419 12412 36917 248
    Food and beverage serving services62 73266 99252 92059 721
    Rail transport5 6326 1054 1964 484
    Road transport27 21328 66523 97425 454
    Water transport14 09214 0796 6707 205
    Air transport29 86834 02213 14611 952
    Transport equipment rental services7 0247 4286 9047 643
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation activities20 49820 0637 0014 885
    Cultural services16 71917 66512 42613 214
    Sports and recreational services8 1058 6786 9887 874
    TOTAL OUTPUT OF TOURISM PRODUCTS209 677222 821146 594159 680
    Mainland Norway5 098 7595 362 8665 312 6505 811 190
    Characteristic products output's share of total output, Mainland Norway. Per cent4.
    Total industry5 897 8126 050 8425 845 4676 983 852
    Characteristic products output's share of total output. Per cent3.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Output of tourism characteristic products at basic prices. Annual volume change, per cent
    Output of tourism characteristic products at basic prices. Annual volume change, per cent
    Accommodation services8.1-33.032.2
    Food and beverage serving services3.6-23.49.6
    Rail transport1.3-35.94.4
    Road transport2.3-32.97.3
    Water transport-2.8-56.710.1
    Air transport4.0-66.0-12.1
    Transport equipment rental services0.8-4.18.8
    Travel agency and tour operator reservation activities-6.9-66.0-29.7
    Cultural services0.0-46.93.4
    Sports and recreational services3.0-21.810.4
    Mainland Norway2.7-2.74.1
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 20 December 2022.

All the concepts regarding tourism are defined in the International recommendations for tourism statistics (UN and UNWTO, 2010) and the 2008 Tourism Satellite Accounts: Recommended Methodological Framework" (OECD, Eurostat, UNWTO and UN, 2008). Some of the key definitions are as follows:

Visitors are people travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment, for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes. Overnight visitors are called tourists. Same-day visitors will usually be treated as short-time tourists. In relation to TSA, the term tourist is therefore used instead of the term visitor. Travellers other than tourists may be people travelling to or from work, to visit friends or relatives who live in the same area, to do shopping etc. Some categories of travellers like refugees, migrants and seasonal workers are excluded from the tourist concept.

Tourism consumption is defined as the total consumption expenditures made by a visitor, or on behalf of a visitor, before and during his/her trip and stay at a destination. Total tourism consumption in the Norwegian TSA includes all non-residents’ expenditures in Norway and residents’ expenditures on journeys in Norway. To some extent, residents travelling abroad may increase the tourism expenditures in Norway and therefore contribute to increased income for the Norwegian economy. This is the case when for instance residents on their way to a foreign country travel by air with an aircraft operated by a Norwegian company or buy a package tour to a foreign country through a resident tour operator.

Products that are typical or principal products of the activities defined as tourist-related are classified as products characteristic for tourism industries tourism products in short).

Characteristic tourism industries are identified on the basis of their dependence on and/or importance for tourism. The industries defined as tourism industries in the Norwegian tourism satellite account and their link to the Standard Industrial Classification (SN2007) is given below.

Industries classified as tourism industries in the TSA

* Standard Industrial Classification 2007.

IndustryCode in SN2007*
Accommodation services55
Food and beverage service activities56
Rail transport49.1+49.2
Road transport49.3
Water transport50.1, 50.202, 50.203, 50.3, 50.4
Air transport51
Rental and leasing activities77
Travel agency and tour operator reservation services79
Cultural activities90 + 91
Sport and other recreation activities93

Tourism products are defined as goods and services that are characteristic for the tourism industries and that are in particular relevant in a tourism context, like hotel services and passenger transport services. The list of characteristic tourism products in the Norwegian National Accounts follows below.

Product codeProduct specification
491000Passenger rail transport services
493200Taxi operation services
493900Scheduled passenger land transport services
493930Non-scheduled passenger land transport services
501010Sea and coastal passenger water transport services
503010Inland passenger water transport services
511010Passenger air transport services
551000Hotel and similar accommodation services
553000Camping ground and chalet services
561010Restaurant services
561020Mobile food serving services
563000Beverage serving services
771100Rental and leasing services of cars and light motor vehicles
772000Rental and leasing services of recreational and sports goods
791100Travel agency services
791200Tour operator services
799000Other reservation services and related services
900100, 900102, 900103, 900104, 900105Creative, arts and entertainment services
900200Support services to performing arts
910000, 910202, 910203, 910204, 910205Library, archive, museum and other cultural services
931100Sports facility operation services
931900Other sporting services
932100Amusement park and theme park services
932900Other recreational services n.e.c.

See Concepts and definitions for definitions and explanations of concepts and variables used in the national accounts.

The most important classifications regarding the TSA are pointed out in the TSA manual (OECD, Eurostat, UNWTO and UN, 2008). It also includes lists of characteristic tourism products and characteristic tourism industries.

The standards for the grouping of industries, products, consumption and gross fixed capital formation are the same as for the national accounts. See " About the statistics " for the annual national accounts.

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